Diablo 2: Remastered... 2020 Release Scheduled... What are Your Thoughts?

As long it dont turns into a remake (which has a potential to make the re-imagination worse than the original) it would be a solid foundation for the modding community or people that want to re-experience the old vanilla feeling in a modern envelope.

I expect them to introduce/rework some minor QoL features though.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Last edited by gandhar0 on May 13, 2020, 9:13:40 AM
It's sad that I was happy when I read that the dev working on the remake is not Blizzard.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Johny_Snow wrote:
Plenty of people play the original Diablo 2 actually. There are still speed runs. Youtube channels dedicated to it still get traffic. For such an old game its longevity is amazing, almost unmatched even.

How many play vanilla (unmodded) D2 tho? And not just for the sake of setting new speedrun records. The community already has a better D2. Loads of them. What does Blizzards' involvement get them, that's worth shelling out money for?
Last edited by Exile009 on May 13, 2020, 10:09:44 AM
Around ~15k in 2018. Cant be bothered to look for more recent info but I am sure more people play it than Wolcen, lol
Definitely buy it and try it out when it is released. It will be worth playing a bit for the nostalgia value. Perhaps more often, I'll have to try it and see.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
gibbousmoon wrote:
The diehardest of diehard PoE fans owe it to themselves to at least try out D2.

Know your roots.

Diehard fans should also play D1 then, since D2 wouldn't have existed without it.
LennyLen wrote:
gibbousmoon wrote:
The diehardest of diehard PoE fans owe it to themselves to at least try out D2.

Know your roots.

Diehard fans should also play D1 then, since D2 wouldn't have existed without it.

PoE wasn't modeled after D1.

I mean sure, play the game that led to D2, and then play the game that inspired that (probably Nethack or one of its variants), and then play the game that led to that (Rogue). Go back as far as you want. They're all great games, and worth your time.

But their influences upon PoE are indirect. D2's are direct.
Wash your hands, Exile!
I think at this point Last Epoch, at least gameplay-wise, is more of a Diablo 2 than PoE. They even have charms.
Johny_Snow wrote:
I think at this point Last Epoch, at least gameplay-wise, is more of a Diablo 2 than PoE. They even have charms.

PoE has charms. GGG played around with the idea of having them quite early in its development. The PoE system we know of involved Relics and Altars. Relics were basically charms and would drop from mobs, while Altars were to be found across the game's Acts and could have Relics placed in them for a permanent bonus (hence solving the inventory problem). They dropped the idea, however...or did they? GGG aren't gonna leave a D2 feature out of their D2-inspired game. Open your passive tree. See those jewel sockets? Yep, those are PoE's version of charms.

Source:- https://youtu.be/cu_Hc01VMCk?t=148
Exile009 wrote:
Diablo 2 was great for its time. It's horribly outdated now. It's been kept relevant by mods. I don't see how getting a graphically improved version of the original would somehow make it good, unless said version also include the hundreds of additional features (not fixes, but new features) that mods have added to make it hold up in 2020. Which they'll never do, as that would outrage purists. So it'll be the original, with upscaled graphics, which will feel clunky as soon as the initial nostalgia wears off.

As Forever said above, I don't think Blizzard even expects this to be a massive success. It's more of a quick cash grab as well as a face-saving exercise so they can roll out Diablo 4 while pointing to the D2 remaster as the last Diablo they released.

Old games are old games. They're outdated. You want an example of what a remaster should be to be worth buying? Look at the Age of Empires 2 remaster (Definitive Edition) - it wasn't just a graphical upgrade, hell it didn't even just add a bunch of QoL features on top. It was also a full-on expansion. Has Blizzard ever done that? No. Not even the seemingly well-received Star Craft remaster was an expansion. Diablo 2 remaster would only be worth it if Blizzard both upgrades the graphics AND implements tons of community supported QoL improvements AND adds more content (a lot more content, equivalent to an expansion pack) as well. Anything less is a waste of money.

People play old games which is why things like emulators exist. Also games don't age ,people age. Younger people haven't even experienced this game so it would actually be fresh to them. If we enjoyed it why shouldn't younger people. Besides there are not that many ARPGs out there.
Last edited by Kavlor on May 13, 2020, 10:47:12 PM

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