[3.14] Kami's Life | LL | CI CoC Ice Nova Assassin | all Content | deep Delve | max Block

NSUCK wrote:
Just an FYI, since the standard of the build has shifted to getting 14% CDR and staying under 7.5 APS. If you're using an awakened CoC gem, level 1-2 is not enough CDR on its own (mine is level 2 right now). In the meantime you can just craft 6-8% CDR on your belt. This is easier than going crazy trying to find boots or belt with the mod on them. Once your awakened gem hits level 3 you can ignore CDR on your gear completely.

Do you think awakened CoC is worth the price to open up the CDR slots on belt and boots? I kind of want to try crafting a %ES + %ES from body armor belt, and my boots are plugged with resists and aspect right now. Probably a good plan, I just need to save some more to do all of it.
great build killer.
NSUCK wrote:
Just an FYI, since the standard of the build has shifted to getting 14% CDR and staying under 7.5 APS. If you're using an awakened CoC gem, level 1-2 is not enough CDR on its own (mine is level 2 right now). In the meantime you can just craft 6-8% CDR on your belt. This is easier than going crazy trying to find boots or belt with the mod on them. Once your awakened gem hits level 3 you can ignore CDR on your gear completely.

If staying under 7.5aps, wouldn't keeping 15% CDR on your belt or boots be better than Awakened Cast on Crit?

The awakened gem CDR is only going to help the chest Ice Nova, your weapon will be acting as if you had 0% CDR.

I know the chest Ice Nova is more damage, but missing proc's of Frostbolt and Ice Nova from weapon may be more important than the slight increase of Awakened Cast on Crit.
Hi all!

What do you think is the minimun budget to use this build properly? (approximately)

I'm thinking to try the build, but for what I read is really, really expensive (I already own a cospri). Even more taking in consideration that is just my second league and I'm still learning how to craft

Last edited by Sanfear on Mar 26, 2020, 11:38:13 PM
gg build all content dead almost.
all content dead
gg build
all content dead gg build thanks for a great build gg gg gg gg gg
🌹IG: @imjustrynagetLo$T
clipset wrote:
NSUCK wrote:
Just an FYI, since the standard of the build has shifted to getting 14% CDR and staying under 7.5 APS. If you're using an awakened CoC gem, level 1-2 is not enough CDR on its own (mine is level 2 right now). In the meantime you can just craft 6-8% CDR on your belt. This is easier than going crazy trying to find boots or belt with the mod on them. Once your awakened gem hits level 3 you can ignore CDR on your gear completely.

Do you think awakened CoC is worth the price to open up the CDR slots on belt and boots? I kind of want to try crafting a %ES + %ES from body armor belt, and my boots are plugged with resists and aspect right now. Probably a good plan, I just need to save some more to do all of it.

Got a level 5 awake, I have the tanky version setup, I feel like with the gem I am so much flexible and open to other paths at any time I want to do with the build since I don't have to fill in the boots and belt with the CDR, more flexibility.

The first attempt at Simulacrum, rewards didn't drop, I didn't see the boss, all dead wth is going on.
Awakened CoC has quite the price tag. At least for me there are other parts that need attention first.

Btw, the guide has a "%ES from body armor" stat on one of the rings. Is this stat 3.9 legacy, I can't seem to find any current rings with this stat.
pmpch wrote:
Awakened CoC has quite the price tag. At least for me there are other parts that need attention first.

Btw, the guide has a "%ES from body armor" stat on one of the rings. Is this stat 3.9 legacy, I can't seem to find any current rings with this stat.

It is.

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