[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

I'm taking another look at gems now that I was able to get Atziri's reflection. I have noticed that I rarely, if ever, have frenzy charges. This may be due to playstyle (I really let totems lead the way while mapping).

Regardless, since I dont seem to get a lot of value out of the frenzy charges, is there something I can replace coldsnap with? Mapping is super easy, bosses in general are easy. The big bosses are a pain, still. I thought about arcane cloak as something I could use on bosses as another layer of protection.

Has anyone else thought about this or have any suggestions?
KasparsT wrote:

1) About shock effect when using "Cold Conduction" on medium cluster jewel. In PoB there is "Effect of shock" slider. What Value must be there to see DPS increase?

Base shock effect is 15% for Cold Conduction, this will be increased by Astonishing Affliction and other sources of 'increased effect of non-damaging ailments'. Usually it ends up around 18-19%.

KasparsT wrote:

2) As mentioned earlier- there is one "fun" medium cluster jewel passive "Sleepless Sentries" - Onslaught for 4 sec after totem summon. Compared to "Cold Conduction" ?

Onslaught is usually already covered by Silver Flask. If you're not using a Silver Flask, Sleepless Sentries is definitely worth considering.

KasparsT wrote:

3) Played with PoB to compare "Hatred" and "Zealotry" dps numbers with my current build and items. There are not so much difference in damage numbers if I use Watchers eye with "Hatred" cold penetration or current rare jewel

with "Zealotry". Can I trust PoB numbers? Price difference is at least 350 chaos for cheapest cold penetration Watchers Eye... :)

This is the same for me. The best Hatred watcher's eye (added cold damage) is only a 2-3% DPS increase for me over the rare Cobalt jewel I have at the moment which cost me 5c. I think if you already have 'added cold damage to spells' on your wand, Watcher's Eye doesn't really give as much benefit due to diminishing returns.

fisselt wrote:

Regardless, since I dont seem to get a lot of value out of the frenzy charges, is there something I can replace coldsnap with? Mapping is super easy, bosses in general are easy. The big bosses are a pain, still. I thought about arcane cloak as something I could use on bosses as another layer of protection.

Has anyone else thought about this or have any suggestions?

Arcane Cloak shares a cooldown with Steelskin so they won't work well together. Also I don't think our mana pool and mana regen is high enough to make Arcane Cloak worth using without interfering with our MoM.

Unfortunately the lack of any damage mitigation from hiero ascendancy makes us rather susceptible to one-shots and there's not much we can do to fix that. We rely on being able to perma-freeze everything at range to cover for our defences. This makes the build great at mapping & heists but not so great at endgame bossing unless you are proficient at dodging mechanics.
Hey, I didn't notice the Zealotry Essence Worm when I was reading the build guide (I don't think it's there at all), and I ended up buying and am currently running with a ring with the curse enemies on hit with frostbite mod. Then, I am triggering my arcane surge with a simple sniper's mark setup to save me gem slots.

I'm already at the endgame option of the build with Atziri's mirror, coward's legacy, etc. Is this an option anyone else has tried?
Just wanted to mention a nice interaction i saw earlier and am trying out with my totems, divergent berserk gives 1% more spell damage while berserk per 1% quality, so if we use it at 20% quality with a lvl 4 enhance that is 44% more spell damage, berserk also gives other nice things such as 30% more movement speed and 20% less damage taken at gem lvl 21, the rage comes from the chain breaker keystone that you can get from lethal pride with sacrificed to Akoya. This gives us 3 rage regen per second and turns our increases to mana regen rate into rage regen rate. This allows we roughly 16 seconds of berserk followed by a 5 second cooldown and then repeat so fairly close to 70% uptime. Obviously the main drawback here is loosing the mana regen since we are mind over matter. However, our mana regen still isn't too horrible since we have some base regen still and get .5% per totem so 3% if we have all 6 summoned. I changed a few flat mana crafts on gear to flat mana + 4% dmg taken gained as mana to help a bit more. Also since berserk gives such a large ms bonus i dropped my quicksilver flask and instead use an enduring mana flask which mostly fixes any issues. Obviously thats is a minor inconvenience but it feel it is well worth putting up with given the strong offensive and defensive bonuses divergent berserk gives us.
Last edited by Frauztea on Oct 13, 2020, 12:14:16 AM
Frostbite + Awakened Hextouch lv5 can be used alongside Sniper's Mark without Whispers of Doom allocation?
man this curse rework is a pain
About survaivability - I think nothing can be done against one-shots. This build is not tanky...

1) You freeze everything - including all bosses without property "Can`t complete be slowed" or something like that and don`t die.
2) You try to dodge all attacks from big bosses and don`t die.
3) or you die from big damage hits where only toughest of builds can survive.

For example: my last fight yesterday was in Zana mission - T16 map with elemental reflect - mission to kill one of Elder guardians. That was fun - when totems one-shot themselves. But at the end- I killed guardian without any problems. Just move around and try to not stand in the way of boss.

Another example: my first Sirus fight with 0 stones in map. Died 5x from one-shots - first fight and no experience and so on. Maybe next kill be with less deaths :)

p.s. Sorry about my English- not my first or even second language
Last edited by KasparsT on Oct 13, 2020, 6:42:31 AM
KasparsT wrote:

Another example: my first Sirus fight with 0 stones in map. Died 5x from one-shots - first fight and no experience and so on. Maybe next kill be with less deaths :)

p.s. Sorry about my English- not my first or even second language

For Sirus, the initial phases shouldn't be a problem. Just circle around him refreshing your totems and cursing him.

Getting a jewell with "cannot be affected by corrupted blood" will help a ton. We still get one-shot by his insane beam, so it's important to have enough damage to finish the last phase of the fight fast enough.
If you happen to die and your totems are still up, let them do some damage!
Pacificator77 wrote:

For Sirus, the initial phases shouldn't be a problem. Just circle around him refreshing your totems and cursing him.

Getting a jewell with "cannot be affected by corrupted blood" will help a ton. We still get one-shot by his insane beam, so it's important to have enough damage to finish the last phase of the fight fast enough.
If you happen to die and your totems are still up, let them do some damage!

Yeah first three phases are usually no problem, but the last phase you will pretty much always die if you lose sight of him because he'll die beam you in the face and there's nothing you can do about it.

My Sirus mechanics is absolute crap, so while I was able to do A5-A7 kills with this build deathless, I have not been able to do an A8 kill that did not involve multiple deaths in the last phase.
Last edited by scrambled777 on Oct 13, 2020, 6:28:16 PM
Draw99Gray wrote:
Frostbite + Awakened Hextouch lv5 can be used alongside Sniper's Mark without Whispers of Doom allocation?
man this curse rework is a pain

Don`t work. Frostbite and Elemental Weakness works with Awakened Hextouch.

Sniper`s Mark is a Mark and AW Hextouch supports only Hex (Curse).

I use 3 curses. Frostbite, Elemental Weakness and Sniper`s Mark.


I use 3 curses. Frostbite, Elemental Weakness and Sniper`s Mark.

Saw you build and items - nice! probably 100+ exalts worth - with items you can`t even buy ATM.

Some questions:
1) Enchant on belt. How it work? Unnerved with YOUR hits or also with totem hits?
2) Same question if I use ring with "elemental weakness on hit" or "trigger assasin mark when YOU hit rare or unique enemy". YOUR hits or also totem hits?

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