3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

aymanzone1 wrote:
Build isn't working for me. I have 6 socket chest (very expensive) but can't include all the buffs. You need a lvl 4 enlighten gem which is 20+ exalt but luckily now it's is 5.4 exalt. This is not a beginner build and it's quite expensive. I would stay away from it.Maybe I'm just newbie but I've been playing the game for 3 years now

I feel like a lot of people jump to the conclusion that they can look at someone's endgame setup and just buy everything to play it without really working up to it themselves (gem levels, gem quality, character levels, min/maxed stats, etc.). Just because it's not working for you right now doesn't mean it won't work. Brunowa has been developing this build for the past several months and has built up a LOT of currency doing so. His stuff is min/maxed quite a bit.

There's a budget version of the build that works perfectly fine for beginners who want to play the build. I killed Sirus on A8 with a Queen's Escape, Geofri's, 2 auras, and no AG.

For your case specifically, might I suggest simply dropping an aura?
Or, perhaps, run a Merveil's Chosen spectre for Vulnerability, drop Blasphemy, and run Flesh and Stone instead?

There are always options to change things around to suit where you are in the build and what you have available, but you need to find them.
Last edited by Sarclol on Feb 13, 2020, 10:36:09 PM
Sorry, I might have missed some responses that answer my question in the middle but I would like to ask a question about the AG again. I just used the Mask of the Stitched Demon on my AG, and I'm using Grave Intentions in the skill tree. However, I didn't see any energy shield on my AG as others minions do. Am I doing something wrong?
hugopoeint wrote:
Sorry, I might have missed some responses that answer my question in the middle but I would like to ask a question about the AG again. I just used the Mask of the Stitched Demon on my AG, and I'm using Grave Intentions in the skill tree. However, I didn't see any energy shield on my AG as others minions do. Am I doing something wrong?

No, is exactly how the mask work. The AG lose all the Energy shield but instead gain 1% of maximum life as regeneration per 500 max shield. depending of how much life your AG have the number can change mine for example with only the 10% of Grave Intentions node regen 15% of his max life. that means 10k regen of life per second. So that's why the AG can't die unless a huge burst happen or the AG is in a skill that negate regeneration that's why Acid Caverns and Hall of Grand Masters can kill AG. Using Bone barrier you can avoid AG dying to bleed and corrupted blood.
Last edited by Osgili4th on Feb 13, 2020, 11:40:37 PM
Osgili4th wrote:
hugopoeint wrote:
Sorry, I might have missed some responses that answer my question in the middle but I would like to ask a question about the AG again. I just used the Mask of the Stitched Demon on my AG, and I'm using Grave Intentions in the skill tree. However, I didn't see any energy shield on my AG as others minions do. Am I doing something wrong?

No, is exactly how the mask work. The AG lose all the Energy shield but instead gain 1% of maximum life as regeneration per 500 max shield. depending of how much life your AG have the number can change mine for example with only the 10% of Grave Intentions node regen 15% of his max life. that means 10k regen of life per second. So that's why the AG can't die unless a huge burst happen or the AG is in a skill that negate regeneration that's why Acid Caverns and Hall of Grand Masters can kill AG. Using Bone barrier you can avoid AG dying to bleed and corrupted blood.

Thank you so much for your response,and now I finally know how the skill mechanics work.
Can someone tell me what's wrong with my defensive summoner? I seem to die more than I should. Account name is TheChosenOne_ and character is my lvl 89 summoner. If I can't use all 4 auras which aura should I leave out? I can't use pride aura yet if that matters but I can use the other 3. Also not using animate guardian yet
Last edited by TheChosenOne_ on Feb 14, 2020, 12:47:01 AM

Switched my build to Saqawal's variant.

Should my next upgrade be an Aul's Uprising (Hatred) or Bottled Faith?

I'm most likely not going to be able to afford the Pride Aul's Uprising this league
Last edited by JayChow on Feb 14, 2020, 1:59:40 AM
hey uh can you please check my char and tell me what am doing wrong because i can't seem to hit a good dps on pob and i even changed to a 6link chest zombie lvl21 lvl 4 empower and copied pasted your tree with ascendancy still stuck can't hit 100k dps in pob my items or something ?
TheChosenOne_ wrote:
Can someone tell me what's wrong with my defensive summoner? I seem to die more than I should. Account name is TheChosenOne_ and character is my lvl 89 summoner. If I can't use all 4 auras which aura should I leave out? I can't use pride aura yet if that matters but I can use the other 3. Also not using animate guardian yet

Only a couple of things that I can see:

1. Your chaos resist is really low, negative without flask and just in positive with flask. See if you can get some extra resist on your belt and rings, or even Jewels.

2. Your aura gems are still not high level so Discipline is not giving you as much ES as you would really want.

For auras, I would run Pride, Discipline and Flesh and Stone. Take out Blasphemy and manually cast Vulnerability when you need it.

Why aren't you using your Alt gear slots to level extra gems? You should be running at least some extra Zombie gems to quality then corrupt.
Draxtoss wrote:
hey uh can you please check my char and tell me what am doing wrong because i can't seem to hit a good dps on pob and i even changed to a 6link chest zombie lvl21 lvl 4 empower and copied pasted your tree with ascendancy still stuck can't hit 100k dps in pob my items or something ?

Your Astramentis is corupted and does not have a 20% increased attributes modifier.

chest to tanky 6L and get aura's instead of skelles. smoother gameplay

I see no Aura's in your setup. you can look at mine to clone or you can refer to anyone the original build guide

you don't need 2 life flask and don't need a mana flask, get a hybrid flask if you have a lot of mana consumption but with Aura setup you just need to cyclone and run around.

efficient training isn't maxed rolled( 24). rings don't have high tier rolls of str, one of the rings have but its insufficient as you have not upgraded quality to 20% on attributes/str

you need an Empower 4 to get your zombies to level 30
Really hate Maven as a boss and its mechanics! pls give us something cool like Elder/Shaper
Thank for this build! I have a fire golemancer and a cyclone slayer - they are both really fun - but this one takes the cake.

I especially love that you can build it to your delight for whatever demented thing you want this build to be... personally i run with The Queens Hunger, 15 zombies, AG, 4 offensive spectres and vaal skellies on gloves.
Also i forewent Pride in favor of Hatred because... well... i had it lying around. And you know what? It rocks. Cyclone Slayer is really fast but seeing Redeemer melt almost instantly has never happened before. Also the satisfying moment to answer "you and what army" with "THIS ONE!" at any moment you desire.

As said - thanks a ton! i love it. Zombies for life!

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