[3.13 UPDATED] gr0bbs | Poison Blade Vortex | Budget Viable | Endgame 50Mil+ DPS | Video Guide

Hey another question
I am trying to decide between a +2 to aoe kingutsi/carcass or to try to get a bit more currency for a+4 (the one with the +1 and 100% increaed deffense like horned has) i feel a bit squishi sometimes, so kingutsi?. What do you think?
MishyFancer wrote:

"Someone like me" LOL

Nah, i'm not thriving on likes. I just tell you plain and simple that you're wrong, underlined by my experience with different builds i actually PLAYED over the last few leagues, instead of only trying to theorycraft.

arikshkol wrote:
Hey another question
I am trying to decide between a +2 to aoe kingutsi/carcass or to try to get a bit more currency for a+4 (the one with the +1 and 100% increaed deffense like horned has) i feel a bit squishi sometimes, so kingutsi?. What do you think?

+2 is a good corruption. +4 will be expensive, and +4 on a Skin of the Loyal depends on the colouring, since sockets cannot be modified, not even by bench-crafting. You may be able to switch one support gem like i did, but don't just look at the price when buying a +4 SotL. I made that mistake a few leagues back, just saying... ;-)
I paid 70ex for mine this league, and it was one of two on the market at that time (the other one was ~100ex, with the same colours).
Hello guys thanks for fantastic build!Must share my beauty drop who solved my problems with life and resist
I've gotten this build about as tanky as possible, but Sirus can still easily wreck me. It's pretty solid for Delirium maps though.
_Elminister_ wrote:
I've gotten this build about as tanky as possible, but Sirus can still easily wreck me. It's pretty solid for Delirium maps though.

Sirus wrecks most builds easily. Evasion / dodge-based builds have a problem anyway if they get hit, because they mostly don't have any armour to soften the blow.
Hi, here is my pob
any suggestions to improve my build?
Is there a PoB for 3.12?

I enjoyed a lot this build !
I'm lvl 94 and feel unable to level up anymore, doing map14, 15, 16 + heist..
I added some life gained on hit for spells + fortify with whirlwing blade... but i died too much ;(

I reviewed many times the build explanation and believe i followed quite correctly... but maybe i did a mistake somewhere :(

Could someone check my character please ?

Thanks in advance
Cyb_bat wrote:

I enjoyed a lot this build !
I'm lvl 94 and feel unable to level up anymore, doing map14, 15, 16 + heist..
I added some life gained on hit for spells + fortify with whirlwing blade... but i died too much ;(

I reviewed many times the build explanation and believe i followed quite correctly... but maybe i did a mistake somewhere :(

Could someone check my character please ?

Thanks in advance

With my limited knowledge. Kintsugi chest for me is a great upgrade for survivability. I was stuck at 95 until I got this. You might want to also use a lower level CWDT gem. If you want a few easy levels use Heist contracts and Blueprints in I think its Tunnels and Repository. Plenty of videos on this.

You need to add an explosion chest or the Asenath gloves. These make a big difference, because they explode mobs in groups. Grab a couple of Obliteration wands (whirling blades wont be useable, requires a lot of Int) to see the effects. This convinced me to get the gloves, which are a big purchase but worth it.

Chest, gloves and go :D
Cyb_bat wrote:

I enjoyed a lot this build !
I'm lvl 94 and feel unable to level up anymore, doing map14, 15, 16 + heist..
I added some life gained on hit for spells + fortify with whirlwing blade... but i died too much ;(

I reviewed many times the build explanation and believe i followed quite correctly... but maybe i did a mistake somewhere :(

Could someone check my character please ?

Thanks in advance
A Vermillion ring would help, and a quartz flask will help boost your dodge. And what MishyFancer posted already. :)
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.

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