Wolcen Hype Release!

Atm i enjoy wolcen. I play offline and checking whats around and take easy. When online gets fixed ill make a char to online. For me its cool and relaxing game, no need to worry about some random 1 shot and exp lost. Its chill.
The hype is something else. Wolcen almost reached PoE's all-time peak on Steam. I never thought this would be possible. I thought it would sell like Grim Dawn, but it's much more successful it seems.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
The hype is something else. Wolcen almost reached PoE's all-time peak on Steam. I never thought this would be possible. I thought it would sell like Grim Dawn, but it's much more successful it seems.

I might be wrong but I think it just cleared it.
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Xavderion wrote:
The hype is something else. Wolcen almost reached PoE's all-time peak on Steam. I never thought this would be possible. I thought it would sell like Grim Dawn, but it's much more successful it seems.

I might be wrong but I think it just cleared it.

You're right. Fucking incredible.

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
The ARPG genre is pretty light on current titles, and Wolcen has had years of people waiting for it. Too bad there's just nothing there beyond the some great visuals.
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
Just a simple tip for something I randomly found on reddit:

There's a setting in gameplay just called 'basic attack'. Yeah, I had no idea what it did either. It was either on by default in the beta or just didn't exist.

With it on, you will keep attacking things as long as they're highlighted, switching targets without having to reclick. In my experience, this greatly increases the feeling of 'melee flow' that marks one of Wolcen's better aspects.

https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Wolcen is a PERFECT example of WHY graphics DOESN'T make up for SUBPAR GAMEPLAY! TRUTH!
Destructodave wrote:
Well, there are gold dupes, infinite magic find stacking, and even crafting orb duping going on.

So even if the servers manage to make it back up after 40+ hours of downtime, its almost pointless to worry about anything you got online since its meaningless.

This game has so many of the worst possible bugs you can imagine for an Arpg, and the worst server issues I have ever seen, its almost like they were doing it on purpose in a satirical way.

its a single player game with co-op multiplayer. its not a trade game like poe. grim dawn is the same, i can load up grim dawn and dupe items, load gd defiler and make my character lvl100 with a billion gold and give myself 100 extra skill points etc.

you can load doom 2 from the early 90s, open a console and type in cheat commands, almost all games back then had cheat codes people would figure out to basically give urself various kinds of god mode.

its a game like that, its always been a game like that, i dont think it was ever supposed to be a secure trade economy game. you can cheat and mod all you want in single player/co-op games, youre only cheating yourself essentially. its just a game that you play. same with torchlight, titan quest, all these kind of arpgs.
Heh, trust me, I've been with grim dawn since its beta and they never treated their customers this badly or showed as much greed as these amateur devs.
Last edited by Johny_Snow on Feb 16, 2020, 11:52:35 PM
The only thing this game has going for it is it's visuals. Cryengine does look really nice, other then that, it's another generic hack&slash looter that we have seen dozens of times over the years.

Beside the many issues,bugs and whatnot. The game has very little content,very little to offer. And while it was made by an indie studio,it was not made by 5 people in a garage somewhere with no money,so them releasing the game in such a bad state is simply not acceptable.

The market is hungry for a new hack&slash game, wolcen is not the game that will fulfill that need. By the time the new league begins, most people here praising wolcen will be back playing POE again and will have totally forgotten about wolcen.

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