[3.8] Assassin Poisonator | Cobra Lash / Venom Gyre | All Content | Uber Elder Video |

Neyeah wrote:
volhz wrote:
Why Yriel's Fostering - Best Chest for the build (Poison or Bleed option)?
We have a 100 +% chance of poisoning, bleeding-will not give anything much. So isn't Miam the best choice, and synergizes with the Aspect of the Spider, or not?

I think TS uses yriel's bleeding + haemophilia glove as on his profile which makes me wonder as well vs Fenumus Glove


I am currently playing my Charged Dash build. I changed gloves for bleed explosion, I have Aspect of spider in the ring.
What gods for Pantheon though? I've been chilling with Ralakesh and Lunaris but is there a better combo or what?
loczek123 wrote:
Neyeah wrote:
volhz wrote:
Why Yriel's Fostering - Best Chest for the build (Poison or Bleed option)?
We have a 100 +% chance of poisoning, bleeding-will not give anything much. So isn't Miam the best choice, and synergizes with the Aspect of the Spider, or not?

I think TS uses yriel's bleeding + haemophilia glove as on his profile which makes me wonder as well vs Fenumus Glove


I am currently playing my Charged Dash build. I changed gloves for bleed explosion, I have Aspect of spider in the ring.

Ah I see.. hmm but may I ask whats the value of aspect of the spider without the Fenumus Glove's inc dmg towards enemy affected by spider web??

Also, how do we deal with porcupine on death effect of monsters? does Haemophilia's glove solve the issue ? does explode have same effect as shatter ?
Last edited by Neyeah on Sep 16, 2019, 12:54:16 PM
Blood88 wrote:
Hello Guys,

funny build.

Waht is the best Helmet Option for this Build and wich Helmenchantment is good for the skillung?

cobra lash chain 3 additional times think is a must for blighted maps and feels great for map clearing. don't know what enchant is better for venom gyre.
hmm cwdt with lev 8 withering step still puts my chance to dodge attacks/spells from 44/40 to 73/69.... seems like this is a good idea!

Until your next skill usage, meaning maybe a few tenths of a second. I will admit, this is probably decent for porcupines because of the high burst and it WOULD wither the immediate area when you get hit.
3rd time now: how do you generate power charges?
kryzdyan wrote:
3rd time now: how do you generate power charnges?

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm using the power charge on critical support. I'm using Venom gyre, GMP, deadly ailments, Unbound ailments, and power charge support. Right now my 6 link is blue so I have lightning damage in there. I want to turn it green and put in either vile toxins or vicious projectiles. I'm using the Covenant chest so I already have added chaos damage.
Thank you for the build, i very much enjoy it. I want to ask ask here the community:

1)Did you have any problems with Mana? I´m particularily having trouble keeping my mana more than some seconds on a single target. I´m far from completing my gear, it looks like this https://pastebin.com/gY6hRHxy. I use Temporal Chains and Despair, not the 3rd aura. What i´m I missing?

2)Is there an alternative to Ice Golem? I fail to see how it´s relevant.

3)What is the best gem to swap out if i want to use Night gem? Do we need night?

Thank you in advance for any tips!
Last edited by Foxicious1 on Sep 16, 2019, 11:22:45 AM
The 0.5% mana leech from the Stabbing Thirst notable with -9 to mana cost of skills on one ring is enough for me to sustain mana even in single target. I see you use claws and have Soul Raker so if you switch your flat chaos damage enchant on your right ring to -mana cost you should be fine. Although with your chest your main skill is a 7 link and more costly than mine, so maybe either get the enchant on both rings or work towards getting a crafted gemini claw for mana on hit.

Your gem links look good, Nightblade support seems to be more suited for deadeye and other non assassin ascendencies. Mistwalker makes it pretty much just a crit+crit multi gem that is outclassed by other pure multiplier gems.
kryzdyan wrote:
3rd time now: how do you generate power charges?

Right now I'm using Orb of Storms + Power Charge on Crit support.
Another method is Assassin's Mark on Hit on one of your rings.
A third option, as mentioned, is simply linking PCoC support in your main links (not advisable imo).

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