[3.9][HC/SC] Soulrend Trickster - Fast mapper with great defenses (League starter/All content)

garantivil wrote:
I can't see the point on using EB. If I use the mom version with the gear of the EB version I get around 5k life, 1.3k ES and 2k mana. Our mana is protecting the ES and ES is protecting our life plus with Patient Reaper we recover our life, ES and mana. Isn't that better than the full EB version?? (5.3k life + 2.5k ES)

You are correct that this build is extremely tanky without EB given that ghost dance fully recovers ES while the Jade flask is running at 30k evasion.

I think the idea is that in order to maximize the effectiveness of MoM you want 1/3 of mana to life ratio. Now I dunno about you but I got about 2k mana pool, so running just grace or malevolence it's 1k mana unreserved.

MoM only protects life not ES, so running 5k hp and 1k mana is pretty well balanced but MoM is doing nothing so long as you have ES. By using EB it makes MoM always effective and gives malevolence in addition to grace. Or with the diadem it gives you malevolence, grace, zealotry, and arctic armor or discipline. I think arctic armor will be better than discipline to hit the ideal hp / es ratio and with how much ES recovery is granted by ghost dance / escape artist. Will have to play it a bit and see.

I agreed with your sentiment, it took the diadem to really sell me on EB given that it allows me to run 4 auras and refunded 10 passive points. It might perform better for delving and maybe certain fights to not have EB so I might switch back to a normal ES helm for that, we'll see. Of course I refunded all the mana passives so I'm down to 1k mana now and lost of bit of ES from arcane will too.
Last edited by Cheezyblasters on Mar 23, 2019, 4:24:17 PM
Can't see the point in using EB?? I wouldn't even reply to that.
Can't see the point in using EB?? I wouldn't even reply to that.

You wouldn't reply to new players? alrighty then.
At least someone nicer than you replied. :D
Last edited by Momopooka on Mar 23, 2019, 6:40:01 PM
Thinking about rolling this. Is the CI Version actually better or just more expensive, what do you guys think? It sounds like a lot of fun with all that MS and stuff but is also quite the investment...
Does anyone know if "increased damage while leeching" works with this? You leech both life and energy shield pretty much all the time, but not when both are full I guess? Playing EB/MoM version
Anyone want to post the optimum tree with Diadem? I’m just not seeing how you are saving as many points as people are saying. A few sure from better pathing but not 12, but if your tree started different than mine I could understand. Just want to visualize before I spring for one since it would require me to swap my boots to Atziris step probably (lost evasion and I’m using QOTF so evasion is defense and speed) and also rebalance my resistances.
jeremy_u_s3 wrote:
Anyone want to post the optimum tree with Diadem? I’m just not seeing how you are saving as many points as people are saying. A few sure from better pathing but not 12, but if your tree started different than mine I could understand. Just want to visualize before I spring for one since it would require me to swap my boots to Atziris step probably (lost evasion and I’m using QOTF so evasion is defense and speed) and also rebalance my resistances.

Check the tree out on my Synthesis Trickster for how I have it set up.

Once I get Enlighten 4 I'm going to opt to get Aspect of the Spider on shield, boots, or ring, just wherever I can balance my resists.
how to help with single-target damage? gem swapping isnt my thing at all
#increased damage over time pushes the damage of this gems?
or is only non ailment chaos damage over time stuff helps?
uspec wrote:
#increased damage over time pushes the damage of this gems?
or is only non ailment chaos damage over time stuff helps?

Both increase the damage of the build but I see larger increases with Non Ailment Chaos Multiplier. Depends what slot you're getting the stat in as to which will provide the better increases.

Voroseeg wrote:
how to help with single-target damage? gem swapping isnt my thing at all

Link a low enough level arcane surge to your flame dash so it procs everytime you dash. In its place on your 6l you can use Empower or Swift Affliction. Doesn't look like you have a Bane curse setup which you can use as secondary damage and to increase Soulrend damage. Put that in helm with Efficacy and Controlled Destruction and Despair in your helm. If you already have Whispers of Doom or whenever you get the ability to use a second curse replace Controlled Destruction with either Temp Chains or Enfeeble. Lastly use Blight instead of Wither for your Spell Totems and use one Spreading Rot jewel for the hinder from blight and to stack either debuff. Also level extra soulrends in your weapon swap so you can get a quality one eventually to replace your corrupted level 20.

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