[3.8] CI Mjolner CoC Ball Lightning Assassin - up to 6M Shaper DPS, 11k ES, 5k+ ES Recovery/s

Here's a video I took of a T16 Waterway map. Not particularly fast or anything, I stop/loot a lot, but gives you an idea of my usual gameplay.


Here's a Terrace map with a Conqueror kill:

Cospri CoC Cold->Fire Trickster:
Divine Ire Trickster:
Last edited by KooperT on Jan 3, 2020, 1:18:15 PM
I've noticed some people using the withering step gem. Question! Is this instant? Can it be used while you are cycloning for a stronger elusive effect? Considering a last socket on the build and I'm torn between elusive step defensively or maybe even vaal righteous fire (might be overkill, but overkill is fun).
Please tell me which gear to update next? Thanks!
Another question I have is I seem to be missing attack speed somewhere. If I take the 3.9 updated PoB and turn off Unatural Instinct and Elusive (and remove the 20% ascendency edit on the mark of the shaper the OP included) and Silver Flask, the build has has an attack rate of 3.93 attacks per second.

While I'm still leveling up, I've taken all the same attack speed nodes in the tree, and the OPs PoB Item Set does not have any IAS I can see, yet my attack speed without jade flask/elusive is only 3.76. I cannot figure out the delta for the life of me.
Any idea of how I can get more accuracy right now? My next level im going to be taking the mana reservation node near CI so I can fit in discipline with an enlighten 4. Doing this makes me have to drop my precision down to level 5 and I go down to 93% hit chance with that. Outside of leveling which would take me to 97 to grab another jewel I dont know how to fit in anymore accuracy without ruining my resists or something else. https://pastebin.com/aU2jQySt is what im looking at down the line. Still need to get 6l and the enlighten 4.
Anointedone wrote:
divinity wrote:
Good build, but too slow to my taste (prefer rangers, so... ). And I failed twice to beat uber elder with 11k es so selling build. If someone need watcher's eye, hit me up

This build never claimed to be a speedyboi, you should have read that in the guide. What makes this build strong is its ability to do content with ease, with a lot less investment than other builds. Also, you're using headhunter which really doesn't help this build all that much(if you can afford a HH, you should know that it's not an instant win button in every build), and you don't have fortify on your mjolnir. Fortify helps this build immensely, and is instantly noticeable. I ran this last league, cleared ALL content easily and hit 500 delve depth without even trying. If you enjoy being a speedyboi and have a headhunter, consider spending another 100+Exalts for the CoC Ice Nova build. I'm running it now, but it has more limits than this and you get randomly one shot.....a lot. Somayds BV build is another option if you have the currency and want to play a speedyboi melee character.

Honestly this build is still a decent speedyboi, I'm running with 150-210% move speed rn with my current setup at 7.3kehp, uber elder took 2 portal but was still easy. Took like 30-40ex for all my gear + most cost came from 2-3 jewels+gems which were 4-10ex+.
larsahh_ wrote:
I'm actually in love with GMP in my Mjölner Setup. Thinking to get an Awakened version after I buy my HH. You clear maps so quickly and killing full screens of mobs while just attacking 1 pack in the middle.

You should strongly try it out instead of running something like Arc for Aoe clear. Tried Arc and it felt very underwhelming compared to GMP.

Ah so you're the other Shavs Mjolner! There's 3 of us I think on PoeNinja at least. I'll give GMP a shot when I play next. I didn't try it because I figured we have to play melee cyclone essentially since BL moves so slow.
GMP feels very good for mapping but the damage loss is very noticable for my suboptimal gear against some metamorphs.
Sorry, but this is driving me crazy:
How do you get Thread of Hope to work in POB? I'm completely unable to allocate a node without adding the path to it as well.
The import doesnt seem to do the trick.
KooperT wrote:
Here's a video I took of a T16 Waterway map. Not particularly fast or anything, I stop/loot a lot, but gives you an idea of my usual gameplay.


Here's a Terrace map with a Conqueror kill:

Have you considered getting an explodey chest for more clear while mapping? When I ran this build last league, that was the only negative in my opinion. And it was hardly a negative, since it still clears pretty fast. The explosion chest has me thinking though....and they've dropped in price considerably.

Edit: Never mind, there's only one above 600ES and it's a mirror lol. Hopefully people start crafting more focused on ES. Seems like it would be a really nice addition to this build.
Last edited by Anointedone on Jan 3, 2020, 6:21:09 PM

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