Wolcen Hype Release!

By far the best take I've seen on Wolcen so far. Short, sweet, vivid and relatable - https://youtu.be/_1OpbL04jII xD

Perhaps you don't fully understand bugs and technical issues with balance and skill interactions.

What game-breaking bugs are in offline?

Using passives/gems/equipment to get 100% block and block efficiency isn't a bug, its balance issue. Having a skill modifier in bleeding edge that gives dmg per aliment, but there is not limit on ailments, isnt a bug, it's a balance issue. Even the Bane of Tyranny node, which provided 2000% of you had 50^ block on your shield wasnt a bug. It did exactly what it said. It needed to be adjusted/corrected but it wasnt a bug, it worked fine.

If you are going to go to chinese symbols causing character corruption as a objective reason for a "failed launch", fine. I think that's dumb but whatever. Most of what you read is hyperbolic parroting of negative narratives.

Perhaps we should have a debate on some words,and the meaning of what those words mean. Simply because I see you writing those words,and I do know for a FACT that the words you write do not have the meaning of what you think they have.
Last edited by Nosferat on Feb 21, 2020, 3:46:47 PM
Nosferat wrote:

Perhaps you don't fully understand bugs and technical issues with balance and skill interactions.

What game-breaking bugs are in offline?

Using passives/gems/equipment to get 100% block and block efficiency isn't a bug, its balance issue. Having a skill modifier in bleeding edge that gives dmg per aliment, but there is not limit on ailments, isnt a bug, it's a balance issue. Even the Bane of Tyranny node, which provided 2000% of you had 50^ block on your shield wasnt a bug. It did exactly what it said. It needed to be adjusted/corrected but it wasnt a bug, it worked fine.

If you are going to go to chinese symbols causing character corruption as a objective reason for a "failed launch", fine. I think that's dumb but whatever. Most of what you read is hyperbolic parroting of negative narratives.

Perhaps we should have a debate on some words,and the meaning of what those words mean. Simply because I see you writing those words,and I do know for a FACT that the words you write do not have the meaning of what you think they have.

Debate? Lol.

If you don't know the difference between bug and balance idk what to say.

I suppose it doesnt matter anyways. I'm not going to try and convince you that a game that sold insanely well, had more concurrent players on Steam than PoE ever did, and dominated Twitch, didnt fail.

For the record I'm a big PoE fan. I've been playing for the better part of 8 years. Ive given them thousands of dollars in support. I've never played a game this long (maybe D2?). PoE is the better game.

But I'm not a clueless fanboi spewing toxicity, or ridiculous narratives of other games in the genre. Its childish and petty. (Not to mention in this case, totally untrue)

Edit: lol are minion builds bugged, or do they need balance in PoE?
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44 on Feb 21, 2020, 4:00:49 PM
One thing I noticed that Wolcen is doing a fantastic job in is there cosmetics. The customization and making your character look the way you want it to look is a pretty big deal for a lot of people. They've already said awhile back they will be bringing in additional dyes, cosmetics etc. So if what I'm already seeing gets even better that's a huge potential $$$ revenue for them to keep the game going. I saw some pretty cool ones already on reddit, one dude had a spider man one, and there was a terminator one too.

I'm getting close to finishing act 3, I haven't had time to really play. My biggest gripe is the clunky movement still, it's better but it still sucks. I think they are working towards being able to bind move only on the left mouse button and that should help. I think one of the biggest/coolest thing so far I saw in the game was the overview of the battle you saw from the cliff in act 3.
Someone made a few second video of what I'm talking about. Anyways, really enjoy Aether Blades, makes me feel like I'm Templar assassin from Dota 2.


There were so many "oh wow" moments for me during the story, and the one you mentioned in Chapter 3 was definitely one of them. But:

The one that really got me was the transition from Chapter 2 to 3, which actually showed the characters travelling, LOTR style. Through forests, then over mountains, through rain and finally towards the northern wastes. None of that is original but the last time I saw anything like it was the cutscenes between acts in Diablo 2, which focused entirely on the Dark Wanderer's journey through Sanctuary.

I still haven't used Infinity Blades. Sort of saving that one for dessert, because I know I'm going to love it. Who doesn't dig some Psylocke action?

And looting dyes is *awesome*, although an indicator when you've already unlocked one would be nice, rather than simply failing to learn it. Dyeing is also much cheaper than applying skins, so I'm more apt to do that for now.


The transition from an avalanche of hatred to more and more Wolswag: Lords of Fashion posts on the Wolcen reddit is obviously a good sign. I doubt it'll hit the same heights as SoulCaliburCreations but in time it should overtake stuff like ForFashion.


Currently bouncing between a block-based dual wielding Arms Maester (counter attacks), a dodge-focused Slayer's Flurry/Bulwark of Dawn dagger+catalyst Duskglaive, and a near-naked Fireball chick using an enlarged Heartpiercer Fireball because I've always wanted to cosplay as a Succubus from D1.


Note for the day: the bulk of your damage will come from the 'bonus' damage from attribute allocation. Your primary attribute (i.e. your highest) will give .5% damage per point, with each stat from there down giving .4, .3 and .2 respectively. This means you almost certainly will deal more damage if you concentrate on one attribute but you'll be lacking in other areas. Still, a Toughness based *anything* is certainly possible. I don't think I've ever seen an ARPG with the same potential for a straightforward health-based tank mage as Wolcen, but right now it's a game of resisting the obvious allure of stacking ailments because those break pretty much any play style.

I'm still not used to the absence of defensive bonuses from attributes -- it's so much harder to get dodge chance now! But that makes sense, given how powerful dodge is.

83,155. I expect this fairly stable range of 55-80k will plummet with the advent of PoE's next league, but part of me wonders how many of those people are more than just killing time until their next Wraeclast fix. How many were never Exiles at all. Very, very eager to find out.
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Feb 21, 2020, 5:58:21 PM
Exile009 wrote:
By far the best take I've seen on Wolcen so far. Short, sweet, vivid and relatable - https://youtu.be/_1OpbL04jII xD

Here's my own comment on that video:

I dunno how much time this game has to get its shit together. POE 2 is coming, and there is only so much novelty to be squeezed out of this shiny, new toy before folks return to Wraeclast, even if their patience isn't being tested by all the random issues. Will the money last long enough for Wolcen to get out of development hell? For my part, I'll stick with POE. ='[.]'=

BTW, Woolfio's YouTube channel is well worth looking at, informative and entertaining. =^[.]^=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Upadte 1.0.4 by official and also unofficial means is ready. I don't know, I'm trying Last Epoch right now. My disappointment with Wolcen was so great that at this moment although the new patch seems to solve a lot of things, it doesn't appeal much to me...
Bethesda is known for having good ideas and terrible realization of them. GGG is a Bethesda subsidiary or what?
So i did a few of the "ubber maps" today and apparently they put the exit portal ontop of the boss your supposed to fight and it transfers you back to town unable to go back in.

Not sure if thats just an issue on my end or if its for everybody but it was sort of stupid.

I was also expecting a bit more since i eventually just beat one of them with my melee char by using some bleeding edge and simply not using my normal hit to avoid getting ported out.

You can just afk in the fight if your somewhat capable in building a char.

Also at monster lvl 150 and apparently there is no increase in difficulty after paragon, so i hope at least the final few levels ramp up hard.

The city system is a fun addition to the game though, keeps you pretty bussy considering the costs.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
I really enjoy how it's hard to know if your health and/or force shield are being tallied properly after changing gear/gems. I wouldn't be at all surprised if whatever is going on there affects damage and other stuff as well.
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.

Percentages seem legit for this buggy, glitchy game...lol.
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
Considering there's a major bug that can turn the Big Bad invulnerable indefinitely if you somehow damage it during a transformation, that's hardly surprising. I somehow dodged that bullet despite being a DoT monster at the time...

edit: oh, I just saw the disparity. Yeah, people are pointing those out too.


So something else I appreciate about the game is how dynamic enemies are compared to most ARPGs. For example, they don't all just spawn and charge you. The soldier types will form rank and move as a unit. Snipers will try to keep distance. And, my favourite, the big, dumb ones sometimes just sit there for a bit between huge moves.

Also, any given mandate or expedition is dynamically scaled. That means enemy level isn't fixed by area, except I believe the targets, which are typically beefy enough that they don't need those extra few levels. So I can start a mandate at level 10 and end it at 12, and typically face equal-level mobs the whole way. That's a nice touch.

I also like that enemies drop fairly specific armour skins. They are not really tied to quality or stats, as in most other ARPGs. This is naturally more noticeable in Champion of Stormfall, since there you can face late Chapter 3 mobs right alongside early game ones. Weapons, on the other hand, are absolutely by level -- longsword to gladius to ataghan to scimitar and so on. It's an interesting distinction but I suppose one that really doesn't matter once you start seriously transmuting.

Here's a tip for giving new characters an early boost: get your Seeker expeditions near to completion but then finish them on a new character. They'll get the gold/gear rewards, which at low level should be relatively significant. This is assuming you're not saving for another project, in which case just pile all the rewards onto one character, as most of my friends seem to be doing.
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Feb 22, 2020, 7:18:50 AM

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