Development Manifesto: Game Balance in Path of Exile: Harvest

So everything nerfed, as always.

To circumvent powercreep they just nerf everything now. To make 2h strong they barely made 2h better, just nerfed the fuck out of 1h...

And how you managed to make cyclone even worse is astounding. The damage on it was D tier, it doesn't need any more nerfs at all
Quite the shake up. Still not sure if this will really give 2h it’s time under the sun this league. We’ll see.
IGN: JerleNecroDD/JerleNecroRuthless
Harvest is the BEST league EVER. Deterministic crafting ftw.
How many league/core supporter packs in a year when POE1 & 2 coexist?
Thats is actually amazing how smart and hardworking you are ggg!
You know your game wery well and its awasome to be with you, while you making Path of Exlie better!
You stoll my heart GGG.I swear I'll be with you forewer :)
Love you guys keep workig.Good bless you!
my planned melee build just got hit with 3 nerfs from this manifesto. This is looking alot like the bow focused league.

Since 3.9 they have decided power creep was out of control. To circumvent this they now just nerf everything a little every single league.

I'm not even kidding. this is what they're doing. In POE 2 our nodes are gonna be like "+1 health", "Dual Wielding damage increased by 0,5%".
That's a bold move, Cotton, lets see if it plays out!

I am glad I am build Hipster and never do meta things... so I am more or less never sad when the NERF Bat is Cycloning.........OH I AM STUNNED....... Around.

Galtrovan wrote:
POPTOP wrote:
Rip utility skill. I dont use cyclone as a main skill, as its really good utility for a melee-ish summoner. "Phasing" through mobs and being able to turn on stun immunity in crowded situations is needed. As an actual "melee" char with no investment in aoe or dmg for cyclone, this nerf will hit me harder than someone who fully invests in both. If this is the intention, then by all means, but if the intent is to counter the newly added beefed up 2handed melee, then it not the right way. Subjective oppinions aside, ill make you a deal, gimme my utility stun immunity, and give cyclone "point blank". The closer enemies are the more dmg you do, or in other words, the further they are the less dmg you do. This should accomplish not only the suspected intent, but also bring cyclone back to being more of a "melee" skill.
- Sincerely a concerned cyclone civilian ;D

OK. I've read enough Cyclone posts. Cyclone should not have had stun immunity in the first place. More important, there are many other ways to get stun immunity, and phasing for that matter. Use the skill tree or potions or crafting or a unique item that grants the ability.

What it should and should not have is not my point. I merely point out how i like to use it, and how that playstyle will be effected. Tho tbh, i kinda agree that cyclone perhaps is abit too convient for utility as well. It is nice tho, since a lifebased summoner tree, wont realistically get the keystone, use the amulet, or use the boots due to lack of sockets. Which severly limits the options, you have what, the flask and pantheon. To make matters worse im not gonna expect to get the flask in ssf ;D and i would prefer to get phys dmg reduction as the stun pantheon is abit meh. But hey, on the bright side, now i might get to play around with cast when stunned instead, which potentially can solve other issues^^.
Just officially change the games name already. PoN it is.
Maynot be playing harvest league bois unless the meta is found out early.
Check out two handers now! hmm better nerf them.

Check out brands now! hmm better nerf them too.

Check out the new brands!, it's like the brands, but worse!

Check out warcries now! Hmm let's nerf the only good one and introduce more useless ones.

I honestly can't understand your thought process that went into this.

What's with the pre-emptive nerfs?

Also, why have you killed melee with every update since legion?

You're giving us melee characters a carrot to chase over broken glass.

I think this is the league I finally say screw this, and play something else.
I love those changes. Addressed a ton of current issues. Great work GGG!

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