[3.8] Assassin Poisonator | Cobra Lash / Venom Gyre | All Content | Uber Elder Video |

Poison builds scale insanely with Delve prefix "60% chance to deal 100% more poison damage", or whatever it's worded, and high DPS/fast weapons, which we clearly lack that early in the league.

As for Dendrobate, it's really good damage wise but having no life at all on something that's already pretty squishy doesn't make it BiS, if you have the funds to replace it with a good Elder armour.

You can manually add Nightblade in PoB.
Same thing for Elusive, through getting a mean value (basically max/2 if you don't refresh it)
Been playing around with lycosidae and the embalmer for a 5l HoAG and witherstep on cwdt for no reason at all than to see those nice eyes from time to time :)

The highlight so far (t7 maps) was killing an ephij in the middle of a uul breach on a t5, I died once in maps so far but I am dropping a pcoc OOS and wither totems at bosses and big HP rares.

Just got a 5l dendrobate, sitting at a quite low 3.7k HP but I don't expect problems till red maps, going at an elderly pace so far :)
Second-class poe gamer
Iyacthu wrote:
Poison builds scale insanely with Delve prefix "60% chance to deal 100% more poison damage", or whatever it's worded, and high DPS/fast weapons, which we clearly lack that early in the league.

As for Dendrobate, it's really good damage wise but having no life at all on something that's already pretty squishy doesn't make it BiS, if you have the funds to replace it with a good Elder armour.

You can manually add Nightblade in PoB.
Same thing for Elusive, through getting a mean value (basically max/2 if you don't refresh it)

so have you testet it with manual entry in PoB? is it worth to use nightblade in the 6link?
Thanks you for share the concept of this build.
So far i really enjoy this build

this is my items so far

and i want to ask, are inc chaos dmg nodes worth to spend?
Antikerhacks wrote:
Iyacthu wrote:
Poison builds scale insanely with Delve prefix "60% chance to deal 100% more poison damage", or whatever it's worded, and high DPS/fast weapons, which we clearly lack that early in the league.

As for Dendrobate, it's really good damage wise but having no life at all on something that's already pretty squishy doesn't make it BiS, if you have the funds to replace it with a good Elder armour.

You can manually add Nightblade in PoB.
Same thing for Elusive, through getting a mean value (basically max/2 if you don't refresh it)

so have you testet it with manual entry in PoB? is it worth to use nightblade in the 6link?

Depends on how much crit' chance/crit' multi you already have and your base crit' chance.
I've been playing with this build and swapping between Cobra Lash and Venom Gyre, but to be honest with you.. For this league mechanic and especially for Blighted Maps where you have monsters walking one by one in a line I feel like Spectral Throw will be the best option. On the other hand Venom Gyre with pierce gem and pierce passives might be great as well. So many possibilities though!. It's been fun so far.
Last edited by tobikk on Sep 8, 2019, 2:19:11 PM
Having a blast! Thank you very much for creating this awesome build!
tobikk wrote:
On the other hand Venom Gyre with pierce gem and pierce passives might be great as well.

You mean the Piercing Shot passive node AND pierce support gem at the same time? So the skill would pierce 6 targets?
Can someone ELI5 how level this build? which gems at which level mostly
U pob link w/o update man, fix pls all skills
Last edited by mdruger on Sep 8, 2019, 3:27:41 PM

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