[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

Small nerfs are probably good: fewer people will play the build for psychological reasons, so items will be cheaper.

I might play this again this league as I liked Harvest - if we can get anything like items that good, losing a little clear speed will not be a problem at all.
That much about the 10% cast speed will be splitted to 5% between the 2 minor nodes.

Even MOOOOAAAR placement speed xDDD

My guess is that the devs have completely lost the overview over their game.
Hmmm this makes it difficult what build to start with.
Last edited by Sazzbot on Jan 11, 2021, 7:02:37 PM
Bummed out about ascendancy changes. They really did nerf our boy ):

Praying patch notes will provide some relief... The build will survive like Wallach said but just feels bad to be nerfed without justification. I guess we have to wait and see but I am not too optimistic.
As long as they dont buff Freezing Pulse by like +50% damage, this build will have a hard time to be justified that you put time and currency into it.

We all know this wont happen. Would be a suprise if fp would be even on the list tomorrow.
I rarely saw people playing totem builds in heist. Was it not like 1-2% playing totems?
Last edited by Sazzbot on Jan 11, 2021, 7:52:10 PM
Really getting pissed off at GGG. Totems aren't even that popular, yet GGG finds a reason to nerf them.....I'm about done with POE.

Yea I know people will say to find other builds, but GGG needs to realize that not everybody enjoys the builds that they force us to play because they nerf all the good ones.......I really enjoyed Spectres and they were nerfed extremely hard. Cyclone was nerfed hard a few leagues back. Tornado Shot was nerfed hard a few years back, never to return and that's just a few of them. I mean, really?? What's left??? Are we going to all be forced to play toxic rain or some other non-enjoyable build??

Seriously thinking about sitting this league out or just moving on from poe all together...
I don't really want to tell you how to feel about changes like this when they occur, but I can say I'm not overly concerned about the build itself being ruined.

Even assuming patch notes hold absolutely no other relevant changes to the build, the impact of the Hierophant changes is not that dramatic. Even if I come out the other side of the changes feeling like they are poorly executed in the context of totems (which I think would be the case barring some further justification tomorrow), that doesn't mean the build is going to see some kind of massive shift relative to how it exists currently that renders it dead.
NoImagination wrote:
Small nerfs are probably good: fewer people will play the build for psychological reasons, so items will be cheaper.

e.g. See every post after this until Wallach's.
Have to admit the ascendency changes do not fill me with love.

They argue in their 'clarifying post' that they want to specialize the characters through ascendancies but the removal of a lot of totem elements from Hierophant seems like it makes the character more generic.

Pursuit of Faith changes means simply you are speedy - I am assuming to compensate for the loss of multiple totems we had on Ritual of Awakening.
Also loss of damage.

Ritual of Awakening - more damage, less utility but combined with the curse up time requirement of this build, I feel ultimately it maybe a damage loss?
In essence the loss of multiple totems means up to twice as long to spam totems to get your curses up which in turn could be taken as half the time for all curses to be up. (this is just a high level, i get that in reality that may not be like that entirely).

Conviction of Power really raises my eyebrows. I like the changes but hate it at the same time. How do we generate power and endurance charges now that we have no method of generating by spawning totems? If we can retain passive generation this could really offset damage and utility loss.

Mana Regeneration, Mana (Mana Regeneration, Power and Endurance Charge Duration) Why bother to remove the charge duration?

Just fail to understand how this specializes Hirophant more than what it was previously.

I am wondering if they are weakening ascendancies because of the power that harvest crafting brings?

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