[3.10] Herald of Agony Mana Guardian | 2.5 Minute Sirus 8 | Deathless T19 100% Delirium

I have no idea whats wrong, but I constantly die to metamorphs at lvl 72 and 9k es. Res are capped. Can we have somekind of leech?
Quick Question about the wand. Everybody is recommending the +1 to all minion skill gems. I was able to craft this one with +1 to all spell gems. Will it do the trick until I get a +2 wand? Also why only minions over all spell gems?

Last edited by xtertristl on Jan 2, 2020, 12:05:43 PM
I have no idea whats wrong, but I constantly die to metamorphs at lvl 72 and 9k es. Res are capped. Can we have somekind of leech?

At lower gear level always pop molten shield followed by Vaal Molten shield, should allow you to deathless most encounters.

Also stay at max range, this applies to even high level gear when you do deep delve contents.
I have no idea whats wrong, but I constantly die to metamorphs at lvl 72 and 9k es. Res are capped. Can we have somekind of leech?

We don't have leech, we have regen (and if you don't get hit for a bit, recovery). Pop a sulphur flask to get your regen up if you're doing a stand-and-burn.

Also make sure you have curse removal on one of your flasks. Your resists may be capped, but given how many uniques are in this build it is unlikely they are curse-capped, so it is vital that you don't let resist reducing curses stay on you.

Pop molten shell / vaal molten shell as you're able, along with your flasks. Metamorphs spawn enough adds that you can often perma the lower charge consumption flasks, like sulphur, even if the fight is longer.
xtertristl wrote:
Quick Question about the wand. Everybody is recommending the +1 to all minion skill gems. I was able to craft this one with +1 to all spell gems. Will it do the trick until I get a +2 wand? Also why only minions over all spell gems?

+minion is much more common than +all, that's probably why +minion is suggested in the guide. But yes +all works, and is strictly better since it bonuses up your auras too.
One really fun interaction:


Zoom zoom!!!
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Aschere wrote:
One really fun interaction:


Zoom zoom!!!

Yeah that one is hilarious. Unfortunately it doesn't increase the crawler's speed, or reduce the convocation cooldown, so it doesn't actually improve clearspeed as much as one might hope.
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Aschere wrote:
One really fun interaction:


Zoom zoom!!!

Yeah I posted that a few pages ago lol. I was like, hey, wait a second! And yes that map was a blast, especially when I also found a speed shrine and popped 2 different flasks, was skipping all over the place, felt like the Flash.
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What do U think about switching Whakatutuki o Matua to Apep's Supremacy which gives bleed immunity + 3% all max res and longer poisons? is it worth to sacrifice 5% regen when block for those bonuses?
Avereczek wrote:
What do U think about switching Whakatutuki o Matua to Apep's Supremacy which gives bleed immunity + 3% all max res and longer poisons? is it worth to sacrifice 5% regen when block for those bonuses?

The main other thing on Whakata shield is also +3 to minion skill gems which allows us a 4th spectre to activate ascendancy bonus. So it would depend on that/what your setup is.

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