Wolcen Hype Release!

aggromagnet wrote:
Some of the backstories and descriptions are quite good. I've seen a few where there were some mildly amusing shortcomings in the translation to English. I saw one the other day, I don't recall which item, where the story said something along the lines of someone "passing the pistol around/along his belt". What does that even mean? I have no clue lol.

At first guess, with no context, I'm going to say 'holstering'. Which item was it?

I mean, I'm used to Engrish so Wolcen's occasional stumbles don't even begin to faze me.

I'm not sure. It was a lower level unique that the Fate lady had for sale on a character that didn't have enough gold to buy anything.

And yeah, having lived in Taiwan for many years and having been previously married to a Singaporean, I'm quite well versed in both Engrish and Singlish. I didn't pay close attention to the story or the context, but that's the one part that stood out from it.

I'm assuming it was either a belt or a pistol, though... :)
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. I will take that as a cue for a sign of desperation or intellectual laziness. Apology accepted.

The only reason Wolcen even got positive reviews is because of the mass mob mentality generated by their marketing hype campaign. Sad thing is you can never disprove my claim because it is 100% identical to yours.

Have a good day, sir. I'd never want an apology from you anyway.
Johny_Snow wrote:
I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. I will take that as a cue for a sign of desperation or intellectual laziness. Apology accepted.

The only reason Wolcen even got positive reviews is because of the mass mob mentality generated by their marketing hype campaign. Sad thing is you can never disprove my claim because it is 100% identical to yours.

Have a good day, sir. I'd never want an apology from you anyway.

You're most welcome. It's the least I could do for you.
I'm wondering why the people who are so rabidly anti Tencent are so quiet about Tencent being a big investor in Wolcen Studios? I would have thought that would be a major turn off.

Last edited by RandallPOE on Mar 2, 2020, 4:45:26 AM
Investing in and buying out a majority share in are a bit different. And anyone upset by Tencent simply making investments in a game and/or game studio should probably stop gaming.

If they actually bought out Wolcen Studio, there would definitely be some pissing and moaning. Most wouldn't even know it happened or care much if they did know, so long as it didn't have clearly negative affects on the game.

But who knows, Wolcen could even be better off if they did... :P
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
It's still a bit janky but initiating fights between Amalgams via Parasite is a LOT of fun.


Randall: that was one article by two guys (projectMQ) with like 400 followers and I can't find any other evidence of it, anywhere. When people make the claim that Wolcen is somehow dependent on Tencent, they *always* link that article. It's literally the only hit you'll get if you search 'Wolcen Tencent". Please note that ANYONE can publish anything on medium. It's just a blog host.

Sorry but one blog post by a couple of relative nobodies isn't proof enough for that big a claim. I call BS.


https://venturebeat.com/2018/07/25/projectmq-wants-to-help-you-find-indie-games/ -- this is the only real bit of news I can find about 'projectMQ'.

https://gwb.tencent.com/ -- absolutely no mention of Wolcen there.

https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Mar 2, 2020, 9:53:18 AM

Pruning a branch can save a tree.

The easiest way to kill a tree would be to chop it down.
The funniest bad translation I heard in Wolcen is in act 3 several times.

Battle scene. One side (usually protagonist) yells: "TO ME! TO ME!"

In Wolcen it is "ON ME! ON ME!"

Made me chuckle. There are other prepositional errors.

Hell, if I had to write a game's dialogue in French there would be all kinds of linguistic faux pas. I don't even want to think about it. Other than some of the odd prepositions the translation is pretty good. Not that that is an issue with this game.

I am getting bored of same tilesets in end game over and over.

I figured you'd quit after that castigating review, honestly.

'On me' is something I noticed as well, but I get how it happened. 'On my command' or 'on my signal' both work, so 'on me' seems like it would be a perfectly acceptable abbreviation thereof. In fact, I'm pretty sure I've seen 'on me' used this way before by native speakers/writers. Oddly finding no real hits discussing it; 'for me' vs 'to me', however, seems a difficult one.

A strange thing to get stuck in your craw but it happens.

I've seen similar 'mistakes' by English-fluent Europeans who excel at formal English but struggle with idioms and everyday speech. So I just mentally skipped over it, as I do whenever I hear an American say 'in back of you' instead of 'behind you'. I know it's grammatically correct in AmE ('back' being the opposite of 'front') but to someone raised on BrE it just sounds uneducated and intuitive. Still, that's how language evolves, and for the most part I could care less.

...goddamn I hate even typing it that way in mockery.

Fairly sure Wolcen was written in English. They did an interview with their 'new' writer back in December 2018, when the game was emerging from alpha-level development hell. I don't think you'd write that much in French if you planned to use professional British voice actors, which they always did.
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Oh I haven't quit yet. I hope they do add more tilesets though. Go back even a few years in PoE and there were few and now look how many! I have seen complaints about it but the game is too new to expect many more now.

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