[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

dwaters wrote:
dumb question for Wallach (or anyone reading), how are you getting +5 to freezing pulse? i see +2 from wands and +1 from awakened cold but i'm not sure where the extra two come from.

On a 21 freezing pulse. You can get to +3 on body if you hit the double corrupt, or just +2 from projectile gems (it's about the same as +1 socketed gems). You can also get +2 on wand rather than the +1 there.

With Veil setup, you can get +2 from the 2nd wand of course.
Last edited by NoImagination on Feb 1, 2021, 1:11:09 AM
woops, the chest corrupt was what i was missing. thanks!
... is cinderswallow urn worth the invest ( with crit mod ) ?

... and : should i get the awakened cold dmg level 5 ( for +1 cold ) before going to clusters? it looks promising somewhat in terms of pushing the dps :)

because yesterday i noticed that for example the elder guardians take forever to kill when whitnessed by the maven ( with my 52k hideout dps :D )

got like 5 ex and 400c to spend now and wonder what to do next - maybe before going clusters i should put on 2-3 more levels ( 90 now ) first.

bex_HB wrote:
... is cinderswallow urn worth the invest ( with crit mod ) ?

... and : should i get the awakened cold dmg level 5 ( for +1 cold ) before going to clusters? it looks promising somewhat in terms of pushing the dps :)

because yesterday i noticed that for example the elder guardians take forever to kill when whitnessed by the maven ( with my 52k hideout dps :D )

got like 5 ex and 400c to spend now and wonder what to do next - maybe before going clusters i should put on 2-3 more levels ( 90 now ) first.

Those are upgrades, but there are cheaper ones. There are 12 available wand damage mods, but you are using 2 on your main hand and 3 on the off hand. It's fine to save one for trigger and even another for projectile speed, but that still leaves 5 damage mods you aren't using. They don't need to be T1, they just need to exist.

Quality on the freezing pulse will help significantly too, then on your other DPS gems.

Coward's Legacy then the pain attunement passive and panicked life flask will help you significantly. Damage against chilled enemies on gloves is very good. You can change all of these without touching the tree. Then cluster jewels are a good idea.
Ok, thank you first of all, appreciate the tips

... yes i did not think and do much about the wands actually - i was just glad to get my hand on +1 cold and also the trigger mod.

I just have no clue about crafting whatsoever, its something i can not get into my mind - despite beeing quite technique-minded and software dev lol ... whatever.

Also i am not lucky with harvest so far, just spaws seldom as f***.

Maybe i can try and buy better wands - i will for sure next go and check for gloves with the dmg mod on chilled enemies.

With the cowards belt i have some doubts currently about my survivability - while i can offset the resistence loss the loss in life ( atm 4k life, 2.4k mana as EHP ) will make me a little more squishy :D
Last edited by bex_HB on Feb 1, 2021, 8:08:38 AM
bex_HB wrote:
Ok, thank you first of all, appreciate the tips

... yes i did not think and do much about the wands actually - i was just glad to get my hand on +1 cold and also the trigger mod.

I just have no clue about crafting whatsoever, its something i can not get into my mind - despite beeing quite technique-minded and software dev lol ... whatever.

Also i am not lucky with harvest so far, just spaws seldom as f***.

Maybe i can try and buy better wands - i will for sure next go and check for gloves with the dmg mod on chilled enemies.

With the cowards belt i have some doubts currently about my survivability - while i can offset the resistence loss the loss in life ( atm 4k life, 2.4k mana as EHP ) will make me a little more squishy :D

You can craft the trigger mod yourself with the crafting bench. You just need to unveil a ton of Jun weapons. Or ping me in the game and I can craft it to a wand with an empty suffix (and no bench craft on).

Then it's easy to find wands with several damage mods. A search like this won't be optimised for your build (values are from mine), but it'll be close enough:


Don't use harvest crafts on your gear without a clear plan in mind.

Coward's legacy will massively boost your DPS and give you more dex/str, which frees nodes elsewhere. It's good.
Yes, i was lucky to unlock the trigger mod on my own bench yesterday, thank you :-)

Ok, i will see to update belt, wands and gloves next then.

Also i plan to do some more Alva now, as i´d like to try to corrupt a soul mantle. I have in mind it works to corrupt a non-6-linked one and 6 link it after corruption, this works, right?
If you vaal a Soul Mantle, there is a 1/4 chance that you'll hit a corrupted implicit. There are 20 evenly weighted corruption implicits that we want, and two give us +gems. The other 3/4 are no change, white sockets, and corrupt to rare item. Vaaling one Soul Mantle is 1/40 to get us a corrupt we want.

Alva double corrupt works in a similar way, except 'no effect' destroys the item instead. That's basically the same outcome on a random Soul Mantle though. Each temple corrupt attempt is 1/20 to hit a mod we want.

On average, six linking an item costs about 1,000 fuses at 20% quality, which is ~250 chaos at today's prices. To get six sockets in the first place, it's about 220 jewellers, which is about 15c. So, it's 265 chaos to get a six link Soul Mantle.

On average, it costs 40 * 265 to hit the corruption you want, so > 10k chaos if you 6 link first. It's > 5k chaos if you use the temple each time. That's why I didn't bother including cost of Soul Mantles, vaal orbs, armourer's scraps, or chromatics (another 50c or so).

But if you corrupt first, cost is now 1,850 vaal, 350 jewellers, and 1,500 fuses, by using the crafting bench recipes. That's about 1,800 chaos including colouring. So it's enormously +EV to corrupt first.
Last edited by NoImagination on Feb 1, 2021, 8:59:55 AM
ah you mean the 6l bench receipe works on a corrupted item as well? this is did not think about ^^

maybe i should really just try to vaal, not waiting for hitting the temple mod - seems to be faster to achieve some nice outcome.
bex_HB wrote:
ah you mean the 6l bench receipe works on a corrupted item as well? this is did not think about ^^

maybe i should really just try to vaal, not waiting for hitting the temple mod - seems to be faster to achieve some nice outcome.

Yes to both. The bench recipe is 1500 fuses + 1500 vaals to six link a corrupted item. Colour & socket recipes work in the same way.

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