[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

NoImagination wrote:
Jerle wrote:
Speaking of cluster jewels, can I check if you're using all 3 notables on your large cluster? or just as 5 points pathing to med clusters?

I'm using them all. Should I not be?

Haha. Just finding points very tight xD
It will convert your forum titles into decorative square badges that use the space next to your forum posts more economically so that you can show off an unlimited number of them at any one time. - GGG, 2018 (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3573673)
velaxi1 wrote:

How blessing support work?

You put any Aura gems (Blood and Sand, and other stance auras don't work. neither do banners) in the boots. Since there are 4 sockets, you can put 4 different auras. However, for quality of life, I use an Increased Duration support linked to Hatred, Zealotry and Haste.

These Auras will now appear as "skills" that you can cast in your action bar. When you cast them, they will briefly reserve some mana. There was a patch including this for 3.14:

Reserving Mana or Life no longer involves spending anything - so you don't need any current Mana to turn on an Aura, you just need enough of your Mana orb to be unreserved that the Aura's reservation will fit.

With this, you can cast the Auras whether or not you have the mana to do it. In my case, I just tap all the three auras. After 0.35 seconds, they become something called a "Blessing". You can see the Auras on your buff bar on top like a normal Aura, but this time, they have a timer before they expire. Here, our Auras last for 20 seconds, and need to be re-cast constantly. You can cast it earlier before they expire, that's no problem.

This frees us from having to use an Essence Worm, so we can pick a nice ring up. Using 3 Auras that normally reserve 50% each feels like cheating. ^ . ^

=== Separately ===

With this change, I've moved on to a Flask Duration medium cluster to exploit the Alchemist's Genius from "Spiked Concoction". This notable makes it so that we get 20% increased Flask Charges gained, and more importantly, 20% increased effect. IMO, this is a great notable.

Losing Sleepless Sentries from our Totem medium cluster slows us down because we lose our permanent Onslaught. However, with the current changes, I'm running a Cinderswallow Flask to achieve the same Onslaught.

I mentioned that Alchemist's Genius is a great notable. Here's why:

Hybrid Flask: Restores 1,670 life and 461 mana. With Soul of Ryslatha, we get 60% increased Life Recovery. The Flask cluster gives 10% life and mana recovery from the small passive, and 25% life and mana recovery from "Distilled Perfection". Add Alchemist's Genius to this and we get 4,690 life and 896 mana per pop.

Wise Oak: If you balance your uncapped resistances, you get 12% reduced Damage from all elements. If not, it's just 12% on Cold damage. Importantly, our Cold Penetration becomes 18%.

Bottled Faith: The base effect from the Sulphur Flask now increases our damage by 48%. The raw Critical Strike Chance goes up from (1.0 - 2.0)% to (1.2 - 2.4)%. Enemies basking in the golden juice now take up to 12% increased damage.

Our newest addition - Cinderswallow Urn: Choose between Critical Strike Chance and Movement Speed + Stun avoidance on the veiled mod. (60 - 80)% increased Critical Strike Chance grows to (72 - 96)% with Alchemist's Genius. However, since we're likely to be capped on crit, I prefer the latter veiled mod. We get (9 - 14)% movespeed AND 60% stun avoidance. This stun avoidance is great and opens us up to another major God. (Lunaris for projectile avoidance, and chain avoidance is great, especially since our Totems are convenient targets for us to be hit by chained projectiles)

By adding a source of fire damage (I've rolled it on my ring, but you can get it elsewhere, like wands, boot enchants, jewels), our capped Critical Strike Chance makes it so that we ignite everything the Totems hit. Unlike stun/shock, there doesn't seem to be a threshold for ignite to be applied. Therefore, it doesn't matter how low the roll of fire damage is, as long as it is there. I'm unsure of this mod on Cinderswallow - "Enemies Ignited by you during Flask Effect take 10% increased Damage". It's likely that "by you" excludes our totems, but I'm still confirming this. I'm hopeful because enemies that are hit by Cold Snap are considered to be hit by our Hits, and fire damage from this will cause the ignite to be deemed "by you". If it works, we apply a 12% increased damage taken debuff on all enemies, which is another huge source of damage.

Putting the updates on Boots, Auras and Flasks together, our DPS is a lot more reliable now, running at more than 7M shaper DPS. Even Ultimatums on high quant maps require way less running (not looking at you, stone circles). Here's a POB in case anyone wants to review to see if there are conditions that I have configured incorrectly. Looking at the only 6 checkmarks applied, this is unlikely to be excessive.

Last edited by limevan on May 8, 2021, 1:06:11 AM
starkwood123 wrote:
@Wallach is your build okey without projectile speed?

You need projectile speed.

faytte wrote:
I'm in a similar situation of wondering what to buy next.

Helmet enchant would be my first change

While it's normally OK to run a 2-notable large cluster, I think a somewhat weaker 3-notable is still better

It's worth getting 10% first snows with a good corruption. Lots of small things add up.

You're at the point where it can be hard to get upgrades because you need resists/dex/life. To solve this, I'd get quality on jewellery, and then it's probably worth spending a few ex on e.g. boots.

This enabled me to ignore resists elsewhere (though the process isn't really finished, no wise oak yet). See also dex on cluster jewels.

After that, you're probably into 3-notable for your next upgrade, then the expensive stuff you refer to.

limevan wrote:
Moving on to testing March of the Legion:

Turning auras back on every 20s or whatever doesn't sound fun to me.

Soulwave wrote:
Thank you for the response.

Though, I feel I can't quite easily part with those just yet because I don't have the resists for it. If I remove my Rare Ring and Belt, I will lose out on capping my Resistances. I am preparing for post Kitava.

You can still take frost walker from the tree. You probably want two strong resists on boots and gloves as a priority over most other upgrades.

thematris wrote:
I'm having troubles with survability tho, not with maps/ultimatums but with end-game bosses, tried maven and sirus A9 and got deleted, I only have 3,8k health wich is really low I was wondering if you could give me some suggestions to improve my defenses or improving my build in general.

You need about 7k eHP - life plus energy shield plus your mana up to the MoM limit (2/3 of your life). Past that is just nice to have, and not needed for Sirus or Maven (I killed her 20 times earlier in the league to farm the Veil, and did it at ~6.5k eHP).

Jerle wrote:
Haha. Just finding points very tight xD

I use a different tree for this reason. The starting nodes are inefficient, and so are the Quick Recovery ones. First get to 7k eHP, then it's a question of using PoB to tell you which DPS nodes are most efficient for you at the moment. I don't take Holy Dominion or Light of Divinity at the moment, as I don't need the resists/the DPS are inefficient. Similarly, I often don't take Frost Walker.

Right now, you've avoided the early inefficient nodes, but you're connecting your tree to them twice. This saves two nodes.
Last edited by NoImagination on May 8, 2021, 1:33:23 AM
Need help with gearing.

I migrated from ssf 2days back.
Build seems very underwhelming and requires so much investment to work.

Currently, not enough endgame boss dps despite huge investment.
Able to do up to guardians but without damage mods.
Still super squishy despite using self crafted shield from ssf.

Whats the best way to craft the large cluster?
I used craftofexile and simulated fossils but chances are still very low.
Item is 12ex on trade and i dont have that

I hate dying
I want to being able to clear content without dying

I start following this build since you guys discuss and try to upgrade this build it's so exciting

normally I never play Totem Before this Topic will be huge Knowledge for me about the build :D

Thank you so much
YinYinYin wrote:
Need help with gearing.

It would help to know what you're dying to. You need ~7k eHP, a source of phasing, and then it's basically about having as much DPS as possible. The playstyle is to have your totems get hit, not you, and to shatter the whole screen at once.

It's perfectly possible to kill everything in the game on sub 10ex, while having good clear speed. To trivialise that content costs more of course.

You're missing Pandemonius. Blinding nearby enemies is a very strong defensive skill, and until the DPS boost from a +2 gem amulet, is a necessary item.

You can get damage against chilled on the gloves. It's a very strong affix. Alternatively, Breathseeker helps in ultimatums if you have the dex/life/resists elsewhere.

There are better boot enchants, and it's quite cheap to buy a Veil with a correct hat enchant.

The shield isn't a good option unless it's full of DPS nodes. The 7th totem isn't very good because you rarely need to cast 4 times in one spot, and if you do, the 4th is half as effective as the prior 3 anyway. Life gain on block isn't very useful because we rarely block (low block chance, and not hit very often). Better to take a second DPS wand.

Get a medium cluster jewel, and put a single-mod Watcher's Eye in its socket. These are both big, big upgrades for relatively little expense.

For playstyle advice, look at some of Wallach's stream. He's played the build a ton. It's perfectly possible to level to 100 just playing normal maps - he did it, and I'm levelling from 98 to 99 that way myself.
Last edited by NoImagination on May 8, 2021, 3:39:03 AM
I played this build for the first time this league and it's been the most fun I've ever had in this game. Thank you!

Here's where I'm currently at with the build: https://pastebin.com/LUqrMYWg

Any recommendations for upgrades?
Tudyks wrote:
I played this build for the first time this league and it's been the most fun I've ever had in this game. Thank you!

Here's where I'm currently at with the build: https://pastebin.com/LUqrMYWg

Any recommendations for upgrades?

Out of interest what's your hideout DPS, auras on but nothing else? You've got much better gear than most requests in this thread.

You may as well corrupt your 5/20 awakened gems. Losing a level not a big deal, even here.

I'd change the starting tree to get out of the inefficient starting nodes as quickly as possible. Double cluster is very strong, it's where I've gone with my build.

You're at the point that it's definitely worth perfecting your two remaining unique jewels

Easier said than done, but getting dex on one of boots or gloves (obviously the amulet & hat is already great) will let you change brutal restraint to something more efficient. I also took more dex from cluster jewels.

I'd switch to awakened hextouch if I were you, then take a damage anoint. Awakened spell cascade is a good quality of life gain for anything you retain with it.

I find divergent dash a lot better than flame dash. Having a source of phasing makes ultimatums much easier (as do the gloves I've switched to - don't have a final verdict on them though really).

Then you're into the point where you'll want a corrupted belt

Also, your cold snap is too high level, it won't trigger.
Last edited by NoImagination on May 8, 2021, 6:05:24 AM
limevan wrote:
velaxi1 wrote:

How blessing support work?

You put any Aura gems (Blood and Sand, and other stance auras don't work. neither do banners) in the boots. Since there are 4 sockets, you can put 4 different auras. However, for quality of life, I use an Increased Duration support linked to Hatred, Zealotry and Haste.

When I saw this I was really excited as freeing up our essence work and using more auras really unlocks alot of flexibility with end game gear.

However how are you finding switching the auras on every 20s? Especially if during an ultimatum where that split second where your mana drops to near 0. Appreciate that the flask is your solution but reaction times are well reaction.

Compared to the 'normal build' (i.e. essence worm), how is the quality of life? triggering every 20s looks painful to me. Tested it (without increased duration) and was not a huge fan so didnt bother testing on the field.
Out of interest what's your hideout DPS, auras on but nothing else? You've got much better gear than most requests in this thread.

You may as well corrupt your 5/20 awakened gems. Losing a level not a big deal, even here.

I'd change the starting tree to get out of the inefficient starting nodes as quickly as possible. Double cluster is very strong, it's where I've gone with my build.

You're at the point that it's definitely worth perfecting your two remaining unique jewels

Easier said than done, but getting dex on one of boots or gloves (obviously the amulet & hat is already great) will let you change brutal restraint to something more efficient. I also took more dex from cluster jewels.

I'd switch to awakened hextouch if I were you, then take a damage anoint. Awakened spell cascade is a good quality of life gain for anything you retain with it.

I find divergent dash a lot better than flame dash. Having a source of phasing makes ultimatums much easier (as do the gloves I've switched to - don't have a final verdict on them though really).

Then you're into the point where you'll want a corrupted belt

Also, your cold snap is too high level, it won't trigger.

Hideout dps is 200k

Thanks for the advice. I've been trying to mess around in PoB to be able to fit in a second cluster setup but I haven't had any success. Would you mind sending yours?

As for the cold snap being too high of a level, I'm still getting frenzy charges somehow so I guess the global gem level mods don't prevent CWDT from supporting it.

If you use awakened hextouch, where do you get arcane surge from? Especially if you're using dash instead of flame dash?

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