[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

Rat1aSu wrote:
Isn't 30% more spell damage can be easily obtained with a high roll wand?
30% increased =/= 30% more

Can you pls uploade your Path of Building for Cluster Build can´t open your link with Path of Building 1.4.170
Thanks OP for a super fun build!

But i got a few questions regarding the Frost bomb gem chain.

Are you sure there aren't any other usefull combination than spell totem and multi totem? As of current verson in heist, my Multi totem gem doesn't work with frost bomb.. never has since i started mapping ( t14+ ) now.

Find my self rarely using it.. Feels like something is missing.

Any clue what it could be? thanks!
Mentalmike wrote:
What is the purpose of Brutal Restraint Timeless Jewel?

I see Wallach has it in his set up but I can not understand the benefit.
The one in question enables Second Sight but I don't see how that is beneficial as it is melee critical strike chance?

Anyone able to explain this one please?

Adds tons of dexterity and it can add elemental damage, projectile damage etc to notables. He isn't using it for any keystones so he's not using second sight. Basically frees up stat spots so he doesn't need dex on equipment while providing some damage boosts.
Db_Dragon wrote:
Thanks OP for a super fun build!

But i got a few questions regarding the Frost bomb gem chain.

Are you sure there aren't any other usefull combination than spell totem and multi totem? As of current verson in heist, my Multi totem gem doesn't work with frost bomb.. never has since i started mapping ( t14+ ) now.

Find my self rarely using it.. Feels like something is missing.

Any clue what it could be? thanks!

You need second wind linked so that you can drop 2 frost bomb totems.
Khaidu wrote:
Db_Dragon wrote:
Thanks OP for a super fun build!

But i got a few questions regarding the Frost bomb gem chain.

Are you sure there aren't any other usefull combination than spell totem and multi totem? As of current verson in heist, my Multi totem gem doesn't work with frost bomb.. never has since i started mapping ( t14+ ) now.

Find my self rarely using it.. Feels like something is missing.

Any clue what it could be? thanks!

You need second wind linked so that you can drop 2 frost bomb totems.

Wait, so i do need second wind to be able to put down 2 simultaneously?

Because putting one at a time feels like a huuuge waste.

If that is the case i feel stupid now :P
Db_Dragon wrote:
Khaidu wrote:
Db_Dragon wrote:
Thanks OP for a super fun build!

But i got a few questions regarding the Frost bomb gem chain.

Are you sure there aren't any other usefull combination than spell totem and multi totem? As of current verson in heist, my Multi totem gem doesn't work with frost bomb.. never has since i started mapping ( t14+ ) now.

Find my self rarely using it.. Feels like something is missing.

Any clue what it could be? thanks!

You need second wind linked so that you can drop 2 frost bomb totems.

Wait, so i do need second wind to be able to put down 2 simultaneously?

Because putting one at a time feels like a huuuge waste.

If that is the case i feel stupid now :P

Correct, you need the second wind to drop two because of frost bombs cooldown! (Supported non-instant skills have +1 cooldown use)
Khaidu wrote:
Mentalmike wrote:
What is the purpose of Brutal Restraint Timeless Jewel?

I see Wallach has it in his set up but I can not understand the benefit.
The one in question enables Second Sight but I don't see how that is beneficial as it is melee critical strike chance?

Anyone able to explain this one please?

Adds tons of dexterity and it can add elemental damage, projectile damage etc to notables. He isn't using it for any keystones so he's not using second sight. Basically frees up stat spots so he doesn't need dex on equipment while providing some damage boosts.

Ah that makes alot of sense. Its a shame that it's effects are not visible when viewing someone's profile.
Can you pls uploade your Path of Building for Cluster Build can´t open your link with Path of Building 1.4.170

Please make sure to upgrade to the Community fork of Path of Building:


The default version of Path of Building is no longer fully supported as the creator now works at GGG. The Community fork is the one being supported and is much more fully-featured at this point.
Hey Wallach,

Can you comment on two changes you made on the guide (would like to hear the rationale)

1) you now recommend to ditch Zealotry and only use one essence worm for Hatred ?

2) For frostbomb: secondwind instead of spell cascade ?

Other question:

-Can the cinderswallow flask be useful for us instead of the Chemist Silver flask of grounding

-Seems like a lot of players are using Bottled faith...any reason why you dont suggest it ?
Last edited by Pacificator77 on Oct 5, 2020, 4:52:13 PM

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