[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

tykmerc wrote:
Forgive me if I'm wrong but looking at the new tree it looks like we pretty much only lose 25% crit multi from tree. Assassination lost 10% crit multi and the small doom cast/Arcane Potency nodes lost 5% each. Nimbleness, Throatseeker, Annihilation, Shaman's dominion, and Arcane Potency(small node was nerfed 5%) were all untouched along with their small nodes. I think this probably means just flat out more damage with the new effectiveness on freezing pulse. I might be missing something crucial here though so can anyone back me up on this?

You're probably right - the tree wasn't available until a couple of hours ago.
Hey Wallach.
First: Thanks to Your guide for freezing pulse totem build.
Second: I planned to play totem with Soulmantle. Start with selfcast freezing pulse, after second lab switch to totem. When I reach red maps witch my build without soulmantle (cost around 50C) I try to play whole league without soulmantle, with your passiwe tree. I done 40 challenge first time and level 97. Only UElder (not cmplete frag set), double boss Simulacrum (lack of damage) and Cortex (expensive) done with my guild mate, not by me alone. Rest, including HoGM done without any problem.
I play freezing pulse totem with big fun, thanks to you.
Sorry for my english language, I am from Poland.
Last edited by 45MAREK on Jun 17, 2020, 10:54:27 AM
Soul Mantle is so broken, that i think its not worth going other way.

And about asshole league - I ment that, when you rolled too hard, sooner or later, some shit killed you out of nowhere. Now, since Deli is 5%, we can go full dps and shit on everything that is alive (or undead lol).

In Deli i had around 600k dps just sitting in base. With auraboye, and curses up - 2kk on each totem. Shit was basicly unstopoable. Now I intend to get to 1kk in base. Might be hard, but with new crafting system that harvest will add, who knows?

I have so much ideas to make this build ultra monster, that I cant wait for start.
3.11 seeing all the nefs around and FP got bit of boost, will be now starting FP totems again :) looovely

will be load of stuff and those garden monsters will not even touch me :D
Balvi wrote:
3.11 seeing all the nefs around and FP got bit of boost, will be now starting FP totems again :) looovely

will be load of stuff and those garden monsters will not even touch me :D

is the buff in effectiveness enough?
There's a new Local Identity PoB with the new passive tree.

I'm curious if anyone has their build in PoB and can check it out to see what the difference is in our damage this league (same gear).

Divine Judgement got a massive buff, early on in the leveling its a huge DPS boost. Can someone let me know if I'm reading this incorrectly?

Divine Judgement
50% increased Elemental Damage
yes it is a huge boost early on :)
fryderyknicze wrote:
Since we have cluster jewel with faster projectiles, wouldnt it be better to take freeze pulse dmg instead of our typical enchant?

Yeah did that all league, wouldn't change. Repeater is too strong

I did everything I wanted with the build last league, and this next one seems to be a better fit. I won't be playing again, need a change. Leaving the same recomendations I did a couple times before:

use Phase Run
craft Totem placement speed on boots

other then that:
2x essence worm is stronger then any other ring setup.
It's too hard to get something better then pandemonium. Just go for it, and don't forget to 20%.

My character setup is a little different cause I changed for poe ninja back when I quitted. I used one voices(3 or 1) and 2 medium clusters, and every jewel slot worthy. From all the setups I tried this one was the best.

I do recommend this build, it's great too open the atlas too. Can be quite rippy though, hard to level past some points, depending on your gear/knowledge.

jays411 wrote:
Divine Judgement got a massive buff, early on in the leveling its a huge DPS boost. Can someone let me know if I'm reading this incorrectly?

Divine Judgement
50% increased Elemental Damage

Yeah, thats one of changes im addding for sure. Boys, shit will go full op, so be sure to play since day 1, cause prices of iteams we are using gonna sky rocket when ppl will find out how op this build is.

raloP wrote:
fryderyknicze wrote:
Since we have cluster jewel with faster projectiles, wouldnt it be better to take freeze pulse dmg instead of our typical enchant?

Yeah did that all league, wouldn't change. Repeater is too strong

I did everything I wanted with the build last league, and this next one seems to be a better fit. I won't be playing again, need a change. Leaving the same recomendations I did a couple times before:

use Phase Run
craft Totem placement speed on boots

other then that:
2x essence worm is stronger then any other ring setup.
It's too hard to get something better then pandemonium. Just go for it, and don't forget to 20%.

My character setup is a little different cause I changed for poe ninja back when I quitted. I used one voices(3 or 1) and 2 medium clusters, and every jewel slot worthy. From all the setups I tried this one was the best.

I do recommend this build, it's great too open the atlas too. Can be quite rippy though, hard to level past some points, depending on your gear/knowledge.

All I id but, boots. I think totem placement speed we have is more than enough.

Also - I have wand +1 to all gems and +1 to cold. Boys - yeah its nice, but not worth it. Chance ull get op rolled wand like this are low, and mine (2 scairest annuls for 50ex iteam), got me to place i consider bs. BUT if harvest craft will be at least half as good, as people say - i think wand like that is opperino.

Invest in mana regen - its ur hp.

About rings - thats my pain in ass. Zealotry is nice, but worth only when you have 2x zealotry 1x coldino eye, and this shit is expensive as fuck. Voices - nice, but only 3/1. Clusters r nice, but not as much as poeple think they are. At least for us. Personaly, i wont invest much in them. In the end I locked my ass on those:
and still wasnt satisfied.

So yeah, much to change in build. Still didnt figure out how ill manage to use dem auras, and not have to fuck with worms (mostly cause gem with spell power when no mana reserved)

Ascendency points - i plan to arcane blessing. Without delirium out nowhere milion dps hits in ur ass, I believe mom can fuck off. Anyway - Ima gonna go full dps in this bad boye.

Been thinking bout spider stance or other with helmet, but w/e. Too much to consider for me now anyway, so maybe one of you will find some premium version of build. For now, ill stick with my plan. Hopefully historic jewel wont be asshole.
Last edited by fryderyknicze on Jun 17, 2020, 4:23:13 PM

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