[3.8] CI Mjolner CoC Ball Lightning Assassin - up to 6M Shaper DPS, 11k ES, 5k+ ES Recovery/s

Epi77444 wrote:

lethal pride gives me +40 str, +1% life regen, 10% effect of fortify, +20% fire resistance

my current version of the build. almost 100% crit chance without flasks
killed sirus 5 stones. I played the "normal" version aswell with 10k7 es and it works fine, faster mapping with arc in mjolner. for those wondering, the watcher is NOT mandatory in the regular version, fenumu's spinners are doing very well. could buy awakened gems but don't feel the need to. could also use enlighten 4 to get another 25% mana aura running, but don't feel the need aswell

pob : https://pastebin.com/cS60R7zq
and the regular version with my old gear and no watcher, was using arc in mjolner for zoomzoom clearspeed : https://pastebin.com/KXgzZVFr

What's the difference for this version? Just better resists?
blingi wrote:
Epi77444 wrote:

lethal pride gives me +40 str, +1% life regen, 10% effect of fortify, +20% fire resistance

my current version of the build. almost 100% crit chance without flasks
killed sirus 5 stones. I played the "normal" version aswell with 10k7 es and it works fine, faster mapping with arc in mjolner. for those wondering, the watcher is NOT mandatory in the regular version, fenumu's spinners are doing very well. could buy awakened gems but don't feel the need to. could also use enlighten 4 to get another 25% mana aura running, but don't feel the need aswell

pob : https://pastebin.com/cS60R7zq
and the regular version with my old gear and no watcher, was using arc in mjolner for zoomzoom clearspeed : https://pastebin.com/KXgzZVFr

What's the difference for this version? Just better resists?

immunity to almost anything, less flat dps but same overall dps because more crit, more attack speed. less energy shield (8290 with this gear). but at this point, the only thing which can kill you is the retarded one shot mechanics. sometimes a metamorph could 1 tap you, the rain in uber atziri from the trio (titty succubus) will 1 tap you. it's more expensive but it's suited to mechanically bad players who don't like to press flasks.
facetank drox, the hand of justice doesn't 1 tap you
Last edited by Epi77444 on Dec 31, 2019, 3:38:16 PM
Hey, I might be going crazy or seeing something wrong, but I was following the leveling tree points, and the 68 and 81 points look like the same for me (?) Im level 57 at the moment and seem to have all the points already on the recommended tree. Or am I just blind?
Apolowz wrote:
Hey, I might be going crazy or seeing something wrong, but I was following the leveling tree points, and the 68 and 81 points look like the same for me (?) Im level 57 at the moment and seem to have all the points already on the recommended tree. Or am I just blind?

Throatseeker and crackling speed clusters and two +5% life nodes.
Epi77444 wrote:
cryion wrote:
Epi77444 wrote:

1/0.150 = 6.67

Sorry, I'm confused. Does that mean 6.67 is the maximum that is allowed?
If so, why does the original guy explicitly say 6.0?

mistake from author.

Not really, visit the following link.

Short explanation:
Let's say, you have 6.67 aps. Does this mean you attack every 150 ms? Nope, because the game "ticks" every 33 ms. You attack 132 (33*4) or 165 (33*5) ms after the last attack. The game chooses 132 ms and 165 ms such that you attack 6.67 times per second in the long run. If the game chooses 132 ms, your CoC is still on cooldown, so you miss a proc.

The best attack rate is 1/0.165 = 6.06 aps, so 6.02 aps is pretty good.
Should I go for Fenumus boots even if I can afford a watcher's eye or would it be better damage to go for doryani's?
Aspect of the Spider would add damage as well, but I'm not sure how much it is compared to the other boots and what I'd do with the 25% extra reserved mana.
Someone earlier posted about a trickster version and it got me intrigued. Of course it used the very pricey Eternity Shroud, but I wondered what the damage would look like if that and the bottled faith was removed as 'gg' items(downgraded all the awakened gems to their normal counter parts), and...I'm really impressed? On paper the ball lightning hits seem to do about double the damage of the assassin version, crit is capped like the assassin version. The only thing I see maybe working against it is the attack rate of Cyclone, which is 5.97 vs the 6.45 that the Assassin version can get. I'm a touch unfamiliar with how this effects its total procs per second, so not sure how the math pans out fully.

Edit: realize the lack of culling strike in trickster plus assassins 20% more on bosses largely cancels out the dps difference unless you have Shroud.

Last edited by faytte on Jan 1, 2020, 5:45:25 AM
KooperT wrote:

40% BL damage is recommended but I don't believe this is strong or optimal. 40% increased damage is not that much.

I think the best helm enchant by far is "24% Increased Ball Lightning Area of Effect"

It is important to understand that Increased Area of Effect is actually a very strong stat for BL - even though it doesn't benefit from AoE damage. The key is that increasing AoE will increase the "duration" the ball is within range of your target, so it gets off extra hits. If you look at some Ball Lightning Miner builds, a lot of them take Inc AoE for this reason. The key is to hit certain "thresholds" that the ball can zap a target 1 more time. (If, for example, the ball normally can only hit a target 4 times before it's out of range, and you increase the AoE just enough so it can hit 5 times, that's a 25% MORE DAMAGE INCREASE - HUGE)

This build can take 40% inc AoE from the tree, which is a big DPS boost. I checked some calculators and adding on an extra 24% from the Helm Enchant brings us up to a higher breakpoint, allowing more hits, and is a big damage increase. Like 10-20% more damage - way more than 40% increased.

According to various calculators online, such as here:

Not to mention it will also provide some more QOL for mapping.

Thank you for all the input. I have some comments:
The calculator you linked assumes that you cast ball lightning while the target is outside of its radius. On the other hand, in this build, you always cast ball lightning when the target is inside the radius because the AoE of cyclone is smaller. This fact halves the effectiveness of the increased AoE enchant. Based on my calculation, 40% increased damage grants you more damage than 24% increased AoE.

KooperT wrote:


While this is an ES-On-Hit build, I noticed a considerable deficiency in regular ES Leech. PoB shows 148 ES Leech/Hit (each instance) with leech cap of 1630/second.

Allocating just 3 points into Light Eater increased this to 621 ES Leech/Hit with leech cap of 1956. That's a big increase from prior number, making it so i hit my leech cap very quick (like 3 hits) instead of 11 hits.

Since i'm using a Watcher's Eye with 30% ES Recovery (you can also get this mod on belts, etc.) it bumps my leech cap up to 2467/Second.

Overall I am not sure how important hitting leech cap is quicker, and we already have plenty of ES/Hit - but I like the idea of 2500 ES Leech/Second + 575 ES Regen (Consecration + Zealots Oath) alongside ES/Hit. Makes me a beast of a tank.

I think you misunderstand how leech works. Each hit has a leech rate of 2% of maximum ES/sec, independent of the amount of leech on hit. Assuming your maximum ES is 10k, your leech rate is 200 ES/sec. If you have 148 ES leech on hit, each leech instance lasts for 148/200 = 0.74 sec. Increasing the leech on hit to 621 makes the leech last longer (621/200 = 3.11 sec), but leech rate stays the same. To reach maximum ES leech rate (20% of maximum ES, 2000), you'll need 10 leech instances. Because this build has a high number of hits per second, 148 ES leech per hit is more than enough to keep max ES leech.

The useful stats from the ES leech node is "20% increased maximum total recovery per second from energy shield leech", which makes your maximum total ES leech rate to 24% of your maximum ES (2400) per second.
It looks like awakened lightning pen is better than ele focus? With conductivity and shocking bosses - should be a big dps increase?

Can anyone confirm? It looks like they get shocked (visual effect)?
Just following on from last post, i'm at the stage where i;m looking at awakened support gems, what should the priority order be? (minus the cast on crit awakened gem because thats nearly 19exalt lol)

I was thinking of dropping elemental focus in the Mjolnir/6link setup for either lightning pen or added lightning damage?

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