Wolcen Hype Release!

Johny_Snow wrote:
1. It is next to impossible for the game to be review bombed by customers on their own. It costs, as of now, 35 dollars. Nobody in their right mind will organize a massive campaign to purchase copies for the sake of dropping a bad review.

2. There is no prominent competition that will benefit from review bombing Wolcen. Blizzard don't care, Diablo 4 is far away. The other ARPG companies are either too small to afford that or don't particularly care like in Grim Dawn's casee, where the game has ran its course.

Which means the only credible source of review bombing would be PoE as the only active ARPG game which is big enough to afford it. Are you accusing GGG of paying for negative reviews?

LOL. Nothing so complex. “Review bombing” is a common internet phenomenon. Mob mentality is a behavior in which people act the same way or adopt similar behaviors as the people around them. In simple terms; Monkey see monkey do. Monkeys "imitate with a purpose", matching their actions to others' behaviour as a form of social learning.


Six slots is still killing me and I'm pretty sure extra character slots will be one of the first things they sell. Sigh.

Kinda contradictory to the game design since the selling point is you can easily switch builds by just changing skills and stat points. The greater deterrent seem to be not having the right items.

Unless the point is that it is a role playing thing. Like my character DeathReaper is a warrior and will never never be a mage. NEVER!!!

PS: You can save characters in another folder in offline mode. Online mode alternative is currently unavailable. :P
Of course it's totally a RP/thematic thing. This is *me*. They give us dyes, item transmog, non-unique names. And some pretty clear skill identity. I had like 25 characters in the beta offline. And that was a MUCH more limited system. I want AlastorCrowley and Semiramis and Littleknife and of course Charan and Vortiger from For Honor and CaptainBloodbeard the sword+pistol wielder and Musashi and BulKathos and Tesla and Witchfire The Unholy and and and all those...!

I suppose if I get desperate I can do my RP-ish chars offline (where I believe the limit is much higher than six -- I tested it the other day) and my play-with-others (ie effective, borderline meta) chars online. It's possible.
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Feb 29, 2020, 10:24:23 PM
deathflower wrote:

Six slots is still killing me and I'm pretty sure extra character slots will be one of the first things they sell. Sigh.

Kinda contradictory to the game design since the selling point is you can easily switch builds by just changing skills and stat points. The greater deterrent seem to be not having the right items.

Unless the point is that it is a role playing thing. Like my character DeathReaper is a warrior and will never never be a mage. NEVER!!!

PS: You can save characters in another folder in offline mode. Online mode alternative is currently unavailable. :P
The main barrier and problem here is that to switch builds you currently have to reset the entire tree to do it, when the tree itself is designed in such a way that you shouldn't need to. Even fixing a single mistake or just wanting to adjust something without switching your build is impossible.

The system as it's currently implemented, and the limited number of character slots, is very much anti-experimentation. Some form of single reset point system is definitely needed, even if it's gated behind Stormfall activities. Other important aspects of characters are locked behind that door, so why not?
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
aggromagnet wrote:
The main barrier and problem here is that to switch builds you currently have to reset the entire tree to do it, when the tree itself is designed in such a way that you shouldn't need to. Even fixing a single mistake or just wanting to adjust something without switching your build is impossible.

The system as it's currently implemented, and the limited number of character slots, is very much anti-experimentation. Some form of single reset point system is definitely needed, even if it's gated behind Stormfall activities. Other important aspects of characters are locked behind that door, so why not?

The cost to resetting your stats and skill points are pathetically laughable in Wolcen . Doesn't take more than 10 minutes to do it. Wolcen has full reset, POE has skill refund.

They are different system. Something I like to point out. Full respec in POE is not an inherent design but limited offer from GGG to change your build because of the balance changes that effected your build. As modifying your skills revoke the original offer. Full reset is not a game option/function in POE unless offered by GGG.

Full reset are efficient but inconvenient(for the player). Skill refund are inefficient but convenient; like more specialized tools. Full reset serve their purpose in a quick and effective method to get something done. Reset wipe all of your skill points completely otherwise you wouldn't call it a RESET. It do what it do.
deathflower wrote:
aggromagnet wrote:
The main barrier and problem here is that to switch builds you currently have to reset the entire tree to do it, when the tree itself is designed in such a way that you shouldn't need to. Even fixing a single mistake or just wanting to adjust something without switching your build is impossible.

The system as it's currently implemented, and the limited number of character slots, is very much anti-experimentation. Some form of single reset point system is definitely needed, even if it's gated behind Stormfall activities. Other important aspects of characters are locked behind that door, so why not?

The cost to resetting your stats and skill points are pathetically laughable in Wolcen . Doesn't take more than 10 minutes to do it. Wolcen has full reset, POE has skill refund.

They are different system. Something I like to point out. Full respec in POE is not an inherent design but limited offer from GGG to change your build because of the balance changes that effected your build. As modifying your skills revoke the original offer. Full reset is not a game option/function in POE unless offered by GGG.

Full reset are efficient but inconvenient(for the player). Skill refund are inefficient but convenient; like more specialized tools. Full reset serve their purpose in a quick and effective method to get something done. Reset wipe all of your skill points completely otherwise you wouldn't call it a RESET. It do what it do.
I know full well how it works in both games, as I've done it multiple times in both games. And some of those times in Wolcen have been where I didn't want to change more than a few points. That's where the problems with the current system come into play. There should be full reset for when it's needed, individual refunds for when it's not. Having to do a full reset and reallocate 70 or more points when you only want to change a few is really dumb.

You can create gold, create affinity, create crafting mats, etc in the Stormfall system, so it's a logical place for them to add some means of generating individual refund points. There is ample room in the game for both resets and refunds, and it would be much more in line with their own words of "experimenting" being a selling-point for the game.

It doesn't need to be, and shouldn't be, an all or nothing deal.
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
LOL. Nothing so complex. “Review bombing” is a common internet phenomenon. Mob mentality is a behavior in which people act the same way or adopt similar behaviors as the people around them. In simple terms; Monkey see monkey do. Monkeys "imitate with a purpose", matching their actions to others' behaviour as a form of social learning.

So you are saying people don't buy new copies, they are simply downvoting the game en masse because others are doing it???
Johny_Snow wrote:
LOL. Nothing so complex. “Review bombing” is a common internet phenomenon. Mob mentality is a behavior in which people act the same way or adopt similar behaviors as the people around them. In simple terms; Monkey see monkey do. Monkeys "imitate with a purpose", matching their actions to others' behaviour as a form of social learning.

So you are saying people don't buy new copies, they are simply downvoting the game en masse because others are doing it???

or maybe, just listen, mayyyyybe people are downvoting because the game is terribly buggy and disapointing.
No, I am simply trying to understand. It is impossible the poor reviews are because of mob mentality because of the following reasons

1. During its hype phase before release it had excellent reviews, it reached around 90% positive which is incredible because its usual reviews were mixed (the developers did change the game repeatedly which pissed off many of their backers).
2. On release date when the game was at its worst people STILL reviewed it more positively than negatively. The negative votes outpacing the positive ones happened after unsuccessful patches.
3. Critics don't like the game either. Current score on metacritic is around ~60%, which is closer to the 52% the game has after launch than the 90% it had before launch.
4. There are plenty of negative reviews which explain in depth what is wrong with the game, which shouldn't be the case if the only reason it receives bad rap is mob mentality.
I use wolcen-universe precisely because of the inability to respec surgically. One single misplaced point and bam, gotta start over. The snapshots of wolcen-universe, while primitive, do the job.
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
aggromagnet wrote:
I know full well how it works in both games, as I've done it multiple times in both games. And some of those times in Wolcen have been where I didn't want to change more than a few points. That's where the problems with the current system come into play. There should be full reset for when it's needed, individual refunds for when it's not. Having to do a full reset and reallocate 70 or more points when you only want to change a few is really dumb.

You can create gold, create affinity, create crafting mats, etc in the Stormfall system, so it's a logical place for them to add some means of generating individual refund points. There is ample room in the game for both resets and refunds, and it would be much more in line with their own words of "experimenting" being a selling-point for the game.

It doesn't need to be, and shouldn't be, an all or nothing deal.

How about no? How much MORE would you be willing to pay to get it done? Or don't fix it at all because it is not worth doing. Successful developers need to be strategically lazy and greedy.

Johny_Snow wrote:
No, I am simply trying to understand. It is impossible the poor reviews are because of mob mentality because of the following reasons

1. During its hype phase before release it had excellent reviews, it reached around 90% positive which is incredible because its usual reviews were mixed (the developers did change the game repeatedly which pissed off many of their backers).
2. On release date when the game was at its worst people STILL reviewed it more positively than negatively. The negative votes outpacing the positive ones happened after unsuccessful patches.
3. Critics don't like the game either. Current score on metacritic is around ~60%, which is closer to the 52% the game has after launch than the 90% it had before launch.
4. There are plenty of negative reviews which explain in depth what is wrong with the game, which shouldn't be the case if the only reason it receives bad rap is mob mentality.

If It's not clear, that's precisely what I meant. They are doing it en masse. Mob mentality allows for both positive and negative mob types; affect both positive and negative behavior. Most of the reviews is done within the few days of the launch. After that the number of reviews generally went down.

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