[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

For those that have already all the "rich guy" gear, I made a few changes that I feel are quite good. I'm at lvl 95 for now, closing on 96, and that's the highest I will go without doing breachstone rotations, cause I just die to often.

- Respecced bandits to Alira. That required buying some better rares, as all res need to be covered by gloves, boots and helmets (running 2 essence worms). I used one the respecced passive points to allocate the only small cluster jewel node I was not using, and put there a "normal" jewel with some res. That helped a lot.
- Removed the mana/arcane surge wheel. Damage difference is unnoticeable. I sit now at 4k health, 1.2k ES, 2.4k mana. A little low on mana, but it was worth it.
- With all that, allocated 7 points to get the cluster jewel next to CI, put there a Elegant Hubris Timeless Jewel, and allocated the nearest keystone to have Supreme Decadence.

The result is that whenever I use my panicked life flask, I go back to full health AND full ES. Frankly, I feel it's awesome. The 1-1.5k ES we have on this build is then much more usefull. I basically piano all my flasks, including health, all the time when mapping. I already had a few situations where I would have died if I had not made this change.
Ubermonster wrote:
I'm just curious what your guys average health, ES, and mana pools are? My health is a little over 3800. ES at 1500 and Mana at about 2700. I do play overly aggressive, so I know alot of my deaths are avoidable. But clearing to Wave 20 Simu is just fine. I like stacking more and more DPS but all the dps rolls lower the defensive stuff a bit.

I'm about 4.35k health, 1.2k ES and 3.1k mana with 66% chaos resist and about 290k tooltip in HO w/o any buffs.
"How come only evil forces were released?" - "Because there are no good forces."
"So, then. You don't believe that there is a God." - "There was a god."
"Well, then. Where is he now?" - "I killed him," said Kane.
Last edited by k4n3 on Apr 20, 2020, 4:17:06 AM
Jagnazaek wrote:
Would it be possible to get a POB of the high budget concept? I got 80 ex to throw around and I want to make the most out of my FP mtx and Totem Mtx XD

The thing with totem MTX just won't happen, since we use Soul Mantle, where you just can't select MTX for Totem.
Bob_ROss wrote:
Jagnazaek wrote:
Would it be possible to get a POB of the high budget concept? I got 80 ex to throw around and I want to make the most out of my FP mtx and Totem Mtx XD

The thing with totem MTX just won't happen, since we use Soul Mantle, where you just can't select MTX for Totem.

I'm still hoping that will happen one day :')
I have a question about Wands. The added cold damage works as the Added cold damage to spells?

Last edited by sudaB6274 on Apr 20, 2020, 2:37:48 PM
Something to mess around with:

You can use a Very Large Ring version of the Threaded Hope Jewel to hit Ancestral Bond.

Depending on what you want to do, this can save 3-10 passives points.

I took off points from Purity of Flesh, and the Arcane Capacitor wheel. To make up for the HP loss you can hit the Tireless notable on the bottom, and the few health nodes by health notables in your normal tree if you didn't hit those already.

Make sure to get a jewel with -10% resistance, that is if your gear can handle the resist penalty.

Depending on how much you want to move things around in the normal tree you can fit another large cluster jewel on the top right with 2 meds for huge dps/utility boost or allocate nodes that have a heavier weight on dps in your normal tree.

I did choose to remain at 1 large cluster because for my case, I was stretching my mana regen a bit too thin.

This change net me about 25% more dps without effecting my health/survivability very much at all.

Happy Tinkering
Last edited by AlphaSphere on Apr 20, 2020, 7:13:53 PM
That looks awesome, I might try some of it !
Although I have one question. I currently have around 1,3M Shaper DPS per totem without flasks. With that setup, A8 conquerors don't have time to launch their first attack, so I don't really see why I would want more DPS.

I'll try it anyway to see if it can give more defense without sacrificing DPS.
Since i found a Demon Card in my first Simulacrum i have the once in a casual lifetime wealth for craft options :)
I could use some advice.
Just Bought this for 2,5 ex

iam now using this

the idea for the first wand is to craft prefixes cant be changed p1/p1/p2 scour it and mutlicraft it

what would be the best option for mutltimodd here ?

iam pretty casual nowdays so i dont have much experience with this
and is it even worth it to pump another 4 ex into the weapon at all ?

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SSF HC Legacy Witch Lvl 53
Last edited by ventiman on Apr 21, 2020, 5:48:02 AM
Ok small update, besides of my opinion that BiS medium cluster jewel is Master of Fear + Wish for Death, I have found out that then BiS gloves will be Asenath's Gentle Touch. This makes the build much much safer. Before I had elemental weakness curse corrupted gloves, so I lost some DPS, but not that we don't have enough. Totem builds always want more survivability and Asenath's are really a huge difference. Survive 5 seconds freeze in wave 20 :)

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