[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

hey guys =)

anyone could make a video about how you defeat sirus with this build ?

thx <3

have a nice day =)
Btw really recommend this and you should put it in the guide:

Not so hard to use.
Turns out if you want to alt spam a marraketh bow for +gems and dot multi, it's a 1/10000 chance, so it's better to do the "guaranteed" way.
Hey guys i've only started playing since last week and chose this build to go with in the season, i have played before but only upto like level 30 and that was years ago. I was just wondering if anyone here could have a look at my gear/passives and give me some idea of what to upgrade next, i have around 355c.
Well this morning I went till wave 20 in simulacrum with this build I got Kosis and it One shoted me 6 times ....

couldn't finish it sadly ....

happy that I droped x2 EX but anyway feels bad to be at wave 20 and can't fight at all ...
What should I upgrade next?

mercizizou1 wrote:
What should I upgrade next?

check the first page in the bottom there is the section "What do I upgrade next?" you will find every answer follow it it's amazing
mercizizou1 wrote:
What should I upgrade next?

- 6-link Hyrri's Ire
- Fingerless Silk Gloves with +DoT
- +1 AND +DoT amulet
- More life on belt, better mods possibly
- DoT or double DoT quiver
- Level up 2 times and get Herbalism (just below Green Nightmare)
- Get rid of Spreading Rot and get a double DoT/life% regular jewel (our totem applies Wither when needed)
- If you have tons of currency, Hubris Circlet with 40% ED dmg enchant and -9% chaos to nearby
- Better rings so you can incrementally upgrade the rest of your gear (more life, more resists, perhaps multicraft minimum endurance charges AND flat %dmg
How we get endurance charges ?
What you guys think about Vaal Righteous Fire as power source for boss fights?
draxvi wrote:

I just crafted this chest and I am not entirely sure if its better than hyrri's, it gives me an extra 800 ES however that is at the cost of around 8% evade and 10% spell dodge.

Also, not sure what else I can improve, you have any ideas?

That is a very nice chestpiece!
Spell dodge kind of only matters on sirus, attack dodge is the real thing for everything else. I'd 100% use this over hyrri's ire. Good job on crafting this!

Viktranka wrote:
The whole explanation is quite interesting, btw where is the other 5% of chaos damage reduction coming from, the first 5% is from Shakari pantheon right?

Anyway is chaos resist not worth it? Every league there are posts about how something (Sirus, Metamorphs, Kosis etc.) does deadly chaos damage, and then some other people saying it's wrong. Hard to know exactly what to believe due to no death recap / no combat log to know "what actually oneshots players".

Also do you think small cluster with Enduring Composure makes more sense than just health nodes etc. until someone can get perma endurance charge crafts?

Infused channeling makes us take 8% less chaos damage. Also, didn't count ghost shrouds.
Also note that we take massively reduced damage from chaos dot, but this discussion was about (much rarer) chaos hits.

People say all kind of bullshit all the time. Metamorphs don't deal any chaos damage, unless it's written on it, or the mobs you use uses a chaos skll (this is very rare). I think what gave people this impression is the caustic zombie, which has a very deadly caustic ground move, plus the fact that it graphically looked like it would deal chaos.
Same for sirus. He deals very little chaos.
The corridor balls have 25% chaos conversion, and the quad beam has a tiny bit of chaos in int. People were mostly saying the storm dealt immense chaos damage on release, which is just completely false. The storms are a full physical dot aura that deals % life.

Tip: make your own research ^^

Enduring composure is indeed nice, but I don't see the point. Crafting endurance charges is very easy after all... Maybe in ssf, idk. But even then, a jewel socket and 2 point is hard to pass on.

I feel like the power of rare items is not understood by too many players. No matter what I recommend, people will ask me "what do I upgrade", and all their rares will be life/resistances. Only exception is movement speed on boots, that's a standard by now.
I feel like it's just anchored in people's mind that rares are for life and resistances. If we'd use a unique item, everyone would use it. But since it's rare, no one bothers. It's not about budget, it's just that people don't realize it's important, because there's no dedicated item just for that.

El_Duderino23 wrote:

I got vertex and even enlighten 4! ... it's not enough, without -8% mana reserved

PLS someone tell me, what i'm missing ... btw i'm lvl 93

Thx and sorry for stupid question ... but i really don't get how to get this running without that node.

Inc duration is increasing your spider mana cost.
Replace it with phase run, put phase run on left click.

Hey! Can we get ED higher than lvl 29?

With an almost impossible to craft amulet, you can get to 30. There's little point to go higher, levels after 30 have massive diminishing returns.
You can craft a +1int +1 strength bow, but that puts you at lvl31 and isn't really worth the money. Liquefaction suffix is just as good as these two mods combined, and you can conq slam onslaught/ms...

danit0x wrote:
what's the difference between "% damage" and "% chaos damage"? Reading this guide i noticed that the author has % damage on rings and belt, is it the same as chaos damage? Doesn't ED benefit more from chaos damage mods than pure damage ones?

Increased damage sources either affect you or don't. For this build, chaos damage is the same as damage over time, also the same as spell damage, or just damage.

The only exception to this in the game is herald of ash. Complex mechanics and pretty unimportant, don't bother.


Pretty much the only piece of armor you would consider dropping Aspect of the Spider on would be the rare crafted Hubris Circlet (at least for this build). Reason being is - that’s where your enlighten is and yes, enlighten will lower the mana cost on Aspect in that case.

This is false. Enlighten only supports skill GEMS, and will not affect skills from item. You cannot reduce an aspect reservation with it.
Point stil stands tho, as there is usually no mana multipliers socketed in our helmet.

HELLutek wrote:
Hey, is amu with +1 chaos gems +1 int gems better than the one in guide? If yes how would you go about crafting it? spam aberrant and faceted fossil on hunter amu 82+?

Almost, it would be corroded+faceted+aberrant.
Don't. It takes 2800 tries on average, or almost a million chaos. There's not enough faceted fossils on the entire server for it.
Source: craftofexile

Just crafting +1+1 is already 1/260 chance, you can't metacraft from there either. Just don't try this.

LejayTV wrote:
Nice guide i love how u make a easy understanding guide.

What are u doing with oils?

Check the amulet > anoint section

mitenayo wrote:
hey guys =)

anyone could make a video about how you defeat sirus with this build ?

thx <3

have a nice day =)

Just check the video section.

tasior11 wrote:
What you guys think about Vaal Righteous Fire as power source for boss fights?

If you have enough damage, vaal RF's short 15% more boost isn't needed.

If you don't have enough damage, a 15% boost for a short time won't really help.

Not worth a gem socket.

Sinnerrr wrote:
How we get endurance charges ?

Read the faq.

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