[3.12] Double Strike / Flicker Assassin ~ League starter and ender! U-Elder and U-Atziri deathless!

ok i found a chest with 120life + 10%increased life +43 strength is that good enough instead of belly? its cheaper too

Try it in PoB, it's really hard to beat the immense life that Belly grants. For me, a 6 link belly is the first big purchase I make. Up to you if you want to pinch your pennies, it might be decent for now.
great build,I play them for the second League,already managed to kill Sirius (LVL 6 Wake-up) of the shaper and elder
I've been working hard and progressing nicely on maps and am definitely noticing a difference but curious what my next series of upgrades should be from here. currently grinding yellow maps but some of the mods can definitely still ruin my day and insta kill me.
Hi since i keep forgetting to use life the golem anyway i was wondering if i can switch that slot with a cwdt immortal call or steelskin?
I switched in Steelskin and it really helped make t13+ a breeze.

For ***Insane*** clear speed i recommend an onslaught jewel btw

liking the build, though after a day of flicker strike, my eyes are really sore.
how are you guys not dying all the time :-)

im flickering so uncrontollable im dying to everything :-/
DunkMasterVex wrote:
I've been working hard and progressing nicely on maps and am definitely noticing a difference but curious what my next series of upgrades should be from here. currently grinding yellow maps but some of the mods can definitely still ruin my day and insta kill me.

You have super low life on gear and you're missing the other Acrobatics nodes, which are huge. You probably haven't shopped for gear in far too long. Get your damage flasks too, can't be using quicksilvers at this point.
anymaaan wrote:
how are you guys not dying all the time :-)

im flickering so uncrontollable im dying to everything :-/

You too, you need more life! You can't be using a tabula when you're going into maps. There is no reason whatsoever to have less than 50 life on ANY gear.
Last edited by roguemjb on Mar 23, 2020, 3:04:09 PM
How do you reach 100% accuracy without precision?

i have +380 accuracy on gear and with golem its not enough.
guccigasm wrote:
How do you reach 100% accuracy without precision?

i have +380 accuracy on gear and with golem its not enough.

We use level 1 precision. And getting 400+ accuracy on 2 pieces just about does it.

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