Development Manifesto: Game Balance in Path of Exile: Harvest

I liked Deep Cuts you bastards ...
Finally some fresh air, guys stop crying that your cyclone doesnt have stun immunity - just find it elsewhere, dont be a dumb donkey.
So Hardcore, So Nemesis, So Awsom.
This often meant Brand characters weren't engaging with many challenging mechanics, instead running around waiting for enemies to die.

The most challenging mechanic is the omnipresent server lag, which ultimately has killed more characters than every other mechanic combined.
all nerfs :(
Still asking , the DWnerf is only the "you deal 20% more dmg while dual wielding"? Is that what they removed? Cause i think that basically chiken scratch to hollow palm. I of course cant speak to other DW play
Shitysushi - Arrow shooting build.
Sendeliriante - hollow palmer
Good work GGG!

People who wanna stick with a build will be able to adapt and people who wanna theorycraft and find the best build will have new things to think about and play with.
Ouch rip cyclone I don't like it that much but they put stun immunity to lessen the desync with it, but on consoles it already desyncs terribly cause they won't give us lockstep now it'll be literally unplayable without some sort of stun immunity..
Nice, no nerf to minions.
Haven't even read the notes yet... Came here to, well what else other than complain?

Could you guys care any less for Standard? I mean seriously, can we finally stop getting things being broken every league merge? You'd think you've got it right by now. I mean seriously, this is measly stuff to fix compared to all the content you are making.


Thanks for completely ruining my Syndicate Investigation. Had like 10x 3 star members all in the respective syndicate houses that I wanted them in. Thnx for swapping it out with some random crap from League when I done a few syndicates there just to get the challenges.

Seriously guys, stop ruining standard. Its starting to reach facepalm levels. If it aint Atlas progressions its something else every time. The league is supposed to END with the season. END... END means it FINISHES! All we should keep from it is items we got, daily missions accumulated, Zana handing over watchstones if there are any, and thats about it. League progression should END. END END END END END! If it aint some item I got from the league, I don't want it.

Pfffff.... Thnx for throwing all that grind completely down the drain. You guys are awesome! I mean this is ridiculous. The few members I was mostly going for aren't even on the syndicate period. Much less 3 stars and in their right safehouse.

Talk about being a complete buzzkill. Almost feels like you are doing this on purpose.

Standard should be your most stable mode. Full stop! Leagues are mechanics and half the time gimmicks we try out for a season. Stop making that the essence of the existence to this bloody game. Enough already.
Last edited by HazaRdReborN on Jun 15, 2020, 9:08:22 PM
rip heralds
24.1.2018 [quote="Dro28"]wheres my fragment tab?[/quote]

(I thought that was a joke)

25.1.2018: GGG- Introducing the Fragment Stash Tab!

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