Wolcen Hype Release!

The passive tree is actually one of the downsides. It locks you into whatever you want to play, something PoE does not. I can go into any build and do small adjustments to it myself, here you kinda have no choice but to go your chosen zone of the passive tree and get everything from it.
oh lol, looks like the launch was so bad we got 50:50 positive:negative reviews. Which is fair. Teach them a lesson to not jerk around their customers like this.
Johny_Snow wrote:
oh lol, looks like the launch was so bad we got 50:50 positive:negative reviews. Which is fair. Teach them a lesson to not jerk around their customers like this.

I'm in the process of trying to get a refund. I played 11 hours, and I paid for an online game, and thats where my character is. Server has been down for 24 hours at this point I think; went down at 7pm est time yest. They gave an ETA of POSSIBLY 7am EST tomorrow. Thats crazy. And thats not even for sure. They are more than likely going to extend it even further. 36 hours, and they dont even know if its going to come up then. Some guy took a SS of a post by one of the devs that said tuesday, but it was deleted and people figured it was fake. Its seeming like it wasnt fake.

I cannot justify that. I've applied 3 times now. Eventually I'll get a human being and stop getting a canned 2hr response and get my money back. There are far too many companies more deserving of my money than this.
I am not sure how these assholes even managed to get such a massive release spike when they've proven themselves to be untrustworthy numerous times (crowd funding something then deciding to go after something else). Must have been a lucky break because the PoE league is already dead.
Lets see how perfectly launched 3.10 will be strangers.

I'm "expecting" to see the same reactions too.
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

Retired since crucible.(Not a free tester anymore for a multi billion dollar company).
Looks like I made the right decision by playing offline. Online is a mess, folks.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Ahahahahahah I just saw this on reddit and I almost cried with laughter...

Bethesda is known for having good ideas and terrible realization of them. GGG is a Bethesda subsidiary or what?
gandhar0 wrote:

Reskinned D3 in modern look but similarities like the original.

Generator and spender. The most obvious one.
Same dmg number popups.
Item info popup identical.
Champions blue colored.
Enemies flash/blink when they get hit.
Auto gold pickup.
Similar monster types. Some of them are 100% copies like the D3 bats from act 3 or the big 2h mace demons from act 1.
Skill modifiers aka runes.
Dual ressource willpower & rage. D3 demon hunter (hatred / discipline).
Generally slow movement speed like D3.
Talking "me big baddy- me smash you" bosses with multiple phases.
No consequences when dying (yet).
Endgame: Expeditions (Rifts) / Town manager (bounties). Yeah you can create a fresh character and jump right into the city simulator with lvl 1 skipping the campaign.

I think the dodge roll is new.

One more to add...fucking Treasure Goblins lol

I don't know if those are new with the release version or if they were in before. I didn't play extensively for the last incarnation of the beta game, but I did play some and had never seen one. Encountered one for the first time this AM. Little mob called "Wealth Omen" that runs away and drops gold as you do damage to it, then craps out a bunch of items if you kill it.
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
Apparently there's no real support for pure minion builds in Wolcen - https://youtu.be/3qbfO-24kPA
Last edited by Exile009 on Feb 16, 2020, 2:37:11 AM
i like the game i think its cool. the release has been an absolute clusterfuck for sure. i started in offline so it is what it is but me and my mrs couldnt play together cause the servers have been down forever which sucks.

i didnt feel pigeonholed by the passive tree, i went all over the place and got tons of different stuff from different areas just like i would in poe.

im not a fan of itemisation where i can get crit, attack speed etc on chest, boots, gloves, rings, hat... i think poe has it right where you limit certain things to certain slots, d3 does that too but that games just lacking in stats in general, garbage.

i had the untargetable bats too, only way to kill em is with some kind of aoe damage, kind of silly bug should have been sorted.

a buggy mess but i think its a good game under it all. all the cut scenes and the way they did the story was really good, no sitting there reading text at some npc, just showing you stuff in engine etc, great. the story itself sadly was, i dunno, it was pretty limp up to the point i stopped giving a crap about it and skipped most of it lol. all so generic and stupid.

speaking of which, those stupid oversized swords and shoulder pads... stop, please for the love of god can this industry just fire everyone who thinks massive shoulderpads and stupid oversized weapons are cool? fuck me, just awful awful awful art style in places, diabolical final fantasy cheap trash. the ui wasnt offensive, but it wasnt good either. same goes with most arpgs tbh, it happens when people think an artist who went to art school can also do graphic design. obviously they cant, get a graphic designer in, and make sure its a good one, your artist whos favourite art is some bullshit animae garbage with 50 foot swords and tiny little heads on huge bodies is shit at art and diabolical at graphic design. even basic concepts like aligment seem to be missing in the ui design but at least its somewhat legible, thats a start.

poe generally has a really good art style i think. i dunno who it is who keeps putting these claw things on the boots, like giant toenail talon things for shoes, that shit needs to stop. but generally poe has some very tasteful bits of art styling in it, quite classically cultured etc. poes ui is getting better but still some elements that really need sorted.

wolcen just goes right in with thse stupid names for everything, oh this is archonaraladriel.... oh just fk off plz, someone over there has sat down with the good old meme level generic fantasy name generator and just shat out a bunch of cheesy names for everything, i think they got their story elements from one too. not a fan of all that stuff. but the world looks amazing and the way the story is told is the best ive ever seen in an arpg, this sets a new standard for how you actually have storyline in an arpg. in that field everyone elses arpg has just been reduced to garbage tier and anyone doing anything less now is gonna be sorely lacking. kind of like poe has done with itemisation, passive customistion and league/season implementation.

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