
Most of its damage comes from the massive chaos conversion of the consuming dark, thus mobs can't resist the damage, pure fire incinerate builds were fine because monsters have fire resist. A lot of speculation is going around that this will only really hurt pure fire builds, the other builds that convert to chaos are seemingly getting a buff through the tree :(
People of the gutters, steel your bellies, for the slaughter is at hand!

We need a few other non crit amazing options, not less.

Incinerate is no longer affected by Spell Echo, as was intended in 2.0.0. Incinerate now only adds 50% more damage for each stage, down from 100% more damage. Incinerate's damage has been increased by 15% at level 1 and reduced by approximately 8% at level 20.

I honestly feel like this is far too harsh, just removing the functionality of spell echo would have been enough, everything else is overkill. I love this spell and I would actually like to be able to use it.
People of the gutters, steel your bellies, for the slaughter is at hand!

ropumar wrote:
I feel is unacceptable the GGG not having nerfed incinerate yet.

I understand not wanting to make changes during warbands/tempest. But you had oportunity before Flashback. And did nothing.

And had opportunity before Darkshrine, and did nothing.

This is coming from someone who best character in standard is a incinerate build.

But is simple ridiculous GGG taking 5months withouth such obvious balance mistake, even with two opportunity of changing (which would take 30 sec of a programmer time).

Incinerate OP meta is just ridiculous, you could nerf 10% of it and would still be the most used spell.


SHAME ON YOU GGG, for making all new league builds that don't use incinerate pointless.


EDIT:Background on my anger list:

1-I only play my incinerate build on standard cause is so powerfull.
2-Playing new leagues feel boring, since I would be forced to remake incinerate char which I already play on standard.
3-Playing new league feel unrewarding, cause I make so currency on standard and is so easy and fast clear speed with incinerate, that I feel like I should abuse the clear incinerate Meta OP until it eventual fix, thus I feel abliged to play incinerate always, cause is broken . And I must abuse!Cause money speaks louder than fun on a Grinding game.
4-Five fracking months=3 leagues and nothing. Cmon GGG.
5- Is clearly a mistake, proven by fact most of awekening beta had a bug with incinerate where only the first stage was working, the more modifiers werent working, thus most of the beta was balanced around a data that became unreliable as soon as the fix to incinerate stages was introduced, effectively making incinerate OP. OP is a understatement.
6- I respect GGG too much, not to say. Shame on you!

This shit is fucking golden.
I wonder how Controlled Destruction feels with it.

What about Consuming Dark + Poison?
Rip incinerate.
Was it really necessary to absolutely destroy this skill? This is the dumbest nerf probably in the whole gaming history... Halving the scaling erasing spell echo... why not just delete the gem? Its base damage wasnt even high it made it possible for tanky builds to be playable without taking half a year to clear a map (on mytooltip it was about 10k dps even with 4 times scaling it was lame). Those horror stories about 200k dps - would never apply to those builds - if you nerfed damage scaling that would have allowed many builds to still exist and still not be op. Removing HALF the damage would have been obnoxious to begin with, but then you removed spell echo too. What does this come down to? about a 40% nerf in base damage then another 150% on scaling. from 40k maxed damage to 16000...

Yes sure.. because incinerate was broken ... how many on the top of the ladder were incinerators? How many were viable in PVP? Sure incinerate is "broken" but explosive arrow that has no counteplay and kills most players in one salvo, no block no dodge, nothiong - is just fine - or Poison Arrow that is like "Be CI or die"...

Do you even play this game? Because this was about as much of a "fuck logic" change as something I would have only expected from my government... And I never thought anything could be lower than them...

very poor job. absolutely disgusting.
Eshu wrote:
Was it really necessary to absolutely destroy this skill? This is the dumbest nerf probably in the whole gaming history... Halving the scaling erasing spell echo... why not just delete the gem? Its base damage wasnt even high it made it possible for tanky builds to be playable without taking half a year to clear a map (on mytooltip it was about 10k dps even with 4 times scaling it was lame). Those horror stories about 200k dps - would never apply to those builds - if you nerfed damage scaling that would have allowed many builds to still exist and still not be op. Removing HALF the damage would have been obnoxious to begin with, but then you removed spell echo too. What does this come down to? about a 40% nerf in base damage then another 150% on scaling. from 40k maxed damage to 16000...

Yes sure.. because incinerate was broken ... how many on the top of the ladder were incinerators? How many were viable in PVP? Sure incinerate is "broken" but explosive arrow that has no counteplay and kills most players in one salvo, no block no dodge, nothiong - is just fine - or Poison Arrow that is like "Be CI or die"...

Do you even play this game? Because this was about as much of a "fuck logic" change as something I would have only expected from my government... And I never thought anything could be lower than them...

very poor job. absolutely disgusting.

It's not that removing Spell Echo's use was the problem.
That was already determined by Awakening, and was MEANT to have already been done.

The problem was that not only did they remove Spell Echo working (as was intended), they then also further nerfed it's damage AT THE SAME TIME.
RIP my incinerator...

I'm playing tank cyclone and spectral trow crit now.
Incinerate was broken and needed to be nerfed. but like a lot of people here, i think that the nerf was far too severe. According to the math in this thread incinerate at max stage is currently doing 53% less damage than it was before. the skill was too good, but i would not say it was twice as good as any other skill in the game such that it would require a nerf of that magnitude.

I had just made a RF incinerate marauder before the patch, and wheras before it was an amazing powerclearer, now it is just sort of dragging. it is still does fine against whites and most blues, but whenever you encounter a yelow or gold you have to sit there for longer than basically any other build i have made waiting for it to die. This skill is meant to be a strong, non crit sustained spell that sacrifices mobility for power, and currently, it is not delivering the power to such a degree i am finding it hard to justify its use.

The skill may get a lot better if spell echo was added back, but I would also like to suggest simply rebalancing the stages. rather than just nerf it across the board, it may be pssable to reduce the scaling but increase the number of stacks. That way it is still worse at the start but you can be better rewarded for maintaining your position against stronger opponents. At the current scaling increasing the number of stages to 5 would leave you with 250% more damage, which is still a nerf from the previous value, but should still be powerful ageinst bosses and rares. And the additional charge time will still make it a bit worse than that, as well as possibly increasing the risk due to the need to remain stationary, especially without spell echo to power through the stage progression.

I at least think it would be a better rebalance than the current state. I really liked this spell, and frankly would like to have it be a strong choice again

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