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Development Manifesto: Balance in Path of Exile: Conquerors of the Atlas

zombie nerf was WAY too much!

GGG u overnerfed zombies!

nerfed: CD, slam aoe, life, dmg, mobs and boss more life and more armour + phys reductions more... lol why? its mega hard nerf to zombie and all phys minions too!
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Natalia_GGG wrote:
The "Can have multiple crafted modifiers" mod has been changed, now granting "Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers". Multi-mod crafting an item was proving too powerful for too low a cost compared with rolling an item of relative power. We'll be keeping an eye on the modifier to see if further changes are required.

I can already tell you what further changes are required: reverse it.

It seems that when something particularly powerful comes along, GGG's response is "Well, let's keep the power, but make it harder to get." This does NOT solve power creep: it just turns it into a power GAP.

There will still be players running around with super-twinked items... They'll just be fewer of them, while most players, who previously could count on reliably getting a half-decent weapon thanks to multimodding, are now SoL.

Seriously, reading over a lot of these "development manifestos," it becomes increasingly clear that the decisions at the top are being made with little to no actual experience of what your own game plays like... And an erroneous assumption that you can get all you need by "reading the telemetry" and "listening to what the streamers are parroting."
Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
Some modifiers no longer appear on Shaper or Elder items, like the "increased Physical Damage and Socketed Gems are Supported By" modifiers on Two Handed Weapons.

We want rares to be good, but now caster 2-h weapons will be shit. You cannot have it both ways. No one is going to us 2-h rares for casting anymore.

How does this make it through to live?
ACGIFT wrote:

Seriously, reading over a lot of these "development manifestos," it becomes increasingly clear that the decisions at the top are being made with little to no actual experience of what your own game plays like... And an erroneous assumption that you can get all you need by "reading the telemetry" and "listening to what the streamers are parroting."

100%. honestly the next line of
Some modifiers no longer appear on Shaper or Elder items, like the "increased Physical Damage and Socketed Gems are Supported By" modifiers on Two Handed Weapons.

Is even worse. They litterally keep talking about making Rares good, then nerf 1/2 the rares out there. Caster 2-h rares no linger exist AT ALL now.

rip melee even more
still starting melee tho ;)
Some decent changes, some bad.
You offer super expensive microtransactions for players favourite build in this case minion mtx and you nerf it to the ground the next season after a buff.dont you feel bad about it ? what a shame
Toxic member since ExileConScam 2019. #ZeroDropGang
Wow congratulations ! U made the game even more unplayable !
I mean not just reducing ur already decreasing player base u made it unplayable for new non-experienced players ,again congratz!
And who the hell are those "NiCe" or "PoG" people...stupid fish brained hypocrites !!!
xX999Xx wrote:
I dont like their meta balance approach.

Why buff overall Monsters every 2 leagues (especially high tier maps), instead of nerfing overpowered skills?

That way the trash skills which do not get a rework, are even more crippled.

Sometimes I really have the impression, that at GGG-HQ's only "specialists" work, that are unable to see the bigger picture. (no Generalists there, which have a more complete oversight of the game?)

It's like with diseases, if you are using certain pharmaceuticals, it will not bring healing, but rather achieve a slight suppression in the accompaniments.

Therefore, the outbreak will come again and again, without ever achieving true healing (balance).

with that monster buff (GLOBAL NERF) they just trying to keep player at game with worst way l didn't see anyone wanna leave game bc of mobs def or res are low but l know and have so many friend left game bc bad grapic problems and bugs getting one shot from ghost mobs and reallly worst DROP RATE NERFS <--(for just keep player at game) l feel like they just making meta balance sell mtx and nerf them again again for sell other mtx
Natalia_GGG wrote:

We felt Raise Spectre was too easy to get a third Spectre at gem level 21, especially with Necromancer’s Unnatural Strength passive. The third Spectre is now granted at gem level 25, giving a more challenging threshold for characters to strive for.

Not only necromancers use spectres. Nice patchtnerfs :)
Last edited by greezly2 on Dec 10, 2019, 7:35:56 AM

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