Atlas Changes in 3.10.0
As I said before you said why you won't do anything regardless..
You still believe that you "overbuffed" and it was a "bug" (more like a mistake but you don't apologize for it) You're still pulling out feedback from unknown sources/places or might as well end this farse of "we're listening to feedback" but you're only listening to certain pieces of it.. it feels like a farse at this point. your players want targetted map farming because this is a problem you did it on yourselves the doctor card and the endless burial farming.. there's something that you can do to fix this introduce relevant card drops to other maps as well this would somewhat split the farming and the desire of constantly having to target farm 1 map for 1 drop. " And yet again sorry but I don't trust on your QA team time and time again they havent proven the quality of this game needs currently considering all the posibilities and freedom you put into the game. " Again where did you get this feedback? the issue was caused on your OWN system that YOU devs created delve chests on cities or temple lvl 3 were not rewarding maps due the stones system not because they werent excited or they were getting too much, I would love to get t16 if I choose to do so and I got lucky finding a city on delve or I got lucky to get the exploration room to lvl 3 on temple. " How's this relevant to map drops? did you fix the bug from day 1 that "additional maps" were giving tier 1 at tier 16? if you did sure it will help something otherwise it's just more RNG and worthless drops in the screen. As for your map mod effect some of them are clearly punishing and incredible unbalanced and does not make the game "harder" just tedious nothing else.. nothing that I would say "oh sure this map what somewhat hard but I had FUN regardless!" "Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."
Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words. poe2 = ruthless 2.0 = bad. |
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Problematic mods with increased effect are all the ground effects taking 95% of the playable area. This becomes extremely annoying and borderline unplayable when you have a Master who requires a break in the gameplay, a pause to think, while standing on caustic or burning ground.
Please consider a fix for that. |
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Awesome ! Keep going GGG ! We like maps, we like objectives, we like Grind! let it be.
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For the love of Innocence, Delve and Temple map drops didn't feel rewarding because they didn't drop any maps what so ever, nada, zilch, zero, what do you not understand??
Same exact thing with the metamorph map reward. |
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So you're... not making the Awakening Bonus better? You're doubling down on the poor decisions of the previous post? You're sticking to your guns and telling us we're wrong to think that sustaining maps felt good - but don't worry, trust us, your new system feels better? Since you're always tweaking things behind the scenes and Metamorph was the very first league to ever feel remotely good for map sustain, somehow, I find this hard to believe, especially given your ideals.
And still no target-farming option, through seals or otherwise, is short-sighted and sad. (2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
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" Each Metamorph is an Unique monster and it spawns 12 rare monsters before being killed. Those rare monsters and Metamorph itself have the chance to drop maps. |
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" Be honest did you expect anything else? on the same thread the other day several people already knew the manifesto was going to be this. "Be a good goy a buy the newest support pack exile!" "Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."
Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words. poe2 = ruthless 2.0 = bad. |
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just make the alignments mod to deal less dmg instead of chance to not proc at all
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