[3.14] Memoria's HoT Autobomber Assassin [Video Guide] [FAST, Deathless Sirus A8, All content]

I'm just looking for a chill autobomber to farm 10k map challenge, I have a necro to kill bosses and stuff but it got boring from league start.
Without the usage of Calamitous Visions Small Cluster Jewel you can use other auras.
Question is: How about Vaal impurity of fire?
It's vaal skill negates lightning resist(for map boss)
purity of lightning gives +4 max light resist which is +9% with the South staff.
hello fellas.
great build.
currently on lvl 81.
I saw this on tripolarbear on youtube.
in the glorious vanity jewel radius there is a node grants lightning damage life leech. thats a great sustain I annointed on amulet.
also we can use unnatural instinct. cureently 8 ex but still I guess its worth it.
Just wondering if this build is able to do T16 100% delirious or will it be hard for this one?
on the HoT autobomber build when does Explody Chest + Algor Mortis become better than Inpulsa + Storm's Gift ?
Shankhook wrote:
Is the build workable without the timeless jewel? i know the lone messenger is big damage but it's optional.

I've been slowly gathering together what i can get or make SSF and have below, glorius vanity will not drop though! Is it enough?

In answer to my own question in case anyone is interested with similar gear, tried it, it does work, kind of. With no timeless jewel you can't really keep your ES up with leech, but cinderswallow will keep it up if you are killing.

It doesn't quite work as an autobomber on T14+ though, HoT damage with 1 ring, no ammy and no lone messanger is just not enough to reliably kill packs by itself. It mostly does but often have to drop stormbrand to instantly explode a pack.

I crafted half decent crusader ammy which helps,

actually single target is very good, AW8 conquerors, elder, shaper etc are no prob. Even tried AW8 Sirus but fell down there. Bottled Faith carries hard.

Gonna keep at it in hope of getting ring/jewel, reckon even in it's current state still faster mapper than my ED/Contagion dude which is no slouch (although basically unkillable)
For clearspeed inpulsa + storm's gift is superior to explo chest + algor mortis, for bosses and survivability, explo chest is better (more +life and more ES from 10% hp -> ES and more single target dps).
tyrkysova wrote:
Hi everyone, I feel obligated to make a post regarding the build's scaling and survivibility, since I struggled A LOT with getting randomly one-shotted and lacked endgame damage:

1) Required "budget" items to do ALL the content (A8 Sirus, Uber Elder) dps-wise

- 6L Agnerod South [3 ex]
- 6L Inpulsa [3.5 ex]
- Calamitous visions [16 ex] - yes, this is necessary for endgame bosses, doubles your herald damage
- Large Cluster jewel - Doryani's lesson + Storm drinker (+ overshock would be a huge bonus, but would cost 2 ex more) [2-4 ex] - https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Harvest/0YYkr08Ig
- 2x Medium cluster jewel with Self-fulfilling Prophecy and Empowered envoy [2x 0.8 ex] - https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Harvest/5EEzRBJsa
- I would HIGHLY recommend getting corrupted storm's gift with Conductivity or Elemental weakness curse on hit [2 ex] - huge QoL buff as you do not have to cast orb of storms and actually helps with clear damage
- Choir of Storms and 2x well rolled Storm Secret (prioritize herald of thunder frequency - try to get 50% rolled ones) are quite cheap
- Glorious Vanity [2ex] (in the name of Doryani)
- well rolled Bottled faith [9 ex] is a HUGE boost, not 100% necessary though, use wise oak otherwise

2) Survivability - defensive layers

When I was mapping I was getting one-shotted soooo often with the basic recommended gear and setup and it was beyond frustrating. When I adapted the defensive layers below I found myself just not dying anymore.

- First and foremost, buy well-rolled (19-21% increased ES/Life) Crown of the Inward Eye with HoT has 30% reduced mana reservation lab enchant - it's dirt-cheap actually, it's around 2-3 ex. This allows you to run
Arctic Armor buff and the item itself gives you HUGE Life and ES boost.

- Run Arctic Armor
- Run Immortal Call + CWDT + Increased duration at maximum levels instead of Orb of storm + curse on hit (see my point in 1) about corruped Storm's Gift)
- Get Thread of Hope with very large radius and get Glancing Blows - it spreads the burst damage you would take quite well. Note that you also need the "+% Chance to block spell/attack with staff passives:

- While mapping, use Rumi's Concotion flask instead of Bottled faith or Wise Oak - even further increases your block chances and the added armor is awesome

3) Later scaling steps

1] Get better weapon - either craft one or buy one, this one cost me 38 ex:

2] Get rare explo chest - again, either craft one or buy one, this one cost me 12 ex:

NOTE: DO NOT get the rare explo chest before you get better weapon or your clear will feel really clunky and you will feel lacking "something"

Also, when you change inpulsa, also change your gloves for well rolled Algor Mortis, ideally with +1 increased maximum frenzy charges or Curse enemies hit with Elemental Weakness (couldn't find that ones):

These gloves make enemies take actually up to 35% MORE damage

But remember, as long as you have Inpulsa, you need Storm's gift gloves. Once you change Inpulsa for explo chest, you are free to get any gloves you want.

3] Get +1 max power charges and nearby enemies has 9% decreased lightning res Headpiece with HoT has 30% reduced mana res - but this one is soooo expensive that I just skip it.


With unique helmet and unique chest, you may have a trouble balancing the resists. Solve it by helping Alira, getting well-rolled stygian and well-rolled boots and +7% life and resist jewels.

Hope this helps you.

Thank you for your feedback! Im currently on vacation but will add some more info when I can.
Anyone know how to calculate DPS in pob? I not sure why my DPS only have 400k..

Just crafted my helm to match my belt.. still praying

Then left only +2 ammmy to craft and can graduate from this toxic build that keep die to random stuff.
Last edited by nicholaiilam on Jul 20, 2020, 12:27:42 PM
nicholaiilam wrote:

Then left only +2 ammmy to craft and can graduate from this toxic build that keep die to random stuff.

the only 2 reasons I die with this build is either I fuck up with running into packs before they die or legion mobs with extra melee dmg + haste/flicker, that mofo's killed me quite some time :D

IGN: FluffyMetamorph
Lyxara wrote:

the only 2 reasons I die with this build is either I fuck up with running into packs before they die or legion mobs with extra melee dmg + haste/flicker, that mofo's killed me quite some time :D

Lol those offscreen flicker/teleport attacks are complete BS to be honest, you have to give the player at least an opportunity to manually avoid attacks, otherwise it's just a straight up dice roll live or die.

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