[3.9] Gryph's CI Vortex + Coldsnap Trickster || Uber Elder+Everything Else

Hey guys, I have a quick question, I would like to play this build as my starter and due with a friend playing SRS Necro, is this a viable duo? Any ideas?
According to Rory Rackham in GGGs recent AMA, he says that there will be: "some chunky new mods for dot builds" when asked about the scarcity of Elder weapons. Sounds good to me!
thanks for the build, looks strong but it also looks incredibly boring. So i'll give this a pass.

I like to at least play the game a little bit hehe
Nevzat wrote:
thanks for the build, looks strong but it also looks incredibly boring. So i'll give this a pass.

I like to at least play the game a little bit hehe

Why even post if you are going to take a pass? Do you walk into every shop and let them know you are not buying anything in there that day?
Does anyone have a POB for this updated for 3.9, especially pre pain attunement? The POB in guide links to 3.7 and is for pain attunement. Easy enough to hold off on that and make some corrections along the way, just wondering if that work is already done for a starter.
Jangri wrote:
What do you think of the new unique ring that allows casting vortex to cursor?


Might be fun to play around with it. Not sure if we need it though.

Ghinion wrote:
Hey guys, I have a quick question, I would like to play this build as my starter and due with a friend playing SRS Necro, is this a viable duo? Any ideas?

It should be fine I'd think.

lost_aura wrote:
Does anyone have a POB for this updated for 3.9, especially pre pain attunement? The POB in guide links to 3.7 and is for pain attunement. Easy enough to hold off on that and make some corrections along the way, just wondering if that work is already done for a starter.

The trees from 3.7 - 3.9 haven't really changed for this build. I'll double check the trees and PoB though.
Gryphenprey wrote:
Jangri wrote:
What do you think of the new unique ring that allows casting vortex to cursor?


Might be fun to play around with it. Not sure if we need it though.

Ghinion wrote:
Hey guys, I have a quick question, I would like to play this build as my starter and due with a friend playing SRS Necro, is this a viable duo? Any ideas?

It should be fine I'd think.

lost_aura wrote:
Does anyone have a POB for this updated for 3.9, especially pre pain attunement? The POB in guide links to 3.7 and is for pain attunement. Easy enough to hold off on that and make some corrections along the way, just wondering if that work is already done for a starter.

The trees from 3.7 - 3.9 haven't really changed for this build. I'll double check the trees and PoB though.

I compared the trees and i saw a few of spell dmg nodes and some for minion and other shit, maybe the spell dmg ones are useful for the build.

I wanted a league starter and i was between this and SRS, but I'm gonna make this build to try it and because it is good in delve and SRS is not that good for that.

That Pain Atunement node is only useful with the belt and Atziri shield right? What other node i have to pick instead if i wont have that items like never? lol

Thank you so much for the build, i hope it gets better with the new awakened support gems and the new mods (the mods that we still didn't see any info about lol).
Last edited by hawok on Dec 13, 2019, 12:44:35 PM
hawok wrote:

I compared the trees and i saw a few of spell dmg nodes and some for minion and other shit, maybe the spell dmg ones are useful for the build.

I wanted a league starter and i was between this and SRS, but I'm gonna make this build to try it and because it is good in delve and SRS is not that good for that.

That Pain Atunement node is only useful with the belt and Atziri shield right? What other node i have to pick instead if i wont have that items like never? lol

Thank you so much for the build, i hope it gets better with the new awakened support gems and the new mods (the mods that we still didn't see any info about lol).

Yeah, only take pain attunement if you have Atziri's Reflection and Coward's Legacy Belt combo. The new Awakened Supports will be fantastic for our damage output.
Thanks for the reply :)
Talking about awakened gems, the new supports awakened cold penetration or awakened cold dmg could be better than any of the support gems that are utilized now in the build?
I'm asking because I don't know how these gems work with DoT dmg.
Last edited by hawok on Dec 13, 2019, 9:34:42 PM
hawok wrote:
Thanks for the reply :)
Talking about awakened gems, the new supports awakened cold penetration or awakened cold dmg could be better than any of the support gems that are utilized now in the build?
I'm asking because I don't know how these gems work with DoT dmg.

Alas, they don't. :(

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