Nobody has anything to say about Blizzard?

Boem wrote:
I find this entire thread hypocritical from GGG and i started out with explaining exactly that.

And the reason i highlighted it is to demonstrate that point again.

Because i am all for going down that particular lane if people are up for it, but then we are in violation of the ToS which we are currently already in violation off.

did you read the aposomatic stuff?(totally not putting us back on track to avoid a potential forum ban over here nudge nudge wink wink)



I did read up and in addition tried to find anything I would conflate with prejudice in newborns, and found nothing. Response to loud noise, odd sensations, or basic nervous system response dont rise to levels that matched our argument.

I just felt that continued disagreement down that path wouldn't have been productive.

I still maintain infants are not born prejudice, and you can believe they are, under a simplistic definition of environmental response, (largely involuntary).

I just dont think its honest to the discussion we were having imo.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
It's a fair point, but i already attempted to explain how low-grade prejudice or even biological involuntarely prejudice leads to higher-order concepts based on the same framework.

I don't make a distinction when a child for example is biologically programmed for survival, i see that as prejudice towards life over death.
Because it's an actively pursuid choice and goal of the biological system and enacts that prejudice of one over the other.

It's already establishing a hierarchy of goals at that point in which life is ranked higher then death, or satiation over hunger.

And i see that as goal oriented, thus biasing one state over the other.

Your claim was that children are "blank slates" formed by culture and upbringing.

Which i agree with, but only partially because the biological entity has imperatives of a higher order then culture.
that's why culture devolves into chaos in the absence of sufficient food for example.

I also think a lot of "culture" are structures put ontop of biological imperatives like acting out fundamental truths in a group sort of thing.

And racism in that sense is just a narrow form of in-group and out-group prejudice, it uses the sub-structure we biologically are compelled to enact and puts a structure on top of it that is less than desirable in our current culture.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Boem wrote:
It's a fair point, but i already attempted to explain how low-grade prejudice or even biological involuntarely prejudice leads to higher-order concepts based on the same framework.

I don't make a distinction when a child for example is biologically programmed for survival, i see that as prejudice towards life over death.
Because it's an actively pursuid choice and goal of the biological system and enacts that prejudice of one over the other.

It's already establishing a hierarchy of goals at that point in which life is ranked higher then death, or satiation over hunger.

And i see that as goal oriented, thus biasing one state over the other.

Your claim was that children are "blank slates" formed by culture and upbringing.

Which i agree with, but only partially because the biological entity has imperatives of a higher order then culture.
that's why culture devolves into chaos in the absence of sufficient food for example.

I also think a lot of "culture" are structures put ontop of biological imperatives like acting out fundamental truths in a group sort of thing.

And racism in that sense is just a narrow form of in-group and out-group prejudice, it uses the sub-structure we biologically are compelled to enact and puts a structure on top of it that is less than desirable in our current culture.



I mean I suppose.

But I think it devalued what prejudice meant (and real repercussions)in context of the discussion, and I didnt think that was equitable.

Conflating clapping in a babies face, and they cry or shrink away and are now prejudice to clapping, is quite the argumentative leap to the point I was originally making.

So, while in the strict definition, maybe you could support your claim, I think its fair to say that's not what anyone was even remotely talking about.

But we can move on. Idk if any points need to be awarded either way, I was willing to briefly sigh and say ok lol:)
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
DarthSki44 wrote:

Conflating clapping in a babies face, and they cry or shrink away and are now prejudice to clapping, is quite the argumentative leap to the point I was originally making.

That might actually be something. I'm absolutely terrified of loud noises, I've never known why.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
Boem wrote:

You have to question where he is getting his talking points from though.

I'm not sure if you're referring to me specifically, Kapernick or Darth.

That's the story I was referring to albeit from a different source. That's pretty damn excessive when you consider it happened because a child took a doll. I know that if I were a 4 year old in the same situation, I wouldn't have realized I was shoplifting or even known what shoplifting is.
Yep, totally over league play.
DarthSki44 wrote:

Conflating clapping in a babies face, and they cry or shrink away and are now prejudice to clapping, is quite the argumentative leap to the point I was originally making.

That might actually be something. I'm absolutely terrified of loud noises, I've never known why.

Sort of. Its basic survival instinct. We normally equate loud unexpected noise, with danger.

I would expect most peoples, dogs, cats, ect..initial reaction to a loud noise is to quickly duck or protect sensory organs like eyes, ears, head in general, instinctively.

But to call that prejudice....well it was a bit much for me lol

Edit: also PTSD could be tangential to this, but again equating prejudice in the context of the thread....yeah
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44 on Oct 24, 2019, 2:48:34 PM
DarthSki44 wrote:
DarthSki44 wrote:

Conflating clapping in a babies face, and they cry or shrink away and are now prejudice to clapping, is quite the argumentative leap to the point I was originally making.

That might actually be something. I'm absolutely terrified of loud noises, I've never known why.

Sort of. Its basic survival instinct. We normally equate loud unexpected noise, with danger.

I would expect most peoples, dogs, cats, ect..initial reaction to a loud noise is to quickly duck or protect sensory organs like eyes, ears, head in general, instinctively.

But to call that prejudice....well it was a bit much for me lol

Edit: also PTSD could be tangential to this, but again equating prejudice in the context of the thread....yeah

I'm not even talking about sudden ones. Just any loud noise scares the hell out of me. If someone's blaring music or I'm by a large vehicle, or even if people around me are just talking loudly I'm just in a constant panic.

It's the weirdest fucking thing, nothing else does it but loud noise.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.

I'm not even talking about sudden ones. Just any loud noise scares the hell out of me. If someone's blaring music or I'm by a large vehicle, or even if people around me are just talking loudly I'm just in a constant panic.

It's the weirdest fucking thing, nothing else does it but loud noise.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
It's really cold? $_$
SeCKSEgai wrote:
Boem wrote:

You have to question where he is getting his talking points from though.

I'm not sure if you're referring to me specifically, Kapernick or Darth.

That's the story I was referring to albeit from a different source. That's pretty damn excessive when you consider it happened because a child took a doll. I know that if I were a 4 year old in the same situation, I wouldn't have realized I was shoplifting or even known what shoplifting is.

Do you know how many people live in America?

your bassicaly telling me,

"i saw a guy yell at his wife in the streat yesterday, therefore all men are misogynists"

It's such a redundant form of logic.

If you don't know how probability's and statistics function on a population scale, or if you don't realise for that mater that the business model of news is to outrage it's readers to keep their attention then you should really not partake in this stuff.

Most people have no clue how the life of a police officer actually looks, precisely because they are around and keep society civil to a high degree.



Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes

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