Development Manifesto: Balance in Path of Exile: Conquerors of the Atlas

Monster Resistances, Armour and Life and Leveling sections sound like reactionary changes being made because of racing (or because of the time Havoc just got). Bonus life and bonus defenses seems stupid to be rolling out at the same time.
Yes and new EXs can be find in every where. We can buff our items faster than
1 year playing. So what's the problem let's play D4.
But we can also bye them, probably in very cheap price because everybody has lot of new EXs to sell.
Incarcerated wrote:
Kayrigan wrote:
The "Can have multiple crafted modifiers" mod has been changed, now granting "Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers". Multi-mod crafting an item was proving too powerful for too low a cost compared with rolling an item of relative power. We'll be keeping an eye on the modifier to see if further changes are required.

i love it, i was tired of seeing nearly perfect weapon for 0 cost, thanks GGG !!

Eh, most crafted items cost at least 6 exalts to craft, not counting getting the item base and thousand of alterations to spam on it.

2ex for the multi it self, 1 or 2 ex per other mod (+2 socketed gems, Ele Pen etc)

Also not counting buying Imprint monsters or the time it takes to farm Einhar to get one. A good crafted item can be a real money (and time) sink.

You also have to farm Syndicate to get most of the mods (dangerous as F) and then defeat the Pale Council.

I think this investment should pay off.

This 'investment' is something i can afford within a week or so of playing if i tried and I'm not playing that much. No, it absolutely should not be providing people with perfectly rolled items 1 week into a league.
The MM nerf is absolutely justified and so are the other changes. Reading these comments is discouraging for me as I can see that GGG are trying to rein in the OP insta-shaper-kill meta which trivialises content that they worked hard on to make difficult and rewarding.

Stop whining and wait to see the patch notes/play the league before you threaten to quit and stomp your feet. It's a free game. The beauty of it is that you can TRY it before you make your mind up instead of acting as a spoilt immature crybaby when you have absolutely no idea of what the exact changes actually are and how they will feel when you are playing the game...

Just because YOU can get the currency in a week doesn't mean everyone can.

You're actually fucking disconnected from the average person playing this game.
People crying about multimod nerf has clearly forgotten how easy it is to roll perfect endgame weapons for like 3-4 ex for 1H or roughly 5-6 ex for 2H. Obtaining a really good endgame item should be a struggle and not accessible to anyone who can play 1-2 hours per day. Plus I think most of you who are crying about multimod nerf has forgotten about the new exalted orbs, that seems to target very specific mods which are very strong. We obviously don't know how rare they are yet, but they want us to interact with more then just alt spam+the crafting bench. Which I think is healthy for the game.

As for the bow changes, bows was always super powerful on a high investment scale, but slower on lower levels, this patch seems to tone down some of the most easily played things around them. Like example the mirage archer nerf is good, an auto aiming attack that one shots map monsters is way to good.

I also like as they mentioned with icicle mines that the projectiles by default travel less distance but that projectile speed increases the distance, this makes more stats interesting when planning and crafting for your character. (Because lets be honest who ever before aimed for projectile speed anywhere?).

To people crying about difficulty of the game, you can go to youtube and find countless builds that takes down Uber Elder with a 5Link with relative ease and maybe 1-3ex investment if even that high. If you spend more you can obviously aquire a build that obliterates bosses. Even a 6L isn't to hard to aquire today so should still be possible to tackle endgame content with not to much higher effort.

The only thing we need clarification on honestly is the 7L 2H, with the wording in this manifesto it is unclear if they remove the 7L possibilities altogether or if they only remove the extra bonus mod associated with it, like spell damage on the power charge on crit support etc. Because if 7L 2H is removed without any proper additions thats a heavy slap in the face of 2H.
GGG: we don't care about your play style! we gonna nerf this down! You've learned how to play Necromancer? OK DIE NOW! Wanna go melee? AHAHAHA fool! YOU ARE NOW IN THE REALM OF ENDLESS GRIND AND RNG!

Player base: RIP.
Arc, Soulrend, Molten Strike, Shattering Steel, Lancing Steel, Venom Gyre and more have been buffed. This is a buff.

Thank you for clarifying this :D

Great news overall.
Arc, Soulrend, Molten Strike, Shattering Steel, Lancing Steel, Venom Gyre and more have been buffed. This is a buff.

This is a buff.
My favourites Arc and Soulrend are getting buffs. I just hope it's not 0.001% dps increase, but something useful like chain distance
Last edited by Demetreus29 on Dec 11, 2019, 4:30:43 AM
Guess they convinced me to not play this league and not buy the league supporter pack...

Multimod nerf is ultra bad i hope they come back on their words.

these nerfs are fucking up 80% of the player base that are casuals like me (i mean playing under 4-5 hours a day not a real casual) and a huge buff to the 20% that are mainly streamers/racers and poeple that spend their whole life on the game and easily craft perfect items without multimod.


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