3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

omglapizza wrote:
Got a huge question for you all.

I bought a Lethal Pride gem and divined it maybe 6 or 7 times, got 4 5% Strength nodes and one reachable flat +20 Strength. Two of the 5% are on nodes already allocated by the build. Pathing to the extra 5% nodes requires shuffling 6 passive points (to Endurance and to Divine Judgement). The flat +20 is on Light of Divinity, so I'm getting +30 strength there, but requires 2 passive points to reach it.

This will let me hit the 1500 Strength breakpoint, but I had to sacrifice a bunch of passives to get there, namely Constitution, the remaining Life and Chaos wheel, and the Grave Intentions wheel. Does losing out on the extra health (about 27%) and minion health\resists\unholy might justify gaining an extra zombie?

I'd love to hear your thoughts!

1500 is super easy to reach so I wouldn't even bother with the two 5% nodes for 6 points. Just get two rings with t1 flat strength and you should be there. Definitely not worth sacrificing all that when you can easily achieve it elsewhere
could someone pls suggest the next few upgrades i should be targeting?

I died at my first sirius fight at A4 and I sometimes die to Shaper guardians as well while i can clear Elder and his guardians smoothly.

I would like to get stronger atleast either in phy def or stronger zombies somehow.

I am at 1.3k str 2 efficient jewels and 1 corrupted blood 4% increased str jewel.

For some reason everything thats an upgrade is super expensive now like 10ex ish

I am tempted to try the build suggested by Jhoc which is having 5 L cyclone and swapping to Aura's Pride, Purity of elements, Discipline, Holy relic and Dread Banner. But that required Empower 4 as well and farming currency is not my forte so it looks expensive as heck while i barely have 3-4 ex to spare

Any other advice also would be appreciated.

Really hate Maven as a boss and its mechanics! pls give us something cool like Elder/Shaper
could someone pls suggest the next few upgrades i should be targeting?

I died at my first sirius fight at A4 and I sometimes die to Shaper guardians as well while i can clear Elder and his guardians smoothly.

I would like to get stronger atleast either in phy def or stronger zombies somehow.

I am at 1.3k str 2 efficient jewels and 1 corrupted blood 4% increased str jewel.

For some reason everything thats an upgrade is super expensive now like 10ex ish

I am tempted to try the build suggested by Jhoc which is having 5 L cyclone and swapping to Aura's Pride, Purity of elements, Discipline, Holy relic and Dread Banner. But that required Empower 4 as well and farming currency is not my forte so it looks expensive as heck while i barely have 3-4 ex to spare

Any other advice also would be appreciated.

Weapon your single best upgrade by a mile.

PS: i just realized that the weapon upgrade is getting more and more expensive, but sadly is the biggest upgrade and most impactful you have right now.
Last edited by TrueDivinorium on Feb 4, 2020, 2:56:58 AM
can you tell me why my zombies are dying?
Dekaon wrote:
can you tell me why my zombies are dying?

Looking at your equipment and build the only thing i can think of is reflect map Or something stupid like acid caves boss.(Stupid strong mechanics)
Last edited by TrueDivinorium on Feb 4, 2020, 5:03:01 AM
can you tell me why my zombies are dying?

They die while mapping? while bossing? Or where do they die?

die in the Delve on 250 and on the map, HP fall
Last edited by Dekaon on Feb 4, 2020, 5:35:20 AM
The amulet is really espansive ! What should we take as auras when we don't have Pride reserves no mana ? I take Pride, Dread Banner and Hatred but can't take others :(
So i just "finished" switching my setup to some kind of jcoh35's example. Just need a few minor upgrades like gem quality.
Just tested it and spawned al 4 conquerors from zero and killed awakener lvl8 all in 30mins.
Only died to the horrible lag spikes in the awakener fights last phase, which on ps4 is pretty much not to avoid sadly.
Apart from that issue this setup feels 1. Really fast and 2. Nearly unkillable godmode tanky, all conquerors died in like 3 to 10 sec without me even being close to getting damaged relevantly.

Update: just killed elder, shaper and ny first ever uber elder.
Elder and shaper both feel like a joke.
Killed uber elder whithout having any clue how the fight works, again only dying due to horrible lags the ps4 version offers...
Last edited by Dr_Sanchezz on Feb 4, 2020, 6:46:54 AM
Dekaon wrote:
can you tell me why my zombies are dying?

you need leech somewhere. either a jewel or the node by death attunement

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