3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

DongKingKong wrote:
Hey guys :) Just curious about elder weapon crafting. Im presently working on elder sword base for larger chance of hitting something useful since it has onslaught as well as fortify. However is onslaught a big dps loss compared to fortify since it only works on kill ? Maybe stick to working on two handed mace? thanks

Fortify would be best.
Looking for suggestions on upgrades.I've saved up about 6EX and am ready for a 6-link i think. I think I'm leaning toward Geofri's over Victario's and over a 6-link weapon. I seem to be doing ok in T12 and T13's. I only have 14 watchstones so I'm still working up higher map sustain. Here's my current setup:

Last edited by InSaYnE_72 on Jan 5, 2020, 2:53:23 PM
Jurvi wrote:
How is possibble, that on Passive tree still remain Death Attunement?


P.S This thread is getting way too spammed with questions that could easily be answered by just reading the original post thoroughly. :(

I'm going to add a frequently asked questions section to the guide in the next day or two to answer these common questions.
jbryan586 wrote:
Tzier wrote:
Hello everyone, I periodically drop zombies t10-16 cards, in the Uber Lab all spects die. I don’t know what to do, help.
if i know how to get up here pob / sorry again

i gave 1100 strenht.
What could be the problem?

First off you need to be running a golem of some sort. If you're having trouble with deaths I would recommend trying Chaos Golem and if you want damage, Carrion golem is a ton more damage.

Another thing I would try is meat shield in the helmet as opposed to minion life. When I did that switch to meat shield I haven't had a spectre death since. It's WAY better than minion life in my opinion.

So the biggest problem here is your zombies dying... I'm going to assume you dont have a jewel with "Minions Leech % Damage as Life" and if you don't, get one. This is going to single handedly keep your zombies alive if they're attacking something with no problems what-so-ever. Also, try using convocation in combat OFTEN to reposition your zombies AND to give them the life regen from the skill during combat. This helps a lot in damage heavy fights.

Any other questions, let us know! Hope this helps!

Minion life is in the helmet purely for our AG. It's a key component of him being (near) immortal.
I see you removed 6l cyclone option from the build. I was curious about trying a setup with infused channeling + srs, even adding siegebreaker belt in case cast speed would be too high. It would be nice to hear your opinion before trying to change my geofri's to off colors.
We got rid of the 6 link Cyclone in the last league because DPS wasn't an issue for the build. Zombies just munted everything instantly for us so it was a waste of gem slots.

Although Zombies got touched up a bit in 3.9 DPS is still solid so the extra gem slots are likely to be better spent on Defensive or other QOL improvements.

Still, the build is all about flexibility so if you think it would suit your playstyle, have a crack at it.
Cruonit wrote:
I see you removed 6l cyclone option from the build. I was curious about trying a setup with infused channeling + srs, even adding siegebreaker belt in case cast speed would be too high. It would be nice to hear your opinion before trying to change my geofri's to off colors.

6L cyclone is perfectly fine.

Just means you run less auras. Cyclone setup means to get full benefit you need to be constantly cycloning.

So it's good for bossing or delving, but I prefer 6L auras because you get to run things like Haste while also buffing your offence and defence with other auras.. plus the versatility of auras is cool.
can someone look at my guy and tell me what i can improve on. i still at times am getting 1shot
Im trying to do the 6 link Georfri Sanctuary with all the gems but can only afford level 1 enlighten for now but whats an alternative to that? i cant put on all the auras currently
Any thoughts on War Banner vs Dread Banner?

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