Corona virus
This is one time where I wish my position was not considered "essential personnel" and belonging to the emergency response team. Not to say that I am unconcerned, I am just not at the level of stocking up on a lifetime supply of toilet paper concerned. So much is going on at work, everyone is hovering over the panic button. Things are evolving at a rapid pace though and we are getting a few memorandums a day advising limiting contact, cleaning work spaces, logging activities when travelling, restricting access to the facility, etc.
I believe their reason for wanting to log travel activities is so that if one of us does catch it that they are able to trace it's origins and pinpoint others that may have come into contact to assist in quarantining and preventing the spread further. We've been given the go ahead to order emergency supplies for santizers, N95 masks and other necessary equipment. The sad part is that if I were to develop symptoms along with my fellow coworkers, it would likely result with all of us quarantining at the workplace rather than at home. While every person and position in an organization is replaceable my position is not one that is easily replaceable. So if I do come down with the virus and succumb to its affects I will have died uncomfortably on a hurricane cot while munching on some MREs. Not the way I would have wanted to go but it could be worse I suppose. When I am off the clock I am typically at my house anyway but recently I have had to move out because my home is set to be demolished and a new one built in it's place. Unfortunately the place I am currently staying in the interim has no access to internet. That means no Path of Exile for me! Sad. Sound the dread alarm, through the primal body! Sound the reveille, to be or not to be. Rise! Stay the grand finale! Stay the reading of our swan song and epilogue. One drive to stay alive! Elementary, muster every fiber. Mobilize! Stay alive!
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" you can say 15 of then won't catch the virus so it has a certain ratio of success. |
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" Hitler was not democratically elected. He was appointed chancellor by President Hindenburg. |
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^ we all know this.
This is "literally" semantic warfare. We aren't a Democracy in the US anyways, and we have an electoral college. This is beyond debate in terms of facts, but people can have their view on political motivations, or try to play armchair psychologist, getting in the heads of people they "literally" dont know. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln |
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"First he was appointed to the office, then Hitler defended it in the election later that year. By the same logic one could make the ridiculous claim that Boris Johnson was not elected Prime Minister of the UK. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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" If you are talking about the referendum that combine the positions of President and Chancellor, the referendum itself would be unconstitutional and should be invalidated. He is a dictator at that point, who would be checking? It is a farce to further consolidate his power. After passing of the Enabling Act, all Non-Nazi parties outlawed and the death of Hindenburg, nobody could challenge Hitler as head of the government. He was popular, I would acknowledge that. Last edited by awesome999#2945 on Mar 19, 2020, 6:03:23 PM
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Scrotie your stretching the posibilities of reality just like charan is stretching his.
It isn't the danger to public health like charan imagines it, even with the amount of death we see it's still a low mortality rate virus. Numbers just get high because the total population is high and country's are getting caught off-gaurd. And it also isn't the totalitarian gateway event which your angling at. It will probably result in a joined effort to tackle the situation because doing otherwise would be political suicide now. Be happy it's a joined effort against a virus and not another country. Pretending you can do a repeat of germany in america just shows geographical ignorance as far as i am concerned. By the time you convince one part of america to go down that route the other parts are already on something else. You might "convince" a single state which would be like being germany inside the EU and ultimately get smacked down. Don't pretend america is some kind of united front, it isn't, just like the EU is not. Country's are like company's in that regard, running perfectly looking from the outside in, until you join them and get to learn how things actually run and how divided the house really is. Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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I'm starting to come down with a cold - runny nose and lots of sneezing. I'll probably have to take a few days off work because even though these are not symptoms of coronavirus, I work with the public and most people are ill-informed idiots who will think I'm going to infect them.
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I have something interesting to share. An old friend of mine was recently part of the first phase of Covid-19 vaccine testing. I'm sharing his experiences with his permission here. This guy is kind of my hero right now, but he's the humblest dude and wrote all of this on an FB thread I made about how scared I was. This is not a cut-and-paste from somewhere, but primary information. That said, you can see this guy on the news all over the place now. It's funny because most of our history is back when I was a real chatroom terror in the late 90s. Who'da thunk one of us might have gone on to possibly help save the world?
Enjoy. __ COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 VACCINE TRIAL ACCOUNT FROM A FIRST PHASE TEST SUBJECT Author: Neal Browning, Seattle, Washington Early March, about 2 weeks prior to the injection, I was contacted about this trial. I answered very basic information about my health and health history. 2 days later, I was sent a LOT of info about this, potential side effects, expectations if I am to be in the trial, and such. After going through this, they brought me in 10 days before the vaccine to have blood drawn, urine sample (drug screening, not just illegal, but ANY drugs I might be on, even ibuprofen and such), a full physical, and a deep dive discussion into any surgeries I have had, allergies, asthma, if I ever had cancer, if I was immunocompromised, the whole enchilada. After passing the physical and medical history, they said I should get a call in about 4-5 days after the blood and urine testing results came back. Got a call around noon on the 6th day after the blood draws, and was told I was all good, no underlying health issues were found, and I was in the trial officially (this was Tuesday, 10th of March). Originally was supposed to start that Wednesday, but the FDA wanted some things in the waivers we all had to sign changed, so they pushed things out to this past Monday the 16th. I arrived Monday, March 16th at 7:40am. They take me back into an exam room again, and I go through another small physical (Temp, reflexes, feeling for swollen lymph nodes, listed to heart and lungs, pulse, BP), lots of documentation and recording of things, then I get the injection. Restrictions: I cannot travel outside the US for over a year, I need to restrict exposure as much as I can, since contracting COVID-19 would likely interfere with the trial. I cannot donate blood, semen, or be in any other trials for a year, cannot become pregnant (if female), and must use a condom unless you have had a vasectomy. Otherwise, I get a call 24, then 48 hours after the vaccine to make sure there isn't anything big happening. I have their on call numbers to get a person immediately if there are issues, aside from this, I keep a daily log they sent me with, where I record temp once a day, and report ANYTHING. They want to know if I have a headache, sprain my ankle - anything, even if seemingly unrelated to the vaccine. ABOUT THE VACCINE Most all vaccines are made from either dead or weakened versions of the cell your body is being taught to recognize and fight. This is not that type vaccine. This uses mRNA (messenger RNA). This mRNA is injected and "infects" cells near the injection point. These will be used as instructions to make the cells they invade, to produce certain protein structures. I am sure you have seen MANY pictures of the COVID-19 cell by now, a small ball with protrusions of tiny triangles on the ends. These are the protein structures my cells will make. My body should see these as some type of invasion, and react - sending white blood cells in to kill these structures. The white blood cells will produce specific antigens, like the opposite puzzle piece to the structures my body made, which are the same protrusion on the outside of COVID-19. If my body reacts appropriately, it will learn how to make these antigens that can rapidly attach to and kill the COVID-like structures. Since these are just representations of the outside of the virus, they pose no threat to me. If this works, should anyone who has been given this vaccine contract the virus, the body should recognize it much faster, and be able to quickly respond to and kill it, since it will know how to attack it from the vaccine exposure. Should this not work, either my cells won't make the right proteins, or my body doesn't see them as a threat, then the RNA will break apart in a few weeks and be absorbed by the body. I'm in Phase 1, first humans to receive this - all healthy, between 18 and 55 years old, only 45 people in 3 groups of 15. Each group will receive a different amount of vaccine to help determine the amount that is most effective to give the desired results. Phase 2, will be a larger, far more diverse group, purposefully including those with underlying or active health conditions - in order to ensure as many as possible can have this without any ill effects. Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires. Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here. Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on Mar 19, 2020, 9:54:56 PM
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