[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

Gulch wrote:

Also your ring and gloves aren't helping. Hits against chilled enemies.. you're not hitting, and increased ele dmg with attack skills we don't attack.
So basically, redo your amulet, gloves, boots,ring and helm and you will notice a pretty big difference.

I don't believe that's accurate information at least on the gloves, I asked Wallach in stream the other day and he said that hits against chilled enemies on our gloves does in fact work and is one of the better modifiers to have.
Azbroolah wrote:
Gulch wrote:

Your amulet having resists is a lost opportunity to have more damage.
This is the hard part of the build, juggling gear to keep your resists up.
So, look for the perfect amulet (for your budget) and you'll probably have to get different boots, gloves, and/or helmet to accomodate the amulet change.

edit: I just looked closer at your boots and helm, those definitely need to change. Put the resists on those when you change your amulet.
Also your ring and gloves aren't helping. Hits against chilled enemies.. you're not hitting, and increased ele dmg with attack skills we don't attack.
So basically, redo your amulet, gloves, boots,ring and helm and you will notice a pretty big difference.

Cool, thanks for the tips! All of them except the helmet are pieces I just randomly grabbed while levelling so I figured they would have to get replaced (and I'm surprised they lasted me this long, honestly). This gives me a nice jumping off point!

Just one question re. the gloves. Are you sure the "increased damage with hits against chilled enemies" doesn't work for the totems? PoB seems to show it working if I'm interpreting it right.

I'm pretty sure he is wrong about the gloves, check my post above.
can a shield have both +1 summoned totems and +1 all cold spell gems?
Can someone take a look at my char and give me some advice please? I feel like I'm too squishy.
Also your ring and gloves aren't helping. Hits against chilled enemies.. you're not hitting

It doesnt say your hits. I understand it All hits (global).

Would be nice if we know for sure if that affix helps or not.
Last edited by kkskssk#1474 on Dec 24, 2019, 2:45:15 AM
Fought Awakener a couple more times today on full watchstones and killed him deathless both times. I feel like I have a pretty solid grip on the fight now; the build seems okay for it in a softcore sense, though this is not the build I would use on hardcore for the fight specifically. The quad beam is still a guaranteed death, and while I'm fairly comfortable dodging it by now, there's still no margin for error with that attack which you wouldn't be able to afford in hardcore.

This was probably my cleanest kill yet:


The Incursion glove affix for hits against chilled enemies does work, for the record. I want to try and find time this week to update the item recommendation section to clear out a lot of the old pre-Conquerors information, though you'll have to bear with me given the holidays. I don't think there were any big surprises though; amulet is obviously a big potential gain with the +1 skill rolls on Redeemer/Hunter, and there are some decent boot/glove/ring options but nothing huge in those slots really. Weapon seems to be the biggest letdown of the new pools - Redeemer in particular is disappointing and while I'd probably craft on a Redeemer wand base just for the few extra decent affixes in the pool, the "perfect" weapon looks much like it did in 3.8 but with a Hunter exalted orb slam that has terrible odds of actually working.
Last edited by Wallach#2877 on Dec 24, 2019, 6:10:50 AM
Loving the guide , having a blast and it will only get better when we can freeze Metamorph again.
What would be better a lvl 21 freezing pulse or a 20/20? Don’t know if the faster projectiles would compensate the lower damage
nathlar wrote:
Loving the guide , having a blast and it will only get better when we can freeze Metamorph again.
What would be better a lvl 21 freezing pulse or a 20/20? Don’t know if the faster projectiles would compensate the lower damage

I'd stick with a 20/20 until you can get a 21/20. You give up too much projectile speed using a 21/0 for it to feel good.
Until I can get an Atziri's reflection, should I prioritize +1 cold skill gems or +1 totem on my shield?
Volband wrote:
Until I can get an Atziri's reflection, should I prioritize +1 cold skill gems or +1 totem on my shield?

For bossing, the extra totem will be better, and for clearing maps/trash the +1 cold skill is better.

If you're not struggling with bosses you're on now, go with the cold skilled gem

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