Exception Failed to init FMOD System

I just wanted to echo that despite all my drivers being up to date the only fix that seems to work for me is disabling my audio devices.
I dont know about you guys, but I run Realtek HQ audio as my output software, and when I unistalled that and it defaulted to Intel output, I was able to launch the game with sound. However reinstalling Realtek back lead to the same crash. Disabling sound driver works, but you get no ingame sound.
To be perfectly honest, I haven't had in game sound in many months now. The game doesn't even recognize my audio driver, despite multiple attempts of updating/re-installing. And evidently that has been an issue with the game since launch. So I am not holding my breath for a fix.
Is there a way to make it so the game launches with no sound output? so I dont have to manually disconnect and restore my audio outputs everytime I want to launch, or is this something I m just going to have to deal with since the new patch?
I've also been having issues with in game sound on realtek drivers for months now. Reported earlier that an update fixed things.. but not I'm back to the error. Yey
Andalha wrote:
Go to your audio devices and disable whatever devices you currently have in your list. I had to disable my monitor speakers and my headphones to get it to work, but I was finally able to launch and play the game without getting the error.

Thank you! It helped me. I had just switched audio from monitor speakers to dynamic/headphones audio and PoE ran without exception.
I don't know if it's the little patch of 1.9mb or the update of my graphic drivers but it's works perfectly.
Running without headset gave me this error with default speakers, pluging in my usb headset launched the game with no error.
Yeah I started getting this error also after patch, so I went into setting for my pc and disable all other sound devices then my USB headset. Now I dont have the error anymore. :)
Hey! This works for me: just change in audio panel 5.1 sound to stereo.

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