[3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content

faraazahmed wrote:
iargue wrote:
faraazahmed wrote:
Is there a way to improve single target dps for bosses?

Watch the video?

Single target damage for bosses is already at omfg levels. Idk why you want to increase them higher than that?

I leveled this up towards end of Metamorph and am continuing to test the build in Standard while waiting for 3.10.

I have the standard build set up with all the gear mentioned in the PoB. I am finding this build has a hard time against certain bosses like Chimera, Minotaur, Acid Caverns (basically anything where the boss closes the gap with you).

Hydra took a long time to kill as well, he did the disappear and spawn adds thing 5 times, whereas with my other builds Hydra usually dies within 1 wave of adds spawning.

Hence my question.

I'm sorry, but you simply have to not be using this build correctly. Perhaps you need to read the guide again, as you should be using Frost Bolt and then spamming as much Ice Nova as possible and repeating.

None of those bosses were at all close to a problem for me. So either you are not using the spells correctly, or something.
Are we still using precision lvl 1 in delirium after nurf?
I used lvl 21 Precision last league. It's not that much more reserved mana when our mana pool is that big, and especially with the nerf now, way better to level up.
So I'm kind of curious on two things the patch brings us, the first of which being the simple question on since clusters do look promising for the build especially the shock one, where are we dropping points points to grab them.

The second big thing is a little more complex but I'm starting to wonder especially seeing some of the nutty numbers from the Storm brand bois if there's any level of mana investment that makes Archmage worth, pob as it currently is suggests no, but it is curious.
All of our damage scaling/pen/shred is base on cold damage, so I don't think there's anything in our Ice Nova 6L that would merit being dropped in favor of the added lightning from Archmage.
I tried a search for any mention of unleash unsuccessfuly.

For people that have played this, what are your thoughts on using unleash instead of faster casting in the 4l frostbolt? Does it help a lot with burst dmg?
All of our damage scaling/pen/shred is base on cold damage, so I don't think there's anything in our Ice Nova 6L that would merit being dropped in favor of the added lightning from Archmage.

That was my initial thought but some people I'm talking have been talking about getting actual absurd numbers of flat like 2-3k+ that not gonna lie it has me thinking on a lot of things including things that have to just be a meme and can't be right like 2x call of the brotherhood.
I really admired this build I will use this as my 3.10 <3

can I ask something do I have to change to delve build if I'm already using the premium ? in delving ??

also i dont get how the glorius vanity timeless jewel works im too noob for it can u explain more?
Darkeayras wrote:
I tried a search for any mention of unleash unsuccessfuly.

For people that have played this, what are your thoughts on using unleash instead of faster casting in the 4l frostbolt? Does it help a lot with burst dmg?

Frostbolt doesn't do any damage; it's simply there as a vehicle to deliver Ice Nova echoes. Last league, I 6L my chest, dumped Faster Casting in favor of Awakened Curse on Hit + Frostbite just to pump up DPS a little more.
hey man , can you update the skill tree by any chance? its only till 81lvl :D
Hardcore was great for the first 8 seconds or so. I think I made it through about 4 whole zombies!

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