[3.8] Assassin Poisonator | Cobra Lash / Venom Gyre | All Content | Uber Elder Video |

So the stats I should be looking for are attack speed and pdps for now?
Last edited by gvarph on Sep 8, 2019, 7:46:29 AM
Hey first thank you for the build!

I respecced an existing standard assasin into Cobra Lash. I still have to level the main gems but so far so good. I'm able to do red maps up to T15 with relative ease with a few deaths now and then to difficult bosses and/or mods (though I still need a decent chest too).

As was stated mana issue seems to be somewhat a problem at single target and needs a mana flask for sustain.

My main issue is with 3 Elusive sources we have. One from ascendancy, one from support gem and one from movement skill.

IMO if we go with only Nightblade support, we can switch ascendancy to Unstable Infusion for extra powercharge and sustain (we free at least 2 gems slots cause we now don't need PCoC) and we can drop Withering Step for Wither totem which is IMO better for bosses.

Someone also mentioned daggers would be a better choice (like Taproot), but wee need to wait for POB update for that.

My gear:

Last edited by Chayman on Sep 8, 2019, 8:25:11 AM
My main issue is with 3 Elusive sources we have. One from ascendancy, one from support gem and one from movement skill.

Whitering Step It gives it only until you use any skill so strictly defensive, it will not be useful to us during the fight, we use it to apply wither and as a skill escape.
Mistwalker is very strong and we can't give it up, is enough to keep Elusive at all times with our high Crit chance and the number of hits per second. Plus 20% Attack Speed, 8% reduction damage and no damage from Crit, you can't give it up!
Nightblade is in the setup because of Crit chance and Crit mutli not to generate Elusive, if after PoB update it turns out that it is better to replace it with something else we will do it :)

I made an update in the skill gem section. In short, I added HoA in the 4th link, giving up Power Charge, I added Plague Bearer and a few cosmetic changes. I did not move the main skill because time for it will come later.

Overall, it's look like build will focus on Venom Gyre, it has much more endgame potential. Stacks Poison almost 2x faster on single target and it makes a huge difference. I tested it yesterday on Argus in Merciless Lab, the difference is really huge.
Last edited by loczek123 on Sep 8, 2019, 9:22:44 AM
What do you think of using a Vaal skill (e.g. Vaal Haste/Vaal Grace/Vaal Blight) and Ancestral Protector for more attack speed?
What are people running for a CWDT setup, if anything?

I currently have CWDT (3), Steelskin (11), Withering Step (10), Summon Ice Golem (5). No idea if it's optimal but it's a starting point.
I'm trying now with Venom Gyre and Pierce. Seems like this is the go to for end game? Not sure about pierce vs chain vs fork but im sure you need at least one of these for VG
So now that the PoB Update is out, anyone took a look at whats best? Claws or Daggers?
I suck at PoB stuff, it doesn't even show node power for me. Or is that a poison thing?
Last edited by Tadian on Sep 8, 2019, 10:29:43 AM
Plague bearer is insane for everything. Holy shit!
Kbanger wrote:
I'm trying now with Venom Gyre and Pierce. Seems like this is the go to for end game? Not sure about pierce vs chain vs fork but im sure you need at least one of these for VG

This may not be optimal, but I dropped any pierce/fork gems and took the Piercing Shots node on the passive tree, and that works just fine. Currently running:

I'm trying now with Venom Gyre and Pierce. Seems like this is the go to for end game? Not sure about pierce vs chain vs fork but im sure you need at least one of these for VG

If we go for chain we get the same thing like Cobra does, Pierce from the tree is enough, the point is that each projectile hit the boss 2x and gives 2 Poison stack for us.

So now that the PoB Update is out, anyone took a look at whats best? Claws or Daggers?
I suck at PoB stuff, it doesn't even show node power for me. Or is that a poison thing?

Is there an update? When I get back from work I will look. But even if the dagger is slightly better, I will stay with Claw, you can see 0.8% mana leech dont leech enough for a boss. HP leech is also weak in this build and with the number of hits we make lgoh is amazing. So if the difference is not 1/3 and more then I will stay with Claw.
Last edited by loczek123 on Sep 8, 2019, 11:04:18 AM

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