[3.23] 🧙‍♂️⚡BattleTrapper 2024 by 📺/ThatDanishFellow ✔️A9 ✔️HC ✔️Block ✔️All-Content ✔️L-Starter ✔️UPD🔥TES

GodIsAGirl wrote:
Thanks for the help, it seems like I have messed up skill tree. Re-specing it gave me up to 610k average. This is my pastebin: https://pastebin.com/maD5ajMy

That's quite nice m8! I don't think you'll have any problems doing awakener carries.

That's like.... 600k x 9 lightning projectiles... lets say 5 hits the boss if you plant traps on-top of him... that's 5x 600k avg hit, 3mil dps for ONE trap without even calculating the tons of extra damage from your spire traps ... and fact that you throw 3 traps per cast not one and you pre-stack 20+.

mrwiggiiles wrote:
Has anyone using this build killed the awakener on lvl 8 yet?

If my net is stable tomorrow, i'll stream doing awakener lvl 6, I don't have 8 yet, still need the last set of watchstones to reach lvl 8.

Here's a little clip from tonight doing T16 chimera and chimera metamorph on a map with a healthy amount of scary modifiers=) oh and i'm far from perfect gear, i'm still just decently geared in my own opinion @400k'ish damage, like 500k during 4 second focus, cause' of having double dmg in both my wand and shield.
(i lack damage mods things like -9 lightning resist in helmet, trap damage/projectile damage in gloves and much better jewels and shield)


the clip:
Last edited by oestergreen on Jan 3, 2020, 9:35:11 PM

once again thx for the help with my chest the other day.

My clear seems fine with the spec, but as soon i hit bosses (conquerers, a good amount of map bosses ect.). i feel like it takes alot longer to kill that what i see you are capeable off.

Yes i know gear difference :) but i also feel like i should be able to do alittle more single target than i currently do.

So my question here is, would oyu mind looking through my gear/stats quick and see if i did something completely wrong?..

Also my way of ST is. 3x lightning spire traps, and then spam lightning traps, keep placing the spire one on CD. might be wrong here too

gear on: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Almez/characters

(Note i tried to import my char into PoB and for some reason it only says 14282.7 damge which is like 415000 lower than your pob :P) so there is something completely wrong here.
Last edited by Almez on Jan 3, 2020, 9:46:54 PM
Almez wrote:

once again thx for the help with my chest the other day.

My clear seems fine with the spec, but as soon i hit bosses (conquerers, a good amount of map bosses ect.). i feel like it takes alot longer to kill that what i see you are capeable off.

Yes i know gear difference :) but i also feel like i should be able to do alittle more single target than i currently do.

So my question here is, would oyu mind looking through my gear/stats quick and see if i did something completely wrong?..

Also my way of ST is. 3x lightning spire traps, and then spam lightning traps, keep placing the spire one on CD. might be wrong here too

gear on: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Almez/characters

Your characters are set to private m8

As for placing, yes you're doing it right the way you describe it.
Plant all spire traps and 18-20 lightning traps, then keep spamming lightning traps and drop spires on CD when you feel the boss will stay in place for at least a second or two. Being accurate with planting traps ontop of bosses will increase your DPS, as each trap fires 9 projectiles and the more of those that hit the boss the higher your dps (aka the closer to the boss you aim your traps the better - right ontop of him is optimal, but not always do-able if u also wanna stay safe)

Most important part is to keep spamming those traps, even if you miss half of them cuz' you're dodging stuff/off-screening him, it's important you keep tossing them in the general direction of the boss not only for your DPS, but they also regenerate your ES.
My account shouldnt be on privat.. just checked

Last edited by Almez on Jan 3, 2020, 9:57:55 PM

mrwiggiiles wrote:
Has anyone using this build killed the awakener on lvl 8 yet?

Yes, I did it . Sadly I couldnt do it deathless cuz of "smart mechanics" that this boss has :(

I did some little upgrades :)
I have 614.812 Average hit - in POB

would this be a good shield to multimod on?
Here is a pastebin link to pob with current talent tree and gear, if my account for some reason still stands as private..

Why do we use controlled destruction (that prevent critics) on our trap while looking for critics rate/multiplier modifier on items?
(sorry not used to all poe technics)
thanks mate appreciate the response and ill look for this ninja
copy-pasta duplicate
Last edited by oestergreen on Jan 4, 2020, 9:51:54 AM

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