[3.10] Max Block Storm Brand Ascendant: Budget Friendly, Ultra Tanky, Fast Mapper, Deathless Sirus 8

I subbed Discipline for Tempest Shield like i saw some other players doing and wow, it really trivializes content. There are barely anymore "OH SHIT" moments with Tempest Shield up.

my gear

I think my build is in some ways fairly budget. Of course the more i cleared stuff the more i realized i could just dish out chaos to buy things i needed. The only Exalt item i ever bought on this chara was my 6L. Intuitive Leap came close at around 130 chaos but i didn't actually feel like there was much difference. The rest were bargain buys around 5-20 chaos i think.

In some ways if you are playing this as a starter, you probably can't afford Brand Loyalty + Grand Design jewel. If you're lucky you might steal it at 30c but on average they mostly go upward of 50c. What i did was buy 1 of each and it worked really well for me. Fevered Mind is probably the most essential thing to this entire build other than the Cloak/Ammy/Ring. Fevered Mind allows you to essentially wipe the map clean in seconds and should be a priority buy.

Regen enchant on boots is basically a cheapskate version of Watcher's Eye. I would recommend buying one of these if you are on a budget.
Last edited by Ezciel on May 6, 2020, 8:11:28 AM
Gibdzioch wrote:
I got a question, in PoB theres 90 dex on stats, while youre using gemswith like 115 dex required? How am i suppose to understand that?Sacrifice some suffix to get dex?Same with f.e. shield charge, maxed SC needs 145 str while theres only 122 on the build.

This gives you 25% less requirements. 90 dex is enough
Ezciel wrote:
Gibdzioch wrote:
I got a question, in PoB theres 90 dex on stats, while youre using gemswith like 115 dex required? How am i suppose to understand that?Sacrifice some suffix to get dex?Same with f.e. shield charge, maxed SC needs 145 str while theres only 122 on the build.

This gives you 25% less requirements. 90 dex is enough

Chain needs 111 dex on lvl 20. With Atziris this translates to 83 (or 84?) dex, which is the max you need. I wanted to save the skill points fpr Coordination, meaning I needed another 3 dex on any item. A good source for that is having "small nodes also grant +x dex" on one of the Medium Cluster Jewels, since you have to put one point on one of the small nodes anyway.
I have a watchers that gives ES on Hit, good for this build or would the Brands just not hit enough ( I ask cause I could sale it and just get a clarity one I guess )
Ezciel wrote:
Gibdzioch wrote:
I got a question, in PoB theres 90 dex on stats, while youre using gemswith like 115 dex required? How am i suppose to understand that?Sacrifice some suffix to get dex?Same with f.e. shield charge, maxed SC needs 145 str while theres only 122 on the build.

This gives you 25% less requirements. 90 dex is enough

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Made Hall of Grandmasters into a simple stroll. First time beating the map and slightly pissed at how I fail with so many other builds.
Great build thank you very much ! All content done (expet Atziri)
I use 7 Fevered Mind, 2 large jewels and 4 medium.




Last edited by myune on May 6, 2020, 3:01:04 PM
Currently running 7 fevered minds aswell, this however makes chain unavailible since it has a too high mana multiplier,

Anyone got a solution to this or am i destined to run controlled destruction full time?
alxgustafsson wrote:
Currently running 7 fevered minds aswell, this however makes chain unavailible since it has a too high mana multiplier,

Anyone got a solution to this or am i destined to run controlled destruction full time?

I have just about 7k mana and on PoB it seems like i can fit 7. (I currently run 6 because one of my medium clusters has no jewel socket)

Probably go for high mana on wand and then mana on each and every other piece of gear if possible. Don't forget to 20% your necklace/ring - expensive to min/max overall.
Last edited by Ezciel on May 7, 2020, 6:13:11 AM
First, I want to thank you for this great build. So far the build of the league for me, and i played two herald stacker to 100 ;-)

I think I have mostly min maxed the build to my liking and enjoy the tankiness and also the pretty solid damage it provides.

So I managed to maxed chaos resistens, perfectly balanced my resistance to 75 each to get the most out of wise oak, fit in 3 unique flasks and have 3.4k life, 8k mana and 6k energy shield with nearly 4.4 mio shaper dps with chain and 6.1 mio shaper dps with lightning pen. So I don't see any reasonable updates from this point onwards. There is a better helm enchant, which starts at about 35-40ex or a double clarity watchers eye starting @60ex and maybe 21/23 gems.

If anybody is interessted, here is my PoB:

If anybody has any suggestions what can be improved, feel free to comment.

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