Path of Exile: Heist Balance Manifesto

Play something different, learn different mechanics, and stop playing the FOTM.

Some people do not get where the problem is
GGG does not change meta by adding new possibilities.
GGG changes meta by destroying old.
"War's over, soldier. You just don't know it yet. Everybody lost."
Last edited by Nishrek on Sep 15, 2020, 5:36:26 AM
Shadowstorm wrote:
So, without Glancing Blows Keystone, I calculate with these new changes, a Necromancer can still achieve 32% spell block from passive skills, 17% spell block from Bone Offering(level 20 gem, non-enhanced with +gem level mods), 10% spell block from Rumi's Concoction flask, and 12% spell block from a shield mod.

So this update has officially lowered Necromancer's defensive capability from 75% spell block to 71% spell block.

The end times are upon us. Cower in fear, for all is lost.

Edit: Lol, I forgot about spell block from cluster jewels. Necromancer is still 75% spell block capable. Nothing to see here.

The entire point was to make you invest more skillpoints to achieve the same result which they have done, you can still achieve 75% easily but you invest more points to do it (so less damage/hp) elsewhere
I started with Harvest.
I played a lot of it thanks to COVID forcing me at home and despite that not only I failed at getting any endgame content, I never figure how to craft stuff despite Harvest being the so-called Best Crafting League and my gears end up being shit. I see build claiming 1.000.000 DPS when I never went past 10.000. Farming 100 EX a day while I saw a single Ex after two months and I totaled a big number of 2 EX. People surviving something capable to kill you from the other side of the map while I simply stopped getting experience once I reached 91 because I died more than I was earning experience.
It took me 3 months and I got nothing and hopefully, I will start working back full time when Heist start. Are casual players even supposed to play League? Because I can't see right now how someone could finish this game in 3 months if it gets harder, especially since I could play it for a whole year and still I couldn't figure out if adding more INT or STR is even useful to my build or why I should even wear a shield since armor seems useless or how 97% of Uniques are useless and they kept adding unique that useless.
And let's not talk about the fact the game force you to play most of the time to get the resources you need but you have to interact with a person to sell/buy instead of having a way to put your stuff in a selling place and then get what you want without being forced to leave a map mid-boss fight or lose a chance to get/sell what you need.
And for what? To show people how trendy your HQ is? I would do my stuff in Oriat's frankly.
Are casual players even supposed to play League?

Of course, but they are not supposed to have as much fun as the no-lifers.
Hilranger wrote:

Think of GGG as bad parents and you are kinda on the right track.

So POE is an abusive relationship?

Yes, PoE is a slot machine game, built along the same fundamentals of utilising psychological triggers to generate an addiction all in order to extract donations from players.

It is not built on a more classical value exchange proposition of the player receiving fun engagement in return for money.

It is barely half a step away from those mobile slot machine games.

This is the real true about PoE, well said !!!

Shame that fanboys are so blind that they can't realized what's going on here.

I think Tencent is ruining the game
as interesting and hyped as this makes me for patch notes, since, besides vdslinger necro, not much I love got nerfed, I am still very disappointed in the nature of the spellslinger mana changes when all these changes (probably targeting vdslinger necros) is taken as a whole. nerfs the "super popular meta build of Harvest" fine but yet again covers too many aspects at once to put it int the dirt which just hurts all the ignored popular or obscure quality yet balanced builds that we love like ED/C slinger. taking away another 15-30% of our reserved mana when it already feels like -20% reserved sucks I guess. yes, the slinging is a bit too good for leveling if you know what your doing but for some of us, it's all we're able to do to get somewhere at league start while we learn the game. VD necro slinging was probably the basis for the nerfs to spellslinger which is unfortunate. ED/C slinger will survive for the smart players I'm sure but it already had later game falloffs over self-cast. the cooldown makes perfect sense. I think the mana reservation changes should have been lessened a bit to at least scale back to its current 20% by max lv so that other fan-favorite builds aren't caught in the crossfire. YET ANOTHER 60 hours act 10 kitava here I come because nothing ever works for me LOL :P. ill go with it regardless. time to turn my 6L-is-already-a-5L slinger into a 6L-was-a-5L-but-now-is-4L-hopefully-maybe-but like not-cause-no-mana. I just think there should have been respecting to builds that aren't game-breaking metas when making changes, at least more so than usual with things this "popular".
Ryzara wrote:

I wonder how people playing SSF HC even exist? You randomly die most of the time out of nowhere in the game, and it's almost impossible getting anything good all by yourself.

Majority of HCSSF players are streamers that play the game for many years, to keep up with it you have to play at least 6-8 hours a day of you wont achive any thing.
Nerf all you want,all I want is to have those auto-sorted from inventory to stast tab system get implemented?

also can we at least get basic harvest target dont need to include the influence craft or other broken craft,just give us a targetable way to craft resistance and life

Roses are red,violet are blue,within next few days I will compromise T2 mods is acceptable and you all too.

Hemzokuken wrote:
Anybody else need some floaties for the sea of tears?

Play something different, learn different mechanics, and stop playing the FOTM.

The NEW Player :)
Say it after next 2-3 league XD
HoockBr wrote:
i an going to play necromancer, and i think these nerfs were really needed to balance.

it is still a really good ascendancy, and will be top played again.

elementalists on the other hand are really bad.


Ele-golems is one of the most powerful build in the game, and they didn't nerfed it, and you say is really bad, you made my laugh so hard.....thanks and keep up the sarcasm :D

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