Wolcen Hype Release!

Tsokushin wrote:

What exactly is the quality level upgrade from the transmutation forge do?

I first thought it would increase the tier of rolls on an item, but I'm unsure because I forgot to note the #s on an item I placed there for the purpose of testing that theory.

I can say it didn't affect the base item though, came out still the same.

Also, you can apparently slap unique items into the legendary upgrade and potentially come away with amazing end game gear if the rolls permit.

You see the stars up at the top right next to "quality"? It increases that. It's a minor base damage increase. Notice the dagger I crafted has 4 stars on quality. I could upgrade its quality for a minor boost, but I haven't bothered, because Bleeding Edge does a murderous amount of DPS already. I might get 5 extra damage by upgrading the quality.
Destructodave wrote:

Its kinda funny, tbh. People will tell you today how trash Vanilla D3 was, and in the same breath, talk about how much fun the combat and stuff is in Wolcen. Cracks me up.

Vanilla D3 was trash because of the RMAH, and the game being centered around an economy that had real money put into it. I prefer loot 2.0 and no economy to RMAH. I also prefer Loot 2.0 and no economy to PoE's economy for the same reason. Loot 2.0 was the best thing that ever happened to D3. The gameplay itself in D3 was always good. The fact that Wolcen "feels" like D3 is a good thing, not a bad one. The game is a top seller on Steam. The game's sales are far greater than anyone could have imagined. It's a successful game, in spite of all the nay-sayers trying to shoot it down.

Wolcen selling well is a good thing for the ARPG genre. It means we're guaranteed to get additional content for this game, and it will be updated and expanded on for quite some time.

It also sends the que to other small development studios that there is a demand for ARPGs in the gaming market, even from smaller studios. We're going to get more ARPGs, and potentially some with larger budgets.

Wolcen has its flaws, the game isn't balanced very well, and meta game revolves around "You got several ways to do a bleeding edge build". With everything else being gutter trash at the moment. The developers are aware of this, and other skills will be buffed in due time.

More options/competition in the ARPG genre is good for fans of the genre, maybe not so great for Tencent-GGG. Someone is eventually gonna look at PoE, and say we can do that too, and better, and might actually pull it off. Maybe Tencent will buy them out, too?
Last edited by MrSmiley21 on Feb 23, 2020, 4:16:25 PM
MrSmiley21 wrote:
Wolcen selling well is a good thing for the ARPG genre...

No, it is not. If you sell well based on lies, a product with 2 unforgivable bugs plus a lot of minor bugs, it is not good for anyone because others will see that they can do well by lying, cheating.
And you know what, you (people like you) are the cause of companies that cheat to achieve their goals are so fashionable today. Yes, people like you who see good things where you should only see bad things. People like you encourage to follow the process of fucking the consumers. The developers see you and say: "Look, he liked it, let's keep doing things this way then, anyway we sell well and there are those who defend us although our product should never have seen the light in the current state."

I buy a car. Looks good, but after a few kilometers I realize that the engine is defective, oil drips everywhere and also has electrical problems... Ah, but the car is so beautiful... Ok, let's pretend that nothing has happened here. The car is so cute...
It's ridiculous, right?
Bethesda is known for having good ideas and terrible realization of them. GGG is a Bethesda subsidiary or what?
MrSmiley21 wrote:
Tsokushin wrote:

What exactly is the quality level upgrade from the transmutation forge do?

I first thought it would increase the tier of rolls on an item, but I'm unsure because I forgot to note the #s on an item I placed there for the purpose of testing that theory.

I can say it didn't affect the base item though, came out still the same.

Also, you can apparently slap unique items into the legendary upgrade and potentially come away with amazing end game gear if the rolls permit.

You see the stars up at the top right next to "quality"? It increases that. It's a minor base damage increase. Notice the dagger I crafted has 4 stars on quality. I could upgrade its quality for a minor boost, but I haven't bothered, because Bleeding Edge does a murderous amount of DPS already. I might get 5 extra damage by upgrading the quality.

Actually I think those stars reference rarity instead.

Plain is 1, magic 2, rare 3, legendary 4, unique 5.

I did some further testing on it and increasing quality does seem to bump up all the flat damage rolls as well as the base damage rolls by at least 1 tier.

I put a trash one of these https://wolcendb.erosson.org/loot/weapon/2H_Sword_Tier16 into the increase quality thing and while the displayed flat damage affix rolls still showed in the 61-100 range, on the actual weapon they displayed 75-125 which is indicative of the next tier.

I'm unsure if it's actually supposed to upgrade to the next tier or just include a bump. If the former it means that top gear can still be that much better, if the latter then you can eventually grind out your gear to top gear with repeated quality upgrades.
Actkqk wrote:
MrSmiley21 wrote:
Wolcen selling well is a good thing for the ARPG genre...

No, it is not. If you sell well based on lies, a product with 2 unforgivable bugs plus a lot of minor bugs, it is not good for anyone because others will see that they can do well by lying, cheating.
And you know what, you (people like you) are the cause of companies that cheat to achieve their goals are so fashionable today. Yes, people like you who see good things where you should only see bad things. People like you encourage to follow the process of fucking the consumers. The developers see you and say: "Look, he liked it, let's keep doing things this way then, anyway we sell well and there are those who defend us although our product should never have seen the light in the current state."

I buy a car. Looks good, but after a few kilometers I realize that the engine is defective, oil drips everywhere and also has electrical problems... Ah, but the car is so beautiful... Ok, let's pretend that nothing has happened here. The car is so cute...
It's ridiculous, right?

Wolcen didn't sell on lies. From what I've seen, it's sold on good combat, stunning visuals, a rotating passive tree, and good transmog system.

I can personally say that it delivers on every single one of these fronts.

I do not see in their marketing something about lies, the bugs I encountered were actually very limited. I think the only bug I encountered was the act 3 last boss immortal bug which, while annoying, was completely bypassable by just getting stuns before forcing phase transitions and letting the cutscenes play.

Even PoE itself when it went from closed beta to early access/release was not bug free.

People like you seem to hate on good things before they come to complete fruition. A dev team as small as they were with as limited funds as they had delivered a pretty good product with the resources available. You focus on some minor touchups like details on talents, slightly larger ones like non-working talents and try to make a mental leap to the conclusion that the entire thing is broken.

No, if left clicking crashed the game, that'd mean its broken and not working.

Software that deploys without bugs on launch are the vast minority of software ever released. And this is even more relevant the more complex the software becomes.
Tsokushin wrote:

Wolcen didn't sell on lies...


So, having several months of Beta stage, to test things and then release a product (supposedly finished) with the same failures that the beta had, is not lying?
Ok, nothing else to do, that's why the gaming industry is as it is currently...

If consumers are dumb there is nothing else to do. Congratulations to Wolcen Studio for this great game. Success in sales and a magnificent game that will make history...

Following the example I set about the purchase of the car. I guess you are one of those who continue with the car and will not claim who sold it or demand the return of money or anything similar.
Don't answer me, but if you're thinking that you have to be crazy not to complain about the car, why if the video game industry does things wrong you don't see anything bad?
Bethesda is known for having good ideas and terrible realization of them. GGG is a Bethesda subsidiary or what?
Actkqk wrote:

So, having several months of Beta stage, to test things and then release a product (supposedly finished) with the same failures that the beta had, is not lying?
Ok, nothing else to do, that's why the gaming industry is as it is currently...

If consumers are dumb there is nothing else to do. Congratulations to Wolcen Studio for this great game. Success in sales and a magnificent game that will make history...

Following the example I set about the purchase of the car. I guess you are one of those who continue with the car and will not claim who sold it or demand the return of money or anything similar.
Don't answer me, but if you're thinking that you have to be crazy not to complain about the car, why if the video game industry does things wrong you don't see anything bad?

Well the story and endgame were finished.

I think you're conflating the difference between polish and bugs. https://www.reddit.com/r/Wolcen/comments/f3h279/alpha_beta_bugsissues_remain/

This is the current list of what consider to be issues for the game. Most of those things are polish issues, something that can be refined and tuned up, not bugs.

Many of the talents people considered to be bugs weren't actually bugs, rather the damage was additive and not multiplicative. This is a large distinction to be made on the efficacy of talents and their function.

Following your example of the purchase of a car, you understand the purpose of a car is first and foremost getting you from A to B safely.

Well, this car runs just fine. It gets me from A to B. The radio is wonky, but I'm a guy who brings his own CD's. There was an issue for some people driving it off the lot, but they fixed that already. The owner's manual to the vehicle is unclear in some aspects, but the car runs just fine.

And, like all other cars, it just needs a bit of maintenance to keep it running smoothly.

Still, impressive considering this isn't some large autodealer, it's a relatively small team.

But I guess you wouldn't care about that. You can take your PoE with your skinner box RNG, your 1 button clear screen builds, and your 1 month beta testing new league if that's what suits you.

PoE on launch had just as many game breaking bugs as Wolcen, which in both cases is relatively few, but I guess because PoE was considered Free to play and "early access", it got a pass?

It's only in todays advent of PoE players do we see this general amount of complaining about some actually good content.
Actkqk wrote:

I buy a car. Looks good, but after a few kilometers I realize that the engine is defective

I wish PoE's engine wasn't defective.

- Matt
There are 10 types of people. Those that know binary, and those that dont.
Tsokushin wrote:

Following your example of the purchase of a car, you understand the purpose of a car is first and foremost getting you from A to B safely.

Well, this car runs just fine. It gets me from A to B. The radio is wonky, but I'm a guy who brings his own CD's. There was an issue for some people driving it off the lot, but they fixed that already. The owner's manual to the vehicle is unclear in some aspects, but the car runs just fine.

And, like all other cars, it just needs a bit of maintenance to keep it running smoothly.


Ok, I go with my new car, from car dealer to my house. I never got to my house because the engine stopped midway and it didn't start again (analogy with the bug of losing the character's progress). Ok, problem solved a few days later. I go again with my car to my house and being a few blocks away the engine simply stops again (analogy with the bug of the final boss). In addition to all that, by looking more closely I have discovered that there are some flaws with the painting (analogy with minor problems, which can be repaired with some patience and time)...
What do you do with the car? The car does not take me to my house, it is not an unimportant fault as your soul of blind white knight believes. No one would accept a car in these conditions if it has been paid for a new car. Why don't we do the same with video games?
Why are there people like you who insist that the Car dealer should be excused and trusted?... I don't get it.
Bethesda is known for having good ideas and terrible realization of them. GGG is a Bethesda subsidiary or what?
Diablo 3 is not one-button, why aren't you playing it?

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