[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

rahuls wrote:
Hey guys I am wondering if someone can help me with what I should upgrade next to increase DPS. I just got awakened cold destruction just trying to see what I should do next:

You can try a glove with "%% Increased damage with hits against chilled enemies"
and boots with "increased effect of non-damaging ailments"
largue cluster with "blanketed snow and vengeful commander, i think doryani's lesson (but just to help to get nodes)
and a watchers eye with two hatred mods
Giosh4 wrote:
I fixed my build,but decided to switch to ice spear to gor bosses. Pob DPS was increased drastically. And guys whats the best wand for can i get for 4-5 exalts. I was saving for magic ring but i guess wand is more important. Should i go for projectile speed increase or crits. Good wands are crazy expensive.

I think you want projectile speed from two places. The three most common are Streamlined on a cluster jewel, the hat enchant, and a wand mod. There are other places you can get it too - e.g. projectile speed on gloves, or on a DPS jewel.

You can check for the best value wands with POB item tester.

Roll your own magic ring most the time. Normally it doesn't matter much if you have T1 or T2 life alongside T1/T2 resist/whatever. It's only when you must have T1/T1 that it becomes hard to do.

rahuls wrote:
Hey guys I am wondering if someone can help me with what I should upgrade next to increase DPS. I just got awakened cold destruction just trying to see what I should do next

You need quality on freezepulse, and should quality your other DPS gems after.

You may as well quality your belt too

Gloves with damage with the mod "damage against chilled" - this will let you get 35% movespeed boots too, as the mod comes with T1 cold resist.

It would probably help if you had your character set to public, because there might be easy things to change with your tree or jewels too, e.g. Watcher's Eye.

kkmonk wrote:
Now, i'm wondering if someone could help me with my gear. I don't know if i can take down "the feared", as fas as i know it's just a DPS race. My current HO dps with hatred on is 210k.

210k should be fine for the feared, if you do it white. I did all the invitations around that damage point. I don't know what the minimum is you'll need for Deadly Encounters, but it's probably not that different from running them white.

Gear upgrades - corrupt your DPS gems. A 6 awakened gem is forever, while a 4 is just for a day or two.

Can you not master craft on your main wand? I've not checked which mods are available, but worst case, you can add something like mana.

Do you need flash freeze now? If you're critting whenever you need to, the boost from it isn't as useful and it's fine to switch to another curse or e.g. Doom Cast.
Last edited by NoImagination on May 17, 2021, 6:35:39 AM
YinYinYin wrote:
Any tips on crafting armour and wand pieces?

Do help to check my gearing options.

Starting to feel burnt out.
This build seems incredibly expensive and churns out mediocre dps for sc

I have cleared all bosses for the first time, for that i am happy but i die to random shit sometimes and that's partly why i am not 100 yet

Survivability feels omega terrible especially when transitioning to red maps and still not able to do any +damage map mods on top of cant regen, ele reflect (annoying but doable), monster 70% avoid ailments (doable but risky)

Ultimatum league feels like defence is as important, and i dont think playstyle matters that much especially when monsters spawn on top on players

I dont know, the last time i posted here, some guy said all content can be done with just 10ex budget.

It would be nice to hear some unbiased opinion. Thank you

This is one of the best build if not the best in terms of transiting from league start budget gears to endgame all-rounder I have tried.

Given your attitude towards NoImagination, who has been most helpful to people looking for help on this build, I can say quite clearly the problem is with you.
It will convert your forum titles into decorative square badges that use the space next to your forum posts more economically so that you can show off an unlimited number of them at any one time. - GGG, 2018 (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3573673)
Thank you NoImgaination!
I oversaw that free wand prefix. I could craft 47%spell dmg + 4% of non-chaos as extra chaos damage. This gave me roughly 20k dmg!
I've corrupted the gems, but all stayed at 5/20 -.-.

Now, i have bought a new amulet, and anjointed it with doom cast.
This gave me 46k (!) additional HO damage. LOL.

I have now 276k HO dmg with hatred on, nice!

About the feared, i will try it in magic i guess. Want that challenge with +100% increased area. I hope it works^^
You're welcome. I'm pretty sure you'll be fine with all of them at that much DPS, at least when you're used to the fight.

I find that when I drop Pandemonius, it's good to take at least one disorienting display. I should probably take a second on my build at the moment. It's not quite as good as Pandemonius' buff, but it's not far off, and the extra DPS is worth it.
Last edited by NoImagination on May 17, 2021, 8:37:57 AM
Hello all,

Im very lazy! note to self

So i never use righteous fire haha, since i am using a timeless jewel can i use herald of ice??

(sorry if this was asked in the past)

Thank you
kINNS wrote:
Im very lazy! note to self

So i never use righteous fire haha, since i am using a timeless jewel can i use herald of ice??

(sorry if this was asked in the past)

I'm pretty sure it works, but you don't shatter anything, so you lose part of its benefit. More importantly, you lose life because we use our mana pool to protect us. You'd need to compensate by taking more mana passives, or mana on gear.

I use 3 vaal skills now and really like it (Haste, Grace, Cold Snap), perhaps you'd get used to it if you tried it :)
Last edited by NoImagination on May 17, 2021, 9:29:34 AM
I've made alot of progress in improving my gear: still have to buy another 50c or 1ex wand to replace offhand, but I was wondering how to better upgrade my survivablity. I found myself stopping too much to cast my totems in Trials, only to get one shot by everything around me. Is there anything I can do in order to begin improving?

Still looking around to buy the Pandemonius, but mostly trying to find a good enough cluster gem and the Dexterity.
Soulwave wrote:
I've made alot of progress in improving my gear: still have to buy another 50c or 1ex wand to replace offhand, but I was wondering how to better upgrade my survivablity. I found myself stopping too much to cast my totems in Trials, only to get one shot by everything around me. Is there anything I can do in order to begin improving?

Still looking around to buy the Pandemonius, but mostly trying to find a good enough cluster gem and the Dexterity.

I did Ultimatums with phase run. Cast 6 totems, enter phase run, run around until it runs out, recast totems, phase run again. Casting knocks you out of phase run, so it's important to know the order.

I now use divergent dash instead (as you can cast during its phasing), but I was doing T16 any-mod ultimatums with phase run. Divergent dash is quite expensive, phase run is a vendor gem.

I was also running around the outside of the ultimatum circle, and when my totems started to get overwhelmed, recasting them in the quietest part of the circle. This gives them time to start firing before mobs are on them again.

Finally, I use vaal haste, vaal grace, and vaal cold snap. When my totems start to get overwhelmed, I can activate all three and they'll recover. It could also be used if I start getting in trouble myself. For example - cast 6 totems, enter phase run, as it runs out, cast vaal grace, cast totems, re-enter phase run. It will make some of your casting-cycles safer.
Last edited by NoImagination on May 17, 2021, 10:40:36 AM
Any recomendation about good mods I search in brutal timeless jewel? I dont know if its possible to get any cold mod or chill, can someone help me?

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