[3.8] Assassin Poisonator | Cobra Lash / Venom Gyre | All Content | Uber Elder Video |

update PoB Is added in the first post.


One link was left, I decided that a tree with more HP would be recommended now. There are two skills to choose from (Cobra and Venom), 3 chest, I removed the unique shield and added Rare one (simpy def stats). Tree now includes Piercing Shots by default, if you're playing Cobra Lash, add an extra Jewel instead. We use HoA in the 4 link, has excellent synergy with this build. I still don't know what about Nightblade, there are still no Elusive / Mistwalker bonuses so there will be more numbers later. I think Nightblade will be better than vicious projectiles as 6 link.

When it comes to chest, Dendrobate is not so super as i think. It is worth replacing it with Cherrubim's Maleficence and this is what I gave as default in PoB, but you can check other two. Yriel's Fostering is an endgame option for the build.

There are a lot of opinions, very divergent about the build. I don't know what you expected. Poison is still the same Poison, patch makes a lot bigger numbers and is strong endgame accessible. Because here I have no doubt that build under pure poison is able to clear all content with new skills. But this playstyle is not for everyone. It is very specific. We don't have such a thing as damage burst, here skill hit a mob it just throws Poison on it, so playing it may seem delayed. On the top on first page is " Poison is rather a unpopular mechanics, not everyone likes to play it so it seems to me that it will not be too bad, after that much more hype is on summoner builds and on mines ofcourse." The joy of the game is very important, if there is no fun then you have to change your character, it is not worth getting tired, I am well aware that poison playstyle is not for everyone, it is really different. A few people wrote that maybe you can still do something about it, you can't do it because the poison just works like that or you love it or you can't play it: D And such a person will not be convinced, no PoB, no changes because it will still look the same but with different skills and other numbers. Such people look for minuses, just to find something, we have the second day of the league and they already prophesy that build is useless and on the other end of this rope we have people who are already play on red maps and have fun. Poison is like that and believe me, if you don't like this style from the beginning, you'll never like it.
Last edited by loczek123 on Sep 8, 2019, 4:12:44 PM
I haven't read all of the posts in the thread, but may I suggest the use of Spell Totem + Wither (+ Faster Casting), especially for leveling (am not at end game yet to see if it's useful there). I'm finding this a good skill to help with chaos resistant bosses especially.

Enjoying this build. My damage is falling off a bit in Act 7 but that will be fixed once I hit 60 and can equip some of the endgame options.
I was a bit dissapointed because the lack of damage in the leveling process. But I tried Gyre+Herald of Agony+Plague bearer and I was impressed as with this combination I killed bosses twice as fast than with other skills in 3.7. Recommended combination for leveling.
Last edited by FedeS on Sep 8, 2019, 4:09:22 PM
Just letting you know that the uppdated pob is still the same LUL
MrScavenger wrote:
Just letting you know that the uppdated pob is still the same LUL

I corrected.
loczek123 wrote:
My main issue is with 3 Elusive sources we have. One from ascendancy, one from support gem and one from movement skill.

Mistwalker is very strong and we can't give it up, is enough to keep Elusive at all times with our high Crit chance and the number of hits per second. Plus 20% Attack Speed, 8% reduction damage and no damage from Crit, you can't give it up!

Allright, saves me a trip to the lab! :)

BTW new flask prefix "Enduring" fixes all our mana problems, with something like this:

Cobra Lash holds very strong in red map content T13-15 even with my semi leveled, semi quality gems and basically no chest.


Think this build has really nice potential.
Last edited by Chayman on Sep 8, 2019, 4:29:02 PM
What about using 2 The Wasp Nest Throat Stabber instead of a shield?
What are best affixes for crafting claw?
would anyone mind explaining why aspect of the spider is so important? don't really get its use atm
brbdinner wrote:
would anyone mind explaining why aspect of the spider is so important? don't really get its use atm

it give you alot of dps pretty much lol

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