[3.13 UPDATED] gr0bbs | Poison Blade Vortex | Budget Viable | Endgame 50Mil+ DPS | Video Guide

YagoDanti wrote:
camnupre wrote:
PezeMovsky wrote:
1. More dps
2. u can use awakened void manipulation if you have 100% chance to poison without poison gem

Thanks. That what i need.
p.s. It's too hard to get cap resistance without rare chest. Too much uniques...

Check my profile. I guess I managed to have all auras skitterbots, malevolence, herald of agony, despair, aspect and precision. Also I have 4.5k hp and lots of evasion. Honestly not dying too often and my resists are very ok. Clusters help u with resists and a good ring and stygian with catalyst will be your go to. Later today I'll explain my steps in here

Thanks. What about endgame bosses? Sirus A8-9 or Uber? Didn't see any videos with killing them. Can this build farm this content? I bought Asenath's, for now it's costs ~2ex. Should i bust with some expensive items this build or it doesn't survives anyway?

Does skitterbots is better then flesh and stone?
Last edited by camnupre on Feb 8, 2021, 3:26:25 AM
i went a lil off book once i hit end game.... happy with the build..... crafted a gg ammy/ ring/ belt/ boots/ chest (chest needs some work still)

currently at 5.2k hp and 44m sirus dps with everything popped plus whatever plague bearer gives.
next upgrades will be jewels, then gonna farm for helm and belt enchant, and finally after that gonna try to harvest craft t1 life on chest / boots/ ammy

Last edited by mrob4vt on Feb 8, 2021, 5:18:14 AM
Did you spam remove/add chaos to craft the poison on the boots? For the living hell of me I cant get chaos augments now.

Beginner question: When I go for 2x Axiom Perpetuum asap, which movement skill would you recommend as Whirling Blades don't work with a sceptre.
Flame Dash / Smoke Mine
Hey so i've specced into this build yesterday and was wondering if there were any ways i could incorporate power charges apart from on my chest. My Pob is https://pastebin.com/RnxX22M2 if anyone could give me some pointers to boost my dps higher, currently on 35m but looking to start min maxing.

I see some people using herald of purity or skitterbots but is it really worth the loss of survivability from sand stance in flesh and stone?
LowBudget780 wrote:

With an Enlighten 4 you can run Skitterbots, Herald, Malevolence and Flesh and Stone. You have to link Enlighten, Malevolence, Skitter, and Herald in helm and then Flesh and Stone on a separate socket. Also, Anomalous Herald of Purity is better than HoA if you can max your chance to poison without it no real need to run both.

So you don't run aspect of the spider? I have 0 mana and i use enlighten 4
Also what would be examples of ways to boost your poison chance?
Thanks for the advice so far! Will defo look at getting the diadem with inc duration :D
Last edited by EU_Rogue on Feb 8, 2021, 10:12:40 PM
@LowBudget780, thanks for detailed answer.

>>>So you don't run aspect of the spider?
Perhaps Aspect of the Crab will be better for survivability? This build looks like weakly vs phys dmg. I think build has enough damage. Main problem is survive from random oneshots.
>>>Also, Anomalous Herald of Purity is better than HoA if you can max your chance to poison without it no real need to run both.
Without poison gem it's too hard. But without HoA Circle of Nostalgia no more need.
Guys...I know its an ass when ppl simply dump their PoB and ask for advice.

But I really rreally need advice in this build. I honestly can't believe that there's no way to heavily pump the survivability of this build.

I have about 60ex invested in the build...perhaps more...and I am not dying too often...but I am looking ways to upgrade even further ou simply calculating properly my PoB...would you guys be able to help me out?

Ty ty


Hey, got an hh in SSF and figured this would be the perfect build for it. Going well so far, my only issue is that I seem to need a mana flask and a health flask. I see in the FAQ that a mana flask shouldn't be needed with 150 unreserved mana and I have that but it still isn't enough. What can I do to fix this? Currently using health, mana, silver, quicksilver, quartz but I'd like to work in an atziri's.

Edit: Replaced the silver flask with an atziri's promise, but I still need health and mana flasks.
Last edited by Drarke on Feb 9, 2021, 3:11:02 PM

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