Development Manifesto: Delirium Improvements

LegionLoverx wrote:
BicBoiii wrote:
How can you say "you want players to stop to pick up items" when you specifically design on death effects and overtune rares to 1 SHOT you when you stop moving for just a second or two...

Dear GGG, you're not making ANY sense.

Exactly what I thought :-)

Just to chime in, yes. I actually got one shot when I stopped to pick up loot, and hence, don't do that anymore, well, without first movement-skilling away, and then back to grab the drop. Kind of sucks, but dying to the mechanic stupidity is worse.

Seriously, I killed the enemies, the enemies dropped something worth picking. Let me pick up the drop without having to move around like an idiot for crying out loud.
Last edited by Galtrovan on Mar 17, 2020, 11:34:21 AM
This is a great patch, but has there been ANY new league without the one-shot problem of the new league mechanics? Ever? There was even a off-screen-one shot "problem", that was actually NOT a bug. How has GGG not once made the opposite mistake, where the player would benefit from? I really feel for the HC PoE players.. I'd like to see a league, in which the first patch reads: "we are increasing monster dmg because of not enough one-shot-out-of-the-blue-deaths".
VinnyTP wrote:

EXTEND the bottom 2 rows by 2 slots each both ways (+8 any item slots)
ADD a third row of any item

There is too many stuff i can't put anywhere, Oils, catalysts, delirium orbs??????????


P.S.: Blacksmith's whetstones are not alligned with the Mirror and mirror shards which triggers me. i can't even imagine about the OCD people out there.

what damage monsters from delirium in fog use? Chaos, cold? This is so annoying that u are on at one hit, which resss/deff is important for fog monsters?
Last edited by Deminii on Mar 17, 2020, 11:44:00 AM
Thanks for this... :) Like always good job GGG...
Another way to make this "Fog"ing shit nobrain mechanic better would be:
1 - Fog is permanent
2 - a timer starts and the longer time you are in fog the harder monsters.
3 - end when you think its too hard / cant handle anymore

= better and bigger rewards for people with more clearspeed and no shitty fog expanding from middle of a maze map and you have to run back.
= this also removes the fucking nobrain issue with random oneshots anywhere if you dont have a rich boi build. (you die and woops you now stand outside the fog) and you either lost your reward or just get one stack.

other tips would be:
4 - add a fucking blue or whatever color outline at the fog edge (like breaches) omg...
5 - option to reduce fog visibility (and still have the outline)
6 - blinking detonator stuff on bombing delirium enemies.

= this would also help with perfomance issues..

Actually that was what i thought this mechanic worked like before league release

why in the fucking hell wouldnt this be a better mechanic?

and yes. fucking vacuum currency and splinters or do like Delve (no drops from delirium monsters) but only drops at the end.. (regular monsters still drop loot).

tell me why this wouldn't work?

Last edited by TastyNugZ on Mar 17, 2020, 12:30:10 PM
sym wrote:
are you fucking serious?

The monster damage bonus scales up to 30% increased at absolute most.

30% extra on a hit that would already one-shot you still one-shots you. do you understand?

We are reviewing all of the Delirium monsters and skills to find any that are overtuned and will be making adjustments to any that might be dealing disproportionate damage.

try doing this BEFORE the league comes out

(At the time of publishing, we just found an issue where in many areas, Delirium monsters and spawners do not appear when extremely deep in the mist).

how could this possibly get by your """"""tests""""""?

Currently, there's a random chance for individual Delirium monsters to have mods that cause On-Death effects.

do you know why random instances of on-death effects works in cases like bearers or volatiles? because you actually have time and visual clarity to tell what the fuck is going on. in delirium you basically can't stop moving, you have 0 time to read the mods on the monsters, and when the """effect animations""" play you can't fucking see shit, UNLIKE bearers or volatiles.
there's nothing like this in delirium, there's just grey/white shit, covered up by fog, and then you die if you stop for a second near any mobs

it's because they are a viable way of making monsters that are killed instantly have an effect on players, and they aren't trivialised by clear-speed.

so you designed a league mechanic that is squarely focused on how fast you can clear maps to the point that you cannot fucking stop moving at any point, and then you say this shit which makes it seem like you have an issue with clear speed 'trivializing' the game? which is it- do you want people clearing fast or not?

Delirium increases the difficulty and reward of all other Path of Exile content.

no, it doesn't. nothing about this is difficult other than attempting to avoid the nearly invisible particle effects that signal something that will instantly kill my character. that's called tedium, to the point that i've started skipping delirium encounters entirely when they don't offer me maps or currency as a reward. and when i don't skip it, i'm basically rolling the dice with my character's experience bar.

this is fucking bullshit and you know it
One-shotting your necromancer w/o any real layer of defense.
Nothing new to expect here. League released and now 1 - 2 months into the league it's time for them to fix/balance/respond to triggered players. Same shit different league.

What is amazing to see right now is how Mathil's machine is chocking on this league which frankly is inline with performance for everyone getting worse and worse league after league. He's like fumbling with graphics settings and it's not doing a damn thing.
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Are these Changes Live already? I had ~250mb Patch this morning but actually nothing changed. confused*
+1 for the comments questioning why the fog travels vs. just existing for the map. I think most of my issues with this mechanic is that you are constantly going outside of the way you would typically do a map. Backtracking, picking up loot, on death effects, etc.

These are all byproducts of the fact you are fighting:
1) A directional movement that is an issue depending on map
2) Rushing because you are timed.

If they remove the time and allow you to turn it off, you probably dodge all this mess.

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