[3.8] Assassin Poisonator | Cobra Lash / Venom Gyre | All Content | Uber Elder Video |

teknik1200 wrote:
Needing belly to get the health pool up? I found one earlier in the league and 6l'd it in 6 jewelers + 3 fuses. I tried to use it for a while but the extra gore was just too much to handle on blight encounters. I think I loose about 1k health if I spec into your tree.

Maximum HP with that tree is ~5500 (I have 5350, but I'm 97 lvl, and I'll have 5500 before 100). If you're happy below 5000 you can go without belly, but only on Softcore. 5000hp+ is kind of standard if you wanna do endgame content, just to not get oneshoted by some of the mechanics.
Last edited by Bromeek on Oct 2, 2019, 9:14:15 PM
Here's the new thread boys and girls:

Last edited by Lunartuna on Oct 2, 2019, 9:34:19 PM
Why useless Belly?
Why not helmet with -chaos ress?
Why not Solstice when you have HH?
Why Ambush and Assassinate?
Hi, can someone more knowladgeable on a Assassin Cobra Lash take a look on my build, tree and gem setup? Where I could go from here? what would be the logic next step? Im trying to get UElder but dont know if my guy is equipped enough to get him..

Thx for any help :)

There is a lot of discussion on which chest to choose and I gotta say as a Cobra Lasher I am very pleased with Covenant.

It removes all mana problems since main skill now uses life for attacking (bloodmagic) and it gives us free Added Chaos Damage, so we can now put a gem like Faster Attacks.
With FA we stack poison very fast which makes mob clear much smoother and performs great at bosses too.

Overall this is my strongest build so far, and today killed Uber Elder for the first time. Very fun and all content viable.

Here's my POB (at lvl 94) link https://pastebin.com/yh6quVd7

Also my gear (which is far from optimised, but still capable)


Run of Maze of the Minotaur (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGxBHif1mBs&feature=youtu.be)
the colors may be hard to get :)
Chayman wrote:
There is a lot of discussion on which chest to choose and I gotta say as a Cobra Lasher I am very pleased with Covenant.

It removes all mana problems since main skill now uses life for attacking (bloodmagic) and it gives us free Added Chaos Damage, so we can now put a gem like Faster Attacks.
With FA we stack poison very fast which makes mob clear much smoother and performs great at bosses too.

Overall this is my strongest build so far, and today killed Uber Elder for the first time. Very fun and all content viable.

Here's my POB (at lvl 94) link https://pastebin.com/yh6quVd7

Also my gear (which is far from optimised, but still capable)


Run of Maze of the Minotaur (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGxBHif1mBs&feature=youtu.be)

Nice! I'm using covenant as well, but I've got power charge on crit rather than faster attacks. I have stacked attack speed, however, and am running with level 21 haste. I'm going to look more closely at your build when I have time later.
Nizreb915 wrote:
Chayman wrote:
There is a lot of discussion on which chest to choose and I gotta say as a Cobra Lasher I am very pleased with Covenant.

It removes all mana problems since main skill now uses life for attacking (bloodmagic) and it gives us free Added Chaos Damage, so we can now put a gem like Faster Attacks.
With FA we stack poison very fast which makes mob clear much smoother and performs great at bosses too.

Overall this is my strongest build so far, and today killed Uber Elder for the first time. Very fun and all content viable.

Here's my POB (at lvl 94) link https://pastebin.com/yh6quVd7

Also my gear (which is far from optimised, but still capable)


Run of Maze of the Minotaur (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGxBHif1mBs&feature=youtu.be)

Nice! I'm using covenant as well, but I've got power charge on crit rather than faster attacks. I have stacked attack speed, however, and am running with level 21 haste. I'm going to look more closely at your build when I have time later.

If you have a lot of attack speed stacked already and using Haste,you're better off with Vicious Projectiles than PCoC.

ardye wrote:
the colors may be hard to get :)

Not that hard. Using bench and adding sockets method, I got it for around 1100 jewelers, which is under 300 fusings. Chest is worth it IMO.

Yeah i may try and change the colors, to get vicious projectiles, and move power charge in crit to whirling blades, but the 4 green 2 blue sockets were easier to get. It is nice to be instantly and always at full power charges for the time being.
I went ahead and changed my socket colors. Vicious projectiles definitely gave me a damage boost. However, with faster attacks in there instead I'm hitting over 11.6 attacks per second when I pop the vaal haste, which is pretty fun. Here's my gear and current POB.


Last edited by Nizreb915 on Oct 12, 2019, 1:26:39 PM

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