Corona virus

Just as a response to some of the overnight chatter here regarding how you're all travelling.

Again, just woke up. I'll leave it at that for now.

36.3c -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
I live in a small town in an area which is well known for the number of people who live "alternative" lifestyle.

Our community page on Facebook keeps getting comments like this:

I heard from so many sources that all is a coverup for 5G...they don’t even have a covid19 test! No Virus can survive in an alkaline body!

I hope that alternate living doesn't result in too much alternative TO living.


Months. That's what we hope we've prepared for, given Wuhan/China and then Italy, given the math and the global sluggishness for the major Western countries to respond. Months.

And we're barely a week into it. If a miracle vaccine isn't found and deemed okay for the masses, we're going to be a part of one of the worst years of living history. Airlines are going to go broke. Massive lay-offs in all sorts of industries and sectors. The elderly dying in their homes in the thousands, and then bewildered relatives unsure of what to do with the bodies. Shortages of things we all take for granted, things you probably can't even see coming. Rationed everything. Daily reminders of the haves and the have-nots, although both will be affected by this. And every health care worker, nurse, paramedic, doctor will be forced to act and think like soldiers, right down to choosing in the moment who to save and who to effectively kill.

Grim but difficult to refute if you follow the simplest of logic.


An interesting if unsubstantiated statistic popped from Wuhan the other day. I'll treat it like the curio it is: quite a few couples emerged from the forced quarantine and immediately filed for divorce. This rings true -- familiarity breeds contempt, and people forced to be near each other when they're used to healthy daily distance can quickly begin to grate. The lesson here is: if you do live with people, and you normally have distance (work, school, whatever), it's probably healthy to establish boundaries in your new daily routine. This likely isn't too big a problem for hardcore gamers, but it's worth remembering. You're really going to get to know whoever you're stuck with soon...try to not survive this only to end up hating them.


I discussed the novel Underworld by DeLillo elsewhere, a lifetime ago. Among its multitudes, there is a section where legendary stand-up comedian and chronic antisocial Lenny Bruce delivers several routines at various clubs during the Cuban Missile Crisis. He would often interrupt his own stories and skits with a screech of 'we're all gonna die!', and people laughed, or didn't, but they usually did...even though their collective demise in a flash really was very, very possible at that point. This is, of course, different. We're not 'all gonna die' (although some of us will, and of course eventually all of us). This is a slower rot, if you can call something exponentially growing 'slow'. It's not death we fear so much as the dismantling of what we've long held as 'life'. I do wonder how modern comedians will keep that funny. Toilet paper jokes only go so far. Much like toilet paper itself. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Follow-up to what Dr John Campbell said yesterday re NSAIDs:

NHS guidance states that people managing Covid-19 symptoms at home should take paracetamol or ibuprofen.

“I would advise against that,” said Prof Ian Jones, a virologist at the University of Reading. “There’s good scientific evidence for ibuprofen aggravating the condition or prolonging it. That recommendation needs to be updated.”

Paul Little, a professor of primary care research at the University of Southampton, said: “The general feeling is that the French advice is fairly sensible. There is now a sizeable literature from case control studies in several countries that prolonged illness or the complications of respiratory infections may be more common when non-steroidal anti-inflammatories [NSAIDs] are used.” -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Mar 16, 2020, 7:25:45 PM -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
In news of the weird and wacky:

In my city of @ 100,000 there are no thermometers. As a last resort, I tried Amazon. Turns out thermometers are one of the classes of items that Amazon won't sell/deliver to my area.

Anyhoo, here we sit with no way of checking for a fever.
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
You'll know. And if you're healthy, just ride it out really. It's the dry cough and shortness of breath that'll be the scary bit.

I just ordered a forehead thermometer from Amazon a few hours ago, coincidentally. And some lr41 batteries for our little mouth one. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Mar 16, 2020, 9:21:53 PM
Due to my sinusitis and allergy challenges, I battle the same symptoms regularly. Currently have them both. I don't want to have an entire production set up just so I can go somewhere to get my temp checked!

What a damned predicament lol

I'm not worried about personally dying, as Scrotie would say, I've had a good 51 years. But I don't want to put others at risk. Besides, there are reports of previously healthy people in their 30s to early 40s who are on respirators.
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
Last edited by The_Impeacher on Mar 16, 2020, 10:01:07 PM
The_Impeacher wrote:
Due to my sinusitis and allergy challenges, I battle the same symptoms regularly. Currently have them both. I don't want to have an entire production set up just so I can go somewhere to get my temp checked!

What a damned predicament lol

I'm not worried about personally dying, as Scrotie would say, I've had a good 51 years. But I don't want to put others at risk. Besides, there are reports of previously healthy people in their 30s to early 40s who are on respirators.

yea, but I heard it was something like 1 to 2% of the 30 to 40 year olds that had the virus were on respirators, so it's not like it's common or anything, it's pretty rare....

Months. That's what we hope we've prepared for, given Wuhan/China and then Italy, given the math and the global sluggishness for the major Western countries to respond. Months.

And we're barely a week into it. If a miracle vaccine isn't found and deemed okay for the masses, we're going to be a part of one of the worst years of living history. Airlines are going to go broke. Massive lay-offs in all sorts of industries and sectors. The elderly dying in their homes in the thousands, and then bewildered relatives unsure of what to do with the bodies. Shortages of things we all take for granted, things you probably can't even see coming. Rationed everything. Daily reminders of the haves and the have-nots, although both will be affected by this. And every health care worker, nurse, paramedic, doctor will be forced to act and think like soldiers, right down to choosing in the moment who to save and who to effectively kill.

Grim but difficult to refute if you follow the simplest of logic.

I don't understand this kind of logic, because either it applies always or it doesn't at all.

For example pretending doctors just "now" will be forced to choose who to save and who to let die when this happens all the time. What do you think the price system of a market is for?
Either you are valuable to society or you die in case of emergency or specialized treatment.

I also find the sentiment that we are going to be part of the worst year of living history incredibly childish considering the past century.

I'd list some of the pure evil like nanking of the past century, but really i shouldn't have to.
Humans against a third party(virus) will rally together very easily, this is nothing compared to a century where humans were mass murdering other humans with intend and purpose.

Not sure what corona is at worldwide at the moment but just totalling WWI and WWII amounts to 125 million casualties.

Too much hyperbole Charan, it's bad, but its not "entire city's blown to bits and the smell of human rot and decay everywhere bad"

Be happy we live in an age where the commons can actually be rallied like this to protect the 1%, that's probably a unique thing in human history this amount of society effort to protect the weak instead of just shrugging and moving on.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes

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